Stressful Job and Dieting

  • Ok some people would kill to have my job... so i thank God i have it and by no means am i complaining.... but all job i know have there troubles.

    I use to work in an office in town... seeing people everyday, loved it!
    That place closed

    Got a new job at home calling people and making sure they are getting thier papers and paying for them. Today is my fist day to collect payment... i hate doing this... i dont want to be a bill collector! but it is eitherme call them or not get paid and people call me for money.... i hate money.

    Anyway... i sit at a desk all day.. not very calorie burning... i thought about getting some weights and lifting them inbetween my calling ( waiting for them to answer)

    I do good about not eating while im sitting here... and i drink a lot of water, just i am one of those people who would like to make a differance in the world.. not hassle the world... and since i cant help that i would at least make a differance with me!

    Anyone have a link to exersiing at the desk?
  • I don't exercise at my desk...but are you making these calls from home or from an office? (I think you're working at home..but your sentence was a little ambiguous to me...)

    If you work from home, you're one of the LUCKY ones! I work from home and do sets of strength training in between calls/projects/etc. No one is there to see you looking like a weirdo doing your squats and lunges in your home office. Its great!
  • Don't hate money. It makes so many things possible.

    Get up every hour and walk around, or make yourself a gym date during the day. I work at home, and I love being able to fit my work schedule to the YMCA. It's a lot easier than when working in an office elsewhere.

    And look for another job!

  • I always pace around my kitchen when I'm on the phone. Maybe you could get a portable phone and walking around your house as you make the calls?
  • yes i am at home... my job requires me to stay at the computer so moving around much is out... ( my head set is corded and directly attached to the pc) i get on my gazell every evening after work... just would like to find a way to burn a few calories more sitting here.
  • Perhaps you could sit at your desk on a stability ball? Then you can roll around a little and get some core work... or try standing up for part of the day. Maybe you should get a wireless headset to make moving around possible.