Everyone weigh in 05/18/07

  • It's time again for the official 3FC weigh in thread. All are welcome to join, just jump in whenever your official weigh in day rolls around. Good luck, everyone!

    Me: 177, down 1.5 pounds from last week. Hey, wattaya know, eating less really did lead to a weight loss for me. I was very good all week, even forgoing eating Free Pizza Night at work. I had kinda of a crisis of hope last weekend, wondering if I was even successful or capable of reaching goal due to being near 180 for so long. Several smart and nice people assured me that I'm indeed far enough along to be successful even if I don't lose more weight. But the thing is, I'm still just not happy with my body. And I know that I know what to do to lose weight. It's just about choosing to do so, even when it's hard and I also want to stuff my face. So now, I choose to lose weight again, and get back on track.
  • That's AWESOME Tealeaf! Be proud of yourself, 81 lbs is a BIG loss.. you're almost there!
  • 157.2 to 155.4. Down 1.8.
  • I believe I weighed in at 166 this morning. so that put me back up a pound. But it's okay. I am eating much healthier this week and it is going to show up next week!!
  • Up 0.5. That makes me mad enough to want to EXERCISE!
    (Does throwing a good tantrum count?)
  • You go tealeaf

    Well I'm down 1 lb. this week (the pound I gained back 2 weeks ago) . That puts me back to my ticker weight of 144. I'm going to work really hard this week and see if I can lose another one
  • 165.8, down from 167.2, so uh, 1.4 down I believe. That's a good morning number for me. I was at 170 for a year, after an initial WW loss of 10 pounds.
    Talk about a long plateau.

    So what am I doing that seems to be breaking that stall? Well, I'm using the WW materials, recording breakfast and lunch, and my daily weight, and trying my best to eat lighter at night. I am also exercisng most every day, usually at least an hour and a half a day. I am also using this weigh in thread just like WW, but hey I don't have to pay!
  • Down 1 pound this week
  • Starting weight: 294
    Current weight: 276
    Long term goal: 140
    Days on plan: 22
    Pounds lost so far: 18
    Change from last week: -5 lbs

    This is the first week I have gone through without weighing myself every day. It was really hard, I had no idea if I was doing well or not. I have a hard time seeing change sometimes. Last week I was stuck bouncing up and down between 281 and 279 for a few days, I'm glad that's over!
  • down 2.5lbs!!
    Woo-hooooo! That puts me at 14lbs loss in 8 weeks
    and a BMI of 30.0
    I can't wait to be 29.something!!!! (overweight, not obese)

    Bring it, baby
  • I weighed at 62 kgs (138.7 lbs if my converter is right), which marks the end of my mini-goal of losing the weight I had gained back! So it's double the satisfaction for me--and now I can resume the use of my regular, long-term ticker, hehe.
  • 203 here, down from 205
    I didn't think I was going to be able to meet my May goal of making it below 200 but there's still a little glimmer of hope!
  • What is left, 10 days? It sounds doable. I hope you meet your goal then!
  • I weighed in today since Saturday is my 'official' weigh in day. On Monday, I was 207.5 (when I got back on the wagon). I had a GREAT week and stayed on track!!

    Today, I weighed in at 203 even! Woo hoo!!
  • 197.5 last Saturday.
