old college books lying around????

  • i know this is slightly random and beyond hopeless , but what the heck its worth a try i need three books this semester and im broke does anyone has any of these books lying around that they'd like to get rid of????

    *west business law,10th edition
    *the best of the future of business,2nd edition
    *the solution path, jossey bass, 2003
  • Try half.com. It's an extention of Ebay and you can get brand new books for much less than you would pay at the bookstore or you can get used ones for a mere fraction. I just ordered a book there today- I paid $27 (including shipping!) for an $80 book. Good luck!
  • wow june bug thanks so so much the book i was dreading the most at 130 is only 50.00 there wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Quote: wow june bug thanks so so much the book i was dreading the most at 130 is only 50.00 there wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    At first I was a little skeptical, but so many of my classmates go this route and rave about it. Glad you found a good deal