30 something Thurs. May 10

  • Hi
    believe it or not the comp didn´t let me into the internet yesterday. AND I had to download a few things for my bookclub so I got a bit hectic yesterday. Hubby came to rescue - ok - at half past 1 in the night but I won´t complain and now this ****ty thing is working ok......
    We saw a play yesterday by Ingmar Bergman called "scenes of a marriage" (I loved his films back in the days) and while I felt like sitting and watching a real tragedy some of the audience felt like watching a comedy You never know what to expect from the audience.....
    I felt really hungry after the play so I had french fries . Otherwise I am doing fine with my diet

    Melinda: I was so glad you felt better on Tuesday. You know sometimes I am pretty hard with myself on other days I can relax. I try to avoid sweets or chips during shopping so if I have nothing at home I normally feel too lazy to get out and buy some. Maybe it helps you, too

    RXZ hope you feel better soon. Sometimes I want to give up. I gained two pounds but now I am back on track. I won´t give up this time. I´ll make it and you can make it, too.

    707 I love the pic of Angelica and the baby! Both are sooooo cute!

    Girls: I am down again. I don´t think I´ll reach my Memorial-Day-Goal It should be ok for me because I feel ok with going slower but healthy but on the other side I want to reach the last goal so bad. I know that I look much slimmer yet but it´s so hard to make all these efforts and the last 12 pounds won´t go away. Ok. Enough rambling. I´ll walk to church to get my copies for the book club tonight........

    Have a great day! K.
  • ok - I have been really tired and feeling blah the last few days- coincidence I also got AF - last night after I put Liam in bed around 8pm, I sat on the lounge and fell asleep straight away from memory- I didnt realise I was that tired and I awoke to hear some strange laughing, the tv was on.

    It is feeling more like winter than anything at the moment and I am feeling difficult to get motivated to work out in the afternoon - I get home roughly 5pm and it is dark at 5:30pm. I have booked Liam into the gym's childcare centre next week - so I will be going! You pay regardless LOL

    Catch up with everyone over the weekend!
  • I have been moving my ticker on Monday mornings...but I just couldn't resist...from 152 to 150 (I don't care if some of it is water weight...it is still a moving scale)

    I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in 10 years the other day....don't you just hate it when you see someone after such a long time and you have gotten fat! I'm about 23 lbs up from where I was 10 years ago! I think that self-conscious encounter may have motivated me to get back on track! I'm going to add my motto to the bottom of my posts even! "Nothing ever tastes as good...as looking good feels!"

    707: What an adorable baby!!!! That's your reward for not giving your daughter too much grief...the grief her child will give her later on
  • Good morning everyone!
    quiet here today!
    I have been watching very carefully what I eat and today I am back to 124 Lbs. how can that be, I was down to 121
    I had a greet evening last night, we went to the beach again for the aftenoon and we didn't pack any picnic food like I had planned, instead we came home and made a huge salad, it was really good.
    Today I am off and running, have some stuff to return I have to go down to San Diego to do that I may be able to meet a friend for lunch she really likes the cafe at Nordstrom and that's one of the places I have to go to today, they have good salads, so I am going to the gym and showering there.

    Joan the pile of filing did get done, I couldn't believe how much stuff was junk mail or just trash!

    Have a great day every one!
  • Michelle, what a cutie!!!! Oh my goodness. Jessica looks really tired. Congrats to George.

    Joan, glad I could make you laugh. I tried to get him to meet me somewhere, but he wanted to pick me up. When he did show up, he never took his hat off, and when he dropped me off ~ he stopped the car at the end of the drive and never made sure that I got into the house safe. Needless to say, I never talked to him again. MEN! ~