TGIF Chat - May 18

  • Another day of kitchen chaos! They finally have the cabinets and counters out and were good enough to leave me the sink. The downstairs bathroom is now functional so I'll be able to survive the weekend - with company, by the way. I am expecting the female half of the Hyper Pypers: Margo the Mother, Elaine the Daughter and Bailey the Dog who is Lucy's sister! It'll be crazy and fun as my Girls will be back from the kennel too.

    Right now I need to walk down to the grocery store and try to get my car started. It's a Ford Focus with anti-theft features. It seems to think I'm a thief because the key won't turn in the ignition. This has been and off and on situation for a while but now it's pretty serious. Pain in the butt with the long weekend here! I guess it'll have to go to the dealer next week - if it ever starts! I may get a rental for a while and use up some of those Air Miles.

    Later today I'll dig perennials for tomorrow's plant sale at the Church. They are a big hit and I'm sure nobody would want baking from my crack house kitchen! It looks like a lovely day for gardening.

    Enjoy Friday, Chickies.
  • Quote: Another day of kitchen chaos! ...
    Right now I need to walk down to the grocery store and try to get my car started.
    Just keep saying to yourself "My kitchen will be gorgeous, My kitchen will be gorgeous" and click your heels together! If you don't see Glynda the good which or the straw man right away, it may take a while longer, but it will be gorgeous soon. It's funny how we really take our cars for granted until they decide not to cooperate. Hope your weekend goes better than you expect it to.

    Nothing newsworthy happening here. Today is my last day with students. My daughter is supposed to come spend part of the weekend here and we may go get a manicure/pedicure together (part of my Mother's Day gift) She is moving to Los Angeles in a few weeks so we are trying to spend as much time together as we can. Of course my heart is broken but she needs to "follow her dream" while she is young. MY dream is to have her close by!

  • Good Morning, and TGIF! It's dreary and rainy here, and it looks the entire weekend is going to be more of the same. No gardening for me. I'm going to busy with Andrea's babyshower most of the day tomorrow, anyway. On Sunday we're going to Jake's family reunion, which I'm not looking forward to at all. Jake said we don't have to stay long, though, and it's going to be rainy and cold, so that will be my excuse to leave early. It's going to be at a park, and I sure don't want to be stuck under a pavilion with them all afternoon.

    Today, the girls and I are going shopping after school. I have to pick up some last minute things for the shower, and we're going to check out the craft and party supply stores for some ideas for Audrey's costume for her school play.

    It's getting darker outside instead of lighter!
  • Ruth, I hope you have luck getting your car started! Did you try turning the steering wheel back and forth? My car will lock and refuse to start sometimes if the wheels are turned, and that helps. Good luck! I hope the weather stays nice for you so you can get out in the garden today, that is always a soothing balm when your nerves are frazzled. Take care, this will all be behind you soon.

    Femme, oh, that's so sad that your daughter will be moving so far away! It's going to be hard for you, thank goodness for email! I've told my kids that if they ever move away, they'd better find a house big enough for me, too, cause I'm going with them! My heart goes out to you.

    I decided that from now on, I'm not going to talk on my cellphone and drive at the same time. Last night I was driving home and having a conversation with my daughter at the same time, and I almost hit another car while making a turn! Twice!! Sometimes you have to hit me on the head with a brick before I get it. But I've learned my lesson now.

    Gotta run, it's getting late!
  • femmecreole you sound just like my mom. For the first time in my life I moved away last year - only 2.5 hours - but to hear my mom talk, I moved to the MOON.

    I have to take 2 of my (3) kids to the doctor today. Penelope has her 2 month checkup/shots and my son Truman has his fifteen month checkup. This should be interesting...
  • Cawfee,Cawwfeeeeeeee, cawfeeeeee!!!!
    Ahhhh,much much better

    Ruth: Fords!!! I wish I had something good to say about them. Just think you're halfway or more through the reno!!! IT will be BEEEEUTIFULLLLL when its all done!!!
    Femme: What a lovely day you have planned with your DD. The best you can do is be her number one as she pursues her dreams!

