Thin4Life - Wk of May 21/07

  • So where has everyone gone???

    It's hard to believe this weekend is Memorial Day! Time sure is flying and it's hard to believe that summer is upon us!

    The weather here has been up and down--one day it's nice and the next it's cold. Today is perfect--70, sunny and absolutely perfect for walking. Tomorrow and Thursday they're calling for temps in the mid 80's and "warm", which means to me more humidity!

    Things here are shaping up--next weekend I head to Chicago and hopefully will be able to find a dress for the wedding. Plans are coming together nicely and hopefully everything will be finalized in the next week or so. DS #1 is studying for his certification (National Strength & Conditioning Association) so he's a little stressed with that.

    My weight has been up and down so nothing much has changed there. TOM is late this month (what's up with that???) so I'm beginning to wonder what's going on! Not too much else here...

    Hi to Lala, Susan, Pam, Lisa! Hope everyone is okay!
  • Hi, Melissa. Weather's been great here, too. It's in the low 80's and breezy which helps with the heat. Went golfing on Sunday and that was fun. My weight is not where I want it either. TOM is late? Maybe you're headed to menopause?

    In the arena, I have 3 1/2 months left before I'm official. I must say for the most part, it's great.

    This weekend, we're having a cookout and pool party at our house.

    I'm not sure I mentioned it to you, but DH and I have been cast in a play. It's called "Night Watch" and it's a suspenseful drama. It opens in mid-July.

    Yes, where is everyone?
  • Hi Melissa and Lisa.

    It's been awhile. I started French immersion on May 7th and got a bit of a surprise when I turned out to be the only student in the advanced class. Essentially, I am being tutored. While that is great for learning, it has taken quite a toll on me mentally. I literally came home and went to bed every day after school for the entire first week. Things improved last week, and today I feel pretty good. Guess I am adjusting.

    Nothing much new on this end, other than French. This past weekend saw the fourth annual Bluenose Marathon. I didn't run but I did volunteer at the youth run on Saturday. It was amazing -- 2500 kids in a torrential downpour, having the time of their lives. I am so glad I was there to witness it. The adults got a better day on Sunday; it rained but not nearly as much. Rain is becoming a tradition for this event, and it just seems to make people more determined.

    I deferred my registration until next year because I wasn't ready and I really didn't want to run the 10 k. I want to do the half again -- rain be damned.

    My weight is up but I'm slowly getting a better handle on it. I have been going through some emotional upheaval, brought on by my work situation I think. I am feeling better though and have noted less emotional eating. It was terrible for several weeks.

    That's about it for now. We are having similar weather to yours Melissa. Nice one day, cold and miserable the next. Typical spring in Nova Scotia.

    I will check in more regularly now that I'm into the groove. Three more weeks of immersion, then I try to pass the public service language exam. Sigh...wish I could just find a job I like and do it for the next 2.5 years and retire quietly. I'm a little tired of all of this...

  • Susan, it's good to hear from you. Comment allez-vous? French Immersion class sounds hard, but you'll be fluent, I'm sure. Does this help you find a good job? Sorry to hear about the emotional eating. I've been eating way too much myself and I'm not sure why. I just see something and eat it and I'm not really hungry!
  • It should help me to find a better job...time will tell.

    Had a rough day yesterday. Felt like I was starting from scratch. Today is better. J'aime mon professeur, au moins....

  • Un bon professeur est tres bien. J'etait etudie le francais au l'universite. E un lingue tres beau, n'est pas?

    That's about the extent of French for me.

    Looking forward to the weekend, how about you? We're having friends over for a cookout/pool party. Hope to play golf. Also, getting excited about the vacation to Oregon (leave on 1 June).
  • Good morning!

    Good to hear from you Susan! I understand the emotional eating--I've been doing that lately and I know it's from stress with the wedding, etc. Last night I mindlessly ate a bunch of baked cheddar lays

    My TOM still has not arrived--I seriously think I'm in perimenopause or something. Grrr. I was hoping to be done with it because of WI today. Oh well, not much you can do about that!

    I've heard a lot of good things about immersion classes. I don't speak any other language.

    I'm looking forward to the long weekend as well--I'm off on Friday from work but will go in to WW in the evening. DH and I may take a ride and go out for lunch or something. Saturday we may be taking a trip to Trader Joe's in Cleveland. The weather isn't supposed to be all that great Sunday/Monday so it'll be good to be inside doing things.

    I'll post more after my meeting at noon.
  • Hi! It's hot, hot, hot here today--we're supposed to hit 87 and we're holding at 82 but the humidity has increased. My friend and I walked at noon and I was sweating by the time I got back to the office. Thank goodness I had changed clothes!

    Just wanted to give a quick check in and let you know that my WI yesterday went okay--was down .2 which is surprising. Still no TOM so I'm not sure what's going on--I'm almost a week late, must be the hormone thing!

    Today's my "Friday" so I'm trying to get things done here in the office for the long weekend. No major plans other than a possible road trip to Cleveland (Trader Joe's) on Saturday.

    Have a great weekend!!
  • Melissa, hooray for you for the loss. No TOM is a good thing. ; ) I've not had one in 8 months and so I'm almost there (menopause). Whoopee. My TOMs were always so bad that I am glad about it. That is very warm weather for you. You've got us beat. We're barely at 80.

    This is my Friday, too. I plan to play golf tomorrow. Having a cookout at my home on Sunday--about a dozen people, just burgers and hotdogs. Unfortunately, will also attend a funeral on Saturday, an elderly woman I knew at church--nice lady.

    Have a good weekend everyone.