What do you dream about?

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  • Hi everyone!

    I wanted to ask what is one thing you simply cannot wait to do/wear/accomplish once you reach your goal? To wear a bathing suit? To be able to get up and sit down gracefully? To be able to be picked up by your sig other?

    I'm always thinking about how clothes will fit me so much better and fantasize about the day where I get rid of all my elastic waste pants and fit comfortably, without pain and indigestion, into jeans; zipped and buttoned, and even with a belt!? That's just ONE of the many pleasent thoughts I think of every single day that help me stay motivated.

    Please share your own!
  • Oh, I thought you meant actual DREAMS... like when you are asleep - cause last night I dreamed I ate pizza, and woke up pretty ticked off with myself!!!

  • I dream about fitting comfortably into patio chairs, bus seats, airplane seats, theater seats and so on!

    I also look forward to the day I can feel confident walking into any store and buying an outfit without concern that the largest may not fit me.
  • haha, heather well at least you just dreamt you ate the pizza!

    yes, i fantasize about those things too! to be able to walk into ANY shop and find stuff that fits - stuff you actually LIKE that reflects your personal style.... and sales racks?! imagine it. it WILL happen.
  • I dream about clothing too , and about being sexy, people staring at me because I look pretty, not looking away or staring because of my weight. I dream about having the confidence to shop anywhere, go into victoria secrets and buy pretty lingerie. Wearing sandles with an ankle braclet, and wearing blue jeans that actually fit. Lol so as you see I dream.
  • To be sexy again. I think I was at some point!!! I think it would be great to get that second glance because of how awesome I look!!!
  • I'm so uncomfortable with my body I can't let anyone touch me. I've been single for ten years. I can't wait to not feel like I need to apology for how I look and that I'm too disgusting for (physical) human contact. Oh, and I want to wear tank tops!!
  • hellokitty, you sound like me - i dream all the time, very specifically as you do. do you find it helps at all? it once made me more depressed, lol, but not any longer, not since i've started my new lifestyle - i realize they are all not just far fetched fantasies but real possibilities. i actually WILL one day sit down w/out feeling the need to adjust my shirt away from my belly! i actually WILL wear a sundress! and i will no longer have to get rid of pants that are perfectly fine only because the inner thigh wore away way too soon.
  • What a great idea for a thread...

    I am right there with most of you regarding clothing. I feel like I have a few favorite pieces that I rely on because I know they look passable. I would certainly like to expand my wardrobe!!

    p.s. When I read the title of the thread, I also thought that it was referring to nighttime dreams. I am one of those people who can never remember my dreams - good or bad. I do know that, since I have been seriously committed to staying o.p. and exercising, I sleep much better - just an added perk!
  • My husband is the manager of one of my favorite retail stores and I cannot wear a single thing in the store. He bought me a b.b. simon belt that wouldn't even go around my waist. Not even close. I was so very sad.

    I want to be able to walk into his shop and buy anything off the rack. I want to wear that belt slung low on my hips. I want to wear shorts and sundresses and tanktops. I want to go to a sporting event and fit comfortably in the chair. I want to lay with my husband on our double hammock and not worry about the weight limit. I want to bounce down stairs.

    Most importantly, I dream of one day having a healthy relationship with food. A relationship where I take food for what it is and not for what I think am missing in my life.

    Oh yeah...and a bathingsuit.
  • Quote: ...buy anything off the rack. I want to wear that belt slung low on my hips. I want to wear shorts and sundresses and tanktops. I want to go to a sporting event and fit comfortably in the chair. I want to lay with my husband on our double hammock and not worry about the weight limit. I want to bounce down stairs.

    Most importantly, I dream of one day having a healthy relationship with food. A relationship where I take food for what it is and not for what I think am missing in my life.

    Oh yeah...and a bathingsuit.

    Oh wow, this is sooooo me! I'm without an SO for the time being (dumped the bf back in March) but generally everything else, YEAH! I'm so with you especially on the relationship to food thing.

    But last night, oddly enough, I dreamt I was in Boscov's and trying on a fancy red bathing suit and walking around the store feeling very comfortable in it! LOL, dreams WILL come true!

  • My dream is the day when I am totally comfortable in my own skin, no matter what the situation. To know inside that when someone looks at me that they see me, not my size. I've made great strides towards that, but I still have a ways to go. I used to be embarrassed when DD wanted to go into Victoria's Secret because I thought for sure when we walked out of the store any males in the area would immediately wonder why on earth I had been in there. I want to belong in there! In addition, I want people to look at me and not immediately analyze the amount that I've lost. I know my mom is proud of me, but I don't want to be the topic of conversation and have all of her friends think it's perfectly ok to make statements about my weight. I went from looks of "oh, she needs to lose weight" to questions like "don't you feel better? You were soooooooooo heavy!" Just like me or talk to me for ME, not because weight, up or down.

    WHEW!! Kinda long winded there....didn't realize I had that much pent up stuff inside of me!
  • Quote: I want to lay with my husband on our double hammock and not worry about the weight limit.
    Oooooh, somehow I missed this statement before! I agree.....I want to do anything that strikes my fancy, without first worrying about the weight limit...whether it be a hammock, the jet skis, my DD's electric scooter, or whatever. Dreams.....they do come true if we work hard enough.....
  • I have NFL season tickets and I want to fit into those tiny seats, and YES, stand up when the rest of the crowd does.

    PS: No concession food either-it's yucky
  • Quote: I have NFL season tickets and I want to fit into those tiny seats, and YES, stand up when the rest of the crowd does.

    PS: No concession food either-it's yucky
    As if the food itself wasn't a big enough deterent...

    I used to work for a company in Texas that delivered beverage gas (CO2 for beer and sodas) to stadiums in Austin and San Antonio. If I could only let you see what I saw behind those cute little concession stands! Would literally gag a maggot. I wore the boots from that day two more times and the sticky and muck never wore off. The lines for the soda and beer are so clouded and clogged with mold and grit I'm surprised anyone could stomach the stuff. The companies are supposed to clean them but when you've got 300+ lines to clean in one day, they are bound to "miss one or two". Those nachos and popcorn that you are eating sits on the floor. That might not seem so bad but considering the sticky on the floor I wouldn't trust it. Not to mention the ketchup and mustard stands.

    I'm getting sick just thinking about that. Sorry about the rant. I've just never seen such filth in all my life.

    So stay away from the concession stand and I'm sure you will look fabulous at the games!!