The Bean

  • I'm posting this in the exercise forum, but I wanted to ask you guys too. Do any of you have or have any of you used the "bean" exercise thing? I've been thinking about getting it. DH has a stability ball, but I just cannot master that darn thing, and this bean is supposed to have all the same benefits without feeling like you're going to fall off of it. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  • I imagine the bean would feel the same way. But isnt that the goal of the stablity ball, to make your muscles "work" to stay on it? I use mine all the time and the more i use it the more my body is able to do more difficult exercises on it. There are modifications for beginners to advanced. I think anything rounded, soft, and able to roll over is going to have the same feeling. I thought the bean was just like the ball, but gave more support to upper back and neck. I would probably be too long for it anyway, ha ha. At 5' 11" not many things like that fit me anyway. I cant even find a mop that has a decently long handle, ha ha. Hey, congrats on your weight loss by the way.
  • My sister has one and she loves it.

    She says it does all the things the infomercial says it does. The one down side is that it is not very well made and the seams are ripping after only 3 months of use.

    Hope this helps
  • Thank you Stacy and Gumboot! I have such a hard time making decisions when it comes to spending the moolah on myself, and this would definitely be for ME! I read on another thread where someone purchased one at Kohls, and I think that may be a good idea. Easy to return it there if there's a problem with it or if I find that it's just not for me.
  • I purchased mine at Kohl's I know Wal Mart sells them as well. I AM SOOOO IN LOVE WITH MINE Mine daughter's PT recommended it and Ive been in love with it ever since her recommendation of it. I notice my stomach is getting flatter than what I was doing with normal crunches.
  • UGH! I just mentioned to DH that I was thinking about purchasing one. Can you guess his reaction? Do we really need another piece of workout equipment, why don't you just join a gym? What? $50 once or $40 a month for a minimum of a year for a membership...wait, let me get a calculator because my mental math is obviously screwed up! This is from the guy who has an executive level gym provided for him at his place of work, to use everyday before he comes home from work, free of charge. Jeez he needs to be kicked into the real world!!

    Sorry, had to vent there for a minute! Kbear, thanks for the look fabulous by the way!
  • TBH, I saw the informercial and wasn't impressed. While it may be good for crunches, I really think that the best way to flatten your stomach is to do Pilates - and as a bonus, you support and strengthen your back, which is whic Pilates is betterm its' not just aesthetics, it's functional.
    For 50 dollars you can get several good Pilates workouts to include in your exercise rotation.