    Cottage: I just ordered gifts from the BabiesRUs web registry and sent them to the shower givers... They are having a "display shower" where you dont wrap the gifts Never heard of such a thing! The shower is only 2 hours long. I guess enough to eat, talk to the people and look at the gift display... I guess hours got knocked off for the opening part of the gift giving.
    Hoosier: good luck with the 2 littleones at the docs

    Time to take the furkids fer their walk then off the stores!
    for everybuddy!
  • Good morning chicks, I need this rain is making me depressed and sleepy. Looks like it is going to be with me all week end long. I will have to keep my fingers crossed for next week, I have a ton of laundry to do and lots of gardening I want to get finished. I guess I will be finding indoor things to do for the week end. DD has a dance show tonight, and I have to teach tomorrow youngest dd comes home tomorrow night and I am going to take my sister home on sunday, so it is looking like a pretty quiet weekend.

    Ruth Hope all is well with your car today and it starts for you. Your kitchen will be beautiful when it is done, why is it reno always take longer than they should. Have a fun week-end with your friends and dogs.

    femmecreole- hope you have a great time with your daughter tomorrow. Sounds like a fun way to spend the day.

    cottagebythesea- Hope the reunion is not to bad for you. And hope you find a great idea for the costume. The cell phone and driving is a bad idea, I try never to do it. So many accidents are happening because of talking and driving. Keep safe.

    HoosierHeather- Hope all goes well at the drs office. I just love the name Penelope.

    Me- Not much of anything, I have been the past two days. I am doing the dance yourself thin video. Lots of fun I will do it again today. Well must dash and maybe curl up with a book.

    Take care and have a great day chicks.

  • Happy Friday, chickadees!

    Hope everyone's had a great start so far. DH and I slept a little late this morning, but I still had enough time to stop by for a chat! I'm so glad it's Friday! This has been SUCH a dreary week. The sun actually popped out for a couple of hours yesterday evening, but it wasn't enough to dry everything up. I guess I'll have to live with the muddy paw prints for a little while longer. Sigh.

    Well, I'd better get my hair done before I rush off to work. I will try and stop by and post again later. If I don't I hope everyone has a wonderful FRIDAY!!!
  • Schatzi - Good morning chick we must have been posting at the same time, hope you have a great week end.
  • May I join in. I started May 15th. Love this WOE.

    Have a great Day
  • So happy it is friday! Started the day out great putting on a pair of jeans that in the past I have had to do some great acrobatics to get into and some serious sucking in to zip, THEY FIT!!!! I can even pull some fabric away at the hips! Finally looking at the scales dropping below 130 since who knows when!

    Hoosier - Good luck at the doctors today, hope the baby does well with the shots, I always feel so bad for the little ones getting all those shots at once!

    Discovered today that v-8, turkey, yougurt and peanut butter just don't cut it for breakfast, my tummy wants to eat! Almost snack time.

    Have a great friday everyone!
  • Butterfly

    I think I can speak for all of us here and say we'd love for you to joing the group!

    I love this WOE as well, although I have backslid recently. But the great thing is that I can get back on P1 and whip myself back into shape! It's so great!

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

  • Butterfly! Everyone is always welcome here!!! Glad you were brave and joined in. We promise not to bite! Tell us something about yourself!

    Ruthie, I sent you an e-mail about your car, but then read more and darling Cottage had the same idea. Wonder if it would work?

    I wish I could write to everyone!!! I'm off to run errands before a therapy appt. at 4. I've got some returns and some coupons to use and need to get more batting for a baby quilt I'm making for a friend. I cut it and then put a border on the top, now the batting doesn't fit.

    Hope everyone has a great day--it's definitely a good one for gardening or for a walk!
  • Ruth - I have a Ford Focus too. I believe that there is a battery in the key that can die and if it dies, then the car thinks you are a thief. Why don't you give your dealer a call and ask them about it? I haven't had my car long enough yet to have this problem but I do worry about it.

    Me - busy, busy and more busy. I finished the Walking Den leader books and district will print me 250 copies of the 20 page book. The first training session will be next Wed. I'm creating a PowerPoint presentation with information from the book that we'll go over during the training session. With the prior director, I noticed he was not consistent in what he covered in each session and I'm hoping that a formal presentation will help. I'm working on rounding up trucks to help pick up the 40 bales of hay we are going to need for archery. I'm seriously thinking of renting a truck for my personal (means I pay for it rather than the camp budget) use before and during camp. My station wagon just won't handle the stuff we need to haul.