Phase 2 Question

  • For those of you on phase two, do you eat your carbs at a certain time of day? I've noticed that I still lose weight if I eat a bowl of high-fiber cereal each day, but a few days ago I ate it in the morning for breakfast rather than at night as a snack (like usual) and was craving all day. I went to the supermarket that day and was being magnetically pulled toward the soft, fluffy breads.
  • I also find that if I eat something "mainly carb" like cereal for breakfast, I am hungry again pretty fast and it "sets me off" to want more...but if I have a thin piece of whole grain bread along with protein, ie, eggs or chicken along with some V8, I'm good to go and don't have any cravings. I like eggs, but got to where I can't eat them every sometimes, I'll eat something for breakfast like a chicken sandwich made with one piece of bread, folded over and load it up with spinich and that it really keeps the cravings at bay.

    I only do pasta/rice a couple of times a week, and only a small amount with the bulk of the meal being vegs and protein. Those really are the "trigger foods" that "set me off", so I really have to eat them in very small amounts and not often as I would like...cause my former "weakness" was white rice and white pasta.
  • i have oatmeal (steel cut) for breakfast most mornings) but i have fruit with it. and milk and an egg.

    dinner i have a grain usually quiona... maybe couscous rice or a potato...

    but never just grain alone...