Weekly chat? May 28 - June 3

  • Hmm... a bunch of us oldbies would remember we used to do the weekly chats. So I figured I would start one.. see if anyone wants to talk to me =P

    Getting back on track is being.. difficult. Especially considering the open box of Oreos, which normally I can ignore, but since I had gotten out of line, they are calling my name. Plus Sunday night I went out and got a bit drunk =/. So my weekly weigh-in was not pretty.. lots of retained water. Tonight for dinner we are having brown rice and grilled turkey kielbasa. . I love the fact that we have our own outdoor grill now.. Im planning on doing grilled chicken and salad more than once for dinner while DB is away for a month.

    I did go running today.. and after almost 2 months of doing week 3 of the Couch to 5k program, I finally tried Week 4.. and I did it! I jogged for 5 minutes straight! I am so insanely proud of myself, it's kind of sad. Haha. Im planning on doing some kickboxing as well tonight, to help make up for the cookies.. and pizza.. and ugh.

    In non-weightloss news, Im hoping to get a second job at Borders, to help me put a down payment on a car once I (finally) get a lisence - hopefully in July.

    I hope everyone had a great memorial day!

  • It's about time the chat came back. How have you been?
  • i'm in. when?
  • I know how you feel. I went to Boston Pizza with friends the other night, said to **** with my entire plan, and proceeded to devour 4 slices of pizza, 1/2 a single serving of 3-cheese toast, and an ENORMOUS slice of rolo ice cream cake. It was the most amazing meal of my life, and I concluded that it was worth it, no matter what the cost...

    ...I still feel that way, but the 1.5 pounds I've gained as a result are admittedly not terribly encouraging! I went on the BP website, and guess how many calories that meal was? 2295!!! The cake alone was 1150! I probably had a good 3000-4000 calories over the course of the day. I feel pretty much ridiculous.

    But I'm starting to get back on track. It can indeed be tough; for some reason, my appetite is through the roof these days. Plus I've been sick with a vicious cold-like illness, which can make it hard to exercise. I haven't been enthusiastic enough to drag myself to the gym lately, so I've upped the amount of walking I do; still, I'm feeling kinda useless without my usual constant cardio!

    Congrats on your workouts today, and good luck getting the second job... although, be warned, I've learned the hard way that two jobs can be VERY stressful, and stress (for me at least) equals more cravings and less energy to exercise. But I'm sure you'll do fine! Keep up the great work
  • That's a lot of calories! Even when I don't plan my day and manage to record the food later, it's still no more than 2050 or so...I guess I'm lucky. It's kinda programmed that dinner, unless a burger and fries, is a meat and 2 veggies and I don't like eating much during the day. I have problems with sodium intake...anyone else? No matter what, it seems to always creep up on me. Oh well...

    Congrats Fae on the couch to 5K! (I just got a chance to read the whole message you first posted) That totally makes up for overdoing it a bit.
  • Hi Fae! WTG on conquering week 4!!! Glad to see you around again

    Sarah- sometimes I have to take a breather from my normal cardio "grind" and I walk as well. As much as not being able to do cardio drives me nuts, I find walking very relaxing.

    And if I don't ease up on my knee with all this running, I will be doing a whole lot of nothing! I've been running so much and my bum knee is hating me for it... luckily, the gyms here are reallllly nice (seriously, I've never seen anything llike it) and my BF is coming into town for a week (YAY!) and I'm not going to be running while he's here. We are going to Chicago for a family reunion and I'm worried that all this hard work I've done since I've been here is going to be blown over the course of two days. My dad is usually a very health-conscious eater and a great influence, but when it comes to family get-togethers he's useless, too!
  • Hi girls!
    Here's my ashamed face I have been so bad about posting on 3FC and my blog...I have been wanting to lose weight, but really just been hoping and praying on it, and not doing anything! I hope I can be welcomed back to you girls even though I've been bad I have been eating so poorly, mostly because I eat out all week when I travel for work. It's still no excuse, though..I can always make healthy choices when I eat out, I just don't. It's so hard when everyone around me is pigging out on appetizers and dessert, and I just have my meat and grilled veggies. But I need to stop thinking like that and know that I can do it! In the past year, I've gained about 10 pounds, and I want to lose about a pound a week through the end of the summer. I know that's a pretty lofty goal considering I don't have that much to lose, but I know I can with some help from 3FC Anyway, thanks for having me back, and I can't wait to be around more!!
  • Sorry - I went hiding. =x. Today was my interview for a second job at Borders, and it went well! I forgot to ask how much the pay is, though. Oopps. I guess if I get a call back, I'll ask then! .

    On the weight front.. I did my mid-week weigh in.. and I wont even TELL you all what it was, it was that bad. Maybe I was retaining water, or something.. bah. So today I was really careful with what I ate, and pretty soon Im going to go workout. Sat. is when DB leaves for a month of training.. and my goal is to get back to my ticker weight, or at least a pound or two within!

    Momerath - ew. I hope your feeling better. Your gain was probably largely due to water weight, etc.. and should be easy to take off! And for me, stress is alright.. I find that I do better keeping myself busy AWAY from food, rather than being at home where Im tempted!

    Tracy - thanks for the congrats.. and I second the sodium thing! It always seems to be in what I eat. And I have to admit I kind of don't pay large amounts of attention to it, besides trying to buy low-sodium versions of things. =x.. Im bad..

    June - thanks! Im quite proud of the accomplishment. And its good to be back again! And dont hurt yourself. =/

    Michelle - *hugs* welcome back! Both of us are so close.. I know we both can do it.
  • Hey! I love the idea of the weekly chat! A few months ago I was on here and they did that. It was pretty cool!
    Things are going pretty well with the diet and exercise, I've just started back last week after 2 months of being off the wagon. Arg, I hate having to do that. Anybody have any inspirational ideas??
  • I used to be a member on these boards back in about 2004, and I too remember the weekly chat posts! Fun!

    Misstraveler, I wish you well....I'm a month into my healthy habit lifestyle after, literally, about 3 YEARS "off the wagon." Not pretty; not at all. But, time ticks away whichever direction I'm headed, so I may as well be heading in a better direction don't you think?

    It's exciting - for the first time in 3 years I am getting smaller instead of larger. It is a long-lost thrill to feel my clothing truly getting looser on me. My hubby told me yesterday that he is really starting to be able to see the difference, and that I just look smaller. That made me glad to hear!

    I'm not weighing myself at all at this point, but if I had to guess I would say I have probably lost between 10 and 15 pounds so far. Yipee!!
  • Its nice to see all the old faces. =hugs=
  • Jen - Are you at least measuring yourself so that you have some kind of record of how far you've come? Maybe I'm jst a numbers person, but I like to know where I've been, how far I've come, and where I'm going, that way I dont' go back to where I've alread been. I find it helps to motivate me if I start to backslide
    Fae - Congrats on coming so far! Good luck with the second job, I don't envy you that though. What's your first job?
    Michelle - Welcome back too! Everyone gets busy, but this is so important, that's why I'm back too.
    Momerath- Pizza is my downfall too! (i live in Italy) It's OK as long as you're good 90 percent of the time, right? SOunds like it was totally worth it! Congrats on your goal and your upcoming wedding!
  • So DB left last night - on to the month alone! And Im not having a goode start.. =x. It's raining out, so I can't go run, and while my eating last night was ok, it could have been better *sigh* But today is a new day, and its going to be better!

    misstraveler - nothing besides 'you can do it!' Good job on getting back on the wagon. And to answer your question, my first job is a cashier at Office Depot.

    Jen - woohoo! I love that feeling . Great job.
  • That's a good question. I actually haven't measured myself. I have been down this road several times (sadly), and the last major time, I did have a detailed notebook with my weekly weigh-ins, waist measurements, etc. And that worked for me that time. Quite honestly, though I am in general a numbers person, this time it's just a little bit of a different approach. I know I have a really long way to go, and I can judge much of the change simply from the fit of clothing. That has been really encouraging so far! I am striving to keep a "healthy habits for life" mentality, instead of "after this month" or "this year" or whatever. So, that's where I'm at right now! It may change as I progress, though. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!