Weight Question for a Leader

  • My normal weight range is from 112 - 138 pounds. In the past (before my weight gain), I have tried to maintain a weight from 115-120 pounds, and have always felt good at that weight.

    I was up to 186 pounds and have lost almost 40 pounds and am presently at 148.5 pounds. To me, this is still 10.5 pounds over the highest weight in my normal weight range. However, many of my friends have told me that I look super, and that I should not lose any more weight because I will start to look unhealthy. Some people at work that I don't see often have stopped me in the hall and asked if I am feeling OK.

    What I would like to know is if you have run across this and what kind of advise you would give.

    My goal weight is 120 pounds.
  • based on the info you provided, i'm guessing at your height being around 5'3". You also didn't tell us your age, which, like it or not, has some implications in a healthy weight for you. Other factors, inluding general bone density, muscle mass, bone structure, all play a role in what weight looks good for a person... Additionally, people might have been so used to your heavier weight, not remembering your thinner weight, that the change is striking to them. If you feel good at your current weight, and it is within a range that is appropriate to your height and age, then by all means, stay there. What you don't want to do is get down to a weight that is unmaintainable, then spend forever and a day struggling to stay there, setting yourself up for that yo-yo thing. Why is your goal weight 120? Is that your high school weight, or a number your DOCTOR tells you to be at? think about what is realistic, doable, and logical for you before you choose a number, which is largely, arbitrary. Good luck, and keep us posted.
  • Thanks for the help.

    Just to give you more info, I am 50 and have been overweight for the past 15 almost 16 years. The overweight is a result of a condition that I have where my metabolism shuts down when I am under stress. Until recently, I was unable to do anything about it (I would gain 20 pounds overnight because I was not metabolizing any food that I ate). The doctor has recently been able to control part of this with medication when I am under stress, but I still needed to lose the 66 extra pounds that accumulated over the time that I did not know what was wrong with me. Following WW has allowed me to lose this weight rather easily, in comparison to the many months that I was on WW and not only did not lose anything, but gained instead.

    Yes, you are right, I am 5'3". I have selected 120 pounds as my goal weight because that was my post childbirth weight that I was most comfortable at. Prior to the metabolism problem that I encountered 15 years ago, I did not have a problem with too much weight - my problem was the opposite, I generally weighed between 100 and 105 pounds. After my children were born, I added a few needed pounds (120 pounds), and was able to maintain that weight easily until I worked at a very stressful job, encountering the problem with weight.

    Right now, I weigh about 148 pounds which is still 10 pounds higher than the highest weight listed in my normal weight range. It is at this weight that people are starting to tell me that I am losing too much weight and that I shouldn't lose any more. In all honesty, I do feel good, but I can only compare to the recent overweight times. I do remember on the way up in weight that when I was 150 pounds, my impression was that I felt fat. On the way down, one doesn't have the same perspective.

    The doctor didn't say what weight to lose to, he was just excited that he was able to diagnose and react to the problem. He has actually spent about 1 1/2 years researching this problem, also. I guess I have just become more conscious of the weight that I should be at because there have been several people, this week alone. that have made the comment to me to stop losing. I was wondering if any of the WW leaders had women who encountered this problem and what advice they might give.

    To me, I still have at least 10 pounds to get into the normal weight range, another 8 pounds after that to get to a weight that I think I could live with, and another 10 pounds following that to reach a weight that I remember being very comfortable at after my children were born. That's 28 more pounds which is quite a lot when people are already saying that I might not look healthy. The last few weeks, I have also had a lot of people ask me whether I am feeling OK. I just don't know whether to think that these people may not want me to lose anymore because I am starting to look like I should, or whether there may be a concern that I don't see myself.

    P.S. I do have a medical scheduled with the doctor early January, but I could be down another 15 pounds by then. Thanks for your help.
  • Ok. First of all, I'm glad to hear your condition has been diagnosed and you're on the road to recovery.

    The next step is to stop thinking about the numbers. As I pointed out in my earlier post there is a perspective issue here. People (and YOU) were so accustomed to seeing yourself at the "jumbo" size that the recent weight loss has been widely recognized.

    Feeking well and being healthy should be of paramount importance. Additionally, it is very very hard for a woman of 50 (who might be in menopause, or approaching it) to be at her pre-childbirth weight. It is also largely unrealisitic. Our bodies change (including increasing bone mass--a good thing) to accommodate the weight of a baby, and amniotic fluid, on our pelvic girdle) so your entire bone structure is different. Additionally, as we age, our weight goals increase (not necessarily because they have to, but because our metabolisms -- which you are painfully aware) have a natural biochemical change.

    The truth is -- and this is what I would tell my members -- is find out from the doctor if you are at a weight for your age and height that is a problem for you right now. If he says you're ok, then, losing anything additional is gravy, so to speak. If he tells you, "lose x more pounds" go for it == but slowly. Again, we are not in a race, and remember all the good you have already done by losing the 40~ hip hip hooray to that!

    Pay attention to good eating habits -- as this is what will keep you on the straight and narrow. And, focus on the great and major change you've made so far -- by successfully losing the weight (and yes, it takes us longer because we are older -- and everything slows down <except my NY attitude!> proportionally. Be kind to yourself, and don't rush. Most important -- when people tell you to stop losing weight, TUNE THEM OUT. This is something, again, that because they're not used to seeing the svelte new you (and there is a smidgin of jealousy on the part of some of them, no doubt) this dramatic change has got them by surprise. The heck with them! Take care

    and write back... let us know how you're doing, and also what your doctor says... Warm Regards, E.
  • Peggy, if it's not too impolite, may I ask what the condition you have is called? Thank you!

  • peggy,

    listen to your body and go for a weight that you feel good at.

    and since you've had such wonderful success, get an outfit that you feel fabulous in and go out for a night on the town!

    take care!
