I'm new!

  • Hi! I found this site and thought wow this is just what I need! I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls and between housework and errands I don't always have time to eat right, exercise and all that. But after 2 girls I seriously need to lose weight! Hope I find some great ideas and all from here!
  • But you do eat , right? Might just as well eat healthy foods.
  • Welcome to the party!
  • welcome to 3 fat chicks, there are lots of great ideas if you look around, I am a SAHM of a girl and boy and know how difficult the weight loss can be, but I am determined to get it off. good luck with your weight loss!!
  • I am just joining you all in your pursuit to a healthy lifestyle today. I hope to share in the same success as all of you. If I can be there for you I will! Please be there for me too!

  • It seems like we have a lot in common. I am also a stay at home mom of two girls and I have a hard time getting the exercise in while managing everything else. I decided that I just needed to make the time, so I have started getting up in the morning with my husband (before the kids get up) and getting right on the treadmill. It has made me feel so much better. By the time the girls are up, I am showered and ready for the day. It is a good feeing and a great way to start the day. I just hope that I can keep it up!!! That is the hard part.

    Good luck on your journey! I am only just starting mine too.