Recommendations for hardcore grueling cardio?

  • Hello all. I was wondering if you could suggest some advanced cardio dvds for me? What are some tough workout videos that you've liked doing? The scale isn't moving, and I'm wanting to switch things up a bit because I don't like getting to the point to boredom with my workouts.
  • Tae Bo bootcamp! Also the Sweat power yoga workout by Bryan Kest.
  • I heard Cathe Friedrich is pretty tough but her cardio workouts are mostly step I believe. I love the Firm workouts and they have some pretty tough ones.
  • Any of the advanced Tae Bo dvds are killer.
  • Thanks for the suggestions ladies . I have a few of taebo workouts; the Ultimate Bootcamp, Taebo Extreme, and one of the advanced workouts(I'm not exactly sure what it's called, but it looks really old and he's wearing red in it.) are the hardest ones I have, but I've done them quite a few times and they're not challenging anymore. Are there tougher ones out there that I could try? I haven't heard much about Bootcamp Elite, I've been kinda curious about that one. I just don't wanna end up with something that's gonna sit on a shelf.
  • Cathe Freidrich would fit the bill - most of her workouts are step, some are high step and kickboxing and then her weight workouts. I used mostly her workouts for over a year and half and I would call them intermediate to advanced. Videofitness is a good place to see reviews of workouts and their forums are very helpful. There are so many instructors to choose from.

    A workout I enjoy is Gin Miller's - I can't think of the name, it's an older workout and it's interval training.

    Good luck! Rachelle
  • I'd say Jari Love's Ripped 1000 but that workout uses a step and dumbells. I'm not sure if you're looking for something that doesn't have any weights.
  • Tae Bo Advanced Lives. They are only on VHS and I think you can only get them on ebay. Great music and what a sweat!
  • for Cathe Friedrich dvd go to where she has 8-10 min previews of most of her workout dvds.
  • Cathe Friedrich - hands down.
  • I think the hardest one that I have tried it Kathy Smiths Kickboxing workout. I have only been able to get through it once and that was about 3 years ago when I was 130 pounds, it is super hard, I think!
  • P 90X !!!!!!!!!!!! it'll kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!! but so rewarding , in weight loss. give it a shot.
  • Spinning.