Nutritional Info. For Recipes

  • Does anybody know a site where I can enter recipe ingredients and get the nutritional information? At least the calories, fiber, protein and fat content.
  • I tried to find a site that does this and didn't have much luck.

    What I do is use fitday. I jump one day ahead so I have a blank food page and then I enter everything that is in the recipe. Then I just divide the numbers by number of servings. It's not the easiest, but it doesn't take too long and it works.
  • Nutridiary has a "meals" category, where you can enter food quantities in recipes. You do have to duplicate and divide by the number of servings, if you enter in the whole recipe. I find it pretty convenient. Stuff I eat all the time--"Large Spinach Salad" or Ryvitas & Peanut Butter or Mushroom & Zucchini Frittata are saved as meals so that I can just log the meal rather than having to do the individual ingredients every time. It's nice.
  • Try the following: