30 Something's Chat: Monday, 6/4

  • Good Morning Everyone!!!!

    I'm in such a hyped up mood today!! I soo hope to hear something good this AM...

    It's and yucky here, but supposed to clear up briefly during the day, then crap again at rush hour...nice huh? Thanks, Mother Nature.

    I'll be back...
  • Morning Lauren wishing you the best of news today!

    Started my morning out w/o exercise... I need a good kick in the can! I'm getting lots of exercise in with packing/moving. However, I feel at a disadvantage all day w/o my morning workout under my belt (literally .
    Now all three kids are up and there is so much stuff to do... I have a ton of stuff that needs to be boxed up for charity. Time to get workin'... Happy Monday everyone ~ Joan
  • Joan!!!!!! You posted a pic! YEEEEEAAAAAA! My little peach has a picture! Whooo hoooo!!!! Lauren: Any word yet cupcake???? GG: Hey there petunia, any new news?

    GOOD MORNING EVERYONE ELSE! I actually worked out yesterday-1/2 butt, but I still did it!

    HEY YOU 30 SOMETHINGS-GET OUT THERE AND JUST SHAKE THAT GROOVE THANG BABY...BECAUSE NOONE ELSE IS GONNA SHAKE IT FOR YA...well, maybe they will, but unless it's caught on tape we'll think you're lyin'!!!

  • Lauren~keeping my fingers crossed for ya sweetie.

    Joan~I know what you mean. All weekend I felt blah because I didn't workout.

    Melinda~Too funny. Of course my mind went straight to the gutter.

    So my friend called and said it was raining at the campsite. So I figured this was my way out. She said she would work something out w/ the food. So we spent the day at home. It was nice. We took care of some yard work and spent time w/ the kids. My friend called the next day and said it was a good thing we didn't come because it rained from 2 until 8 and the wind was harsh.

    Went to the gym this morning. Fighting the urge to go to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. Hot BBQ wings. my favorite.

    I have tons of housework and laundry. Chat later.

  • Sherry: Oh man doesn't that sound yummy! I LOVE Bw3!!!!!! I like the garlic boneless! TASTEEEEEE!!!! Melinda
  • Sherry, glad it worked out in your favor! Not a wings person, so I can't relate.

    OK, I am officially going nuts waiting. tap...tap...tap...ring phone, ring!!
  • Lauren you just haven't found the "right" wings. I gave in to the urge and picked some up. I'll take the dogs on a walk later to try and walk some off.
    Now that all the shows we watch have had the season finale and its warm, I have been going out with kids more.

    Okay, I am a newbie to message boards. What does DH stand for????

    Lauren try keeping yourself busy. Read a book, find a good movie, something to keep you from going crazy.

  • JKLA, DH stands for Dear Husband. I am not a wing fan either, however DW3's does sound good. MMM I have not had that in a loooooong time.

    Lauren, are you still at work? If not try packing ~ even if it is stuff you won't need right away.

    MJ, congrats on the 1/2 butt exersize ~ whatever that is.

  • hi everyone!
    Had a busy morning, lots of paper work to fill out for the new school. I am waiting to hear how early DS is going to be picked up in the AMs, the new school is very far from home. I think he is going to leaving the house around 6AM every AM, school starts at 8 and traffic is terrible going south.
    I did get to the gym I am trying to change my routine a little bit, as I am stuck on my weight and it sucks!

    Lauren any news on the house?

    Melinda you are sooo funny! I love reading your posts

    Joan good luck with all the packing. I thing giving to charaty is a great idea! are you finding lots of stuff you didn't even knew you had? It happened to us!

    GG how are you guys doing w/your house? when are you closing? Best of luck!

    Sherry that's great you were able to stay home, since DH didn't really want to go camping. I bet that saved a lot of aggravation.

    Off I go to La Jolla, to see Sean's psychiatrist.

    I catch up later or tomorrow, more likely tomorrow

    Have a wonderful evening!

  • Well after a long absence, I'm back and back at it. I lost 10lbs the first time around and then kind of gave out. Now, school is out for summer so I'm relieved from teaching duties. So, I'm concentrating on eating better, getting some walking in and of course spending time with my sweet William.

    I know my ticker isn't correct but I haven't weighed lately because I don't really want to see the cold hard truth about how much of the 10 that I'd lost that I've gained back. I just hope it didn't bring friends. So, I'll hop on the scales in the morning and update my ticker.

    Here I go again!!
  • Good evening all! Today was my first official day as the boss lady. Very busy, but good.

    GG - Congrats on the house! Hope all went well today with the inspection. Still sending you those good thoughts and crossed fingers.

    Hanna - Thanks for asking about DH. No, he hasn't gotten help yet. For anything, mental or physical aliments. Just keeps whining how he needs help. It's really stressing me out. I can't help him. I am 1600 miles away. Ugh. We fight a lot; it really depresses me.

    Lauren - Well, well, did you hear?

    Joan - loved your pic. It's so nice to put a face with the "voice." Are you all packed up? I hate packing. I'll unpack anyday. My DH and I are complete opposites on the issue. We are going to HI in late August and he has already started to pack! WTH? I'll probably pack the day or two before I go.

    Melinda - What is a 1/2 butt exercise? Is it a magic exercise to make my enormous butt 1/2 its size in one workout??? Pleeeaaasssseee. You crack me up. Do you entertain your jurors this much?

    4me4ben4will - Will send good thoughts to keep the extra friends at bay. Don't be too frustrated if my efforts fail. All we can do is try again, right?

    Well, all, hope your evening goes well. I am going to watch TV some more. I want to go for a walk but my feet are KILLING me and I came down wrong while walking around my store and my knee is out of whack. Let's see how many more excuses I can make......

  • Sorry I forgot....
    Hanna - Hope the new school for DS is just what he needs. 6am is awfully early!! How do you do it? I wouldn't be coherent.

  • Argh...yeah, we heard. They countered again...and gave some 1/2 a$$ed estimate of renovations...about 1/2 of what quality renos would be. So we're countering once again tomorrow.

    4Me, welcome back!

    Hanna, Ugh, 6 am!! I'm just rolling out of bed at that time!

    Sherry, I only eat chicken breasts...preferably boneless, skinless!

    Lisa, yeah, I'm still working! Can't afford not to now!

    G'night all!
  • hi everyone!

    Lauren what a bomer sorry!

    Kerri good to see you in here again! I am sorry about DH, it is too difficult when you are so far away, just keep encouraging him, I know when I try to tell DH something about his health anything I should say about his health, he gets in this mood I call the turtle mood, and he won't hear anything I have to say and it just frustrates the heck out of me. MEN!!!

    4me good to see you again! sounds like you are on the right track!

    I am a little confused! I need advise! I was talking to one of the trainers at the gym today and she told me I should back off a little off the cardio, she said NOT to do any cardio for 2 weeks, and work on light weights and more reps, I understand the second part, but backing off cardio???? what do you guys think???? ADVISE P L E A S E

    Yeap! it is going to be not that plasent at my house in the AM's I am NOT an AM person, I will have to work very hard at not letting the little moody Munster come out in the weee hrs. of the morning, wish me luck! I really hope this is the right place for Sean, this is really the only option at this point. I am thinking they are going to pick DS up very early and then go pick up other children on the way down to the school, I was told later today he is the only kid who goes to that school that lives in North County, so I am thinking I am going to talk to the advocate and see if he can arrange for DS to be picked up and driven straight to school that way maybe he will not have to leave that early, even if I only gain 15 minutes, hey they are 15 valuable minutes in the morning!!!!
    I have to go, phone rining....
