Shoulder pain and stretches

  • I have been jogging for about four months now and things are going well (I've gone from being winded after about 100 ft to 2.4 miles ) But lately I have been getting pain in one of my shoulders, as though my collar bone was digging into my shoulder bones. At first I thought it was an odd cramp or stitch, but I think the cause is Trapezius muscles are tensing up. I can massage it out to a certain extent, but I was wondering if anyone new a stretch for those muscles. Has anyone else had this problem? Does my solution sound completely off base?
  • It sounds like a rotator cuff if its the back of the shoulder. NOT something you want to mess with. Go to your doctor, or even better, a physio as its a nightmare (+ operation) if you rip it.
  • If it's not going away, please see your doctor