Low Blood Sugar Tingle

  • I have noticed recently, that sometimes when I get a low blood sugar (50 or so) I get a weird tingle in my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

    Has any one else experienced this? Is it worth going to my Doctor about?

    It has lasted sometimes for a day, but others it just fades away after my blood sugar is back to normal.

    somewhat confused about this, lol!
  • Well . . . here I am again . . . the Queen of Lows . . .

    That wonderful tingle that makes you want to take your tongue out and scratch it . . .ah yes, I know it well . . . definitely a sign of a low for me. Funny feeling isn't it.

    Have never noticed it on the roof of my mouth though. Never noticed it to last beyond the point where my sugar level comes back up to a more normal range, either. You might be wise to mention the situation (particularly the lasting effects) to the doctor just to be on the safe side.
  • The tingle is nothing to worry about. I, too, want to pull my tongue out of my mouth and put it back in when I'm done scratching. ARGHHH! I scratch it with a toothbrush instead. I actually woke up the other night after dreaming that I ate a cactus... turned out my blood sugar was low.

    Does anyone else get really peculiar low dreams? I mean, I have strange dreams enough as it is, but when low, they get twice as bizarre.
  • Yes to the strange dreams. I went thru a period of severe insomnia because of horrible nightmares. Literally made me scared to try to sleep. My dr. said test your bs next time and sure enuff that was it. So now if I wake up with strange bad dreams, I automatically test. It must be common else why would dr. say that first thing?
  • I've actually eaten a cactus before. Not nice. (it was fried like okra or eggplant or something)

    i've also had the low blood sugar hippie dreams before. My most recent one involved my best friend who lives in Arizona. She's an American sign Language terp, with two small children. I was babysitting them, and they were teaching me ASL, asking me for a cookie, so I got up to get them each one, and when I got back, there were two child sized vegetables on the ground where the babies were, and I was all panicky and suddenly the kids pop out from behind a fake plant and start giggling at me.

    that's when I woke up and indeed, my blood sugar was around 53! lol
  • LOL... wow, what a trippy dream... and fried cactus sounds disgusting. Uhh... was it prickly?

    I've also dreamt about testing my blood sugar and seeing some crazy number like 5,180... and I freaked out enough to wake up.

    Though on a more comical note, I remember sitting in the car with a friend of mine a couple years ago (awake, not sleeping, not dreaming), and I felt my blood sugar getting low, but I didn't have anything sugary on me, and she just had this REALLY DISGUSTING candy, so I decided to wait it out... UNTIL I saw the Cat in the Hat running alongside the road next to me. Then, I decided to eat the candy.
  • been there as well! lol And no, they peeled the prickly bits off the cactus first.

    My lowest of lows brings on some quite entertaining dreams and hallucinations. Once I was hallucinating that instead of being in the car with my parents, I was riding on a pink lawn flamingo

    One time, I had a crazy dream that I was on a reality show replicating caveman times in Alaska, and I had to follow survival-of-the-fittest type guidelines. I knew that if I wanted to stay on the show, I had to go inside the igloo to hide away, but the only thing there was to eat there was squid (like squid roll sushi or something; utterly disgusting) and whale blubber. For some peculiar reason, there were stalagmites inside the igloo, and I decided that maybe I could eat those, instead...

    ...I woke up trying to sit inside my refrigerator, attempting to open up Cool Whip. Needless to say, I was low.

    Why diabetes is awesome:
    You can experience drug-like sensations at no cost: A CHEAPER NIGHT OUT.