SoyNut Butter - Is it any good?

  • SoyNut Butter, has anyone tried it? I have problems with nuts, so I'm looking for an alternative to peanut butter. Also if you have any suggestions for other soy products that are tasty, please share.
  • My husband loved the soy nut butter, me...not so much.

    My kids LOVE soy milk, light vanilla Silk.

    I love Soy chips, BBQ flavored. I eat them with sandwiches instead of potato chips. Half the fat/calories but lots of protien.
  • I used to use this stuff...well, not really. I bought a jar and I think I ate one spoonful and the rest got thrown away...wasn't very tasty. I know everyone's different when it comes to what they like...if you go to a Whole Foods store or Trader should be able to get a taste of it without buying it. It can also be expensive.
  • It tasted pretty vile to me, but then again I was a kid raised on Jiff. I've heard that almond butter is really good. I haven't tried it because it's pretty pricey. Although that doesn't get you any closer to your goal. Sorry!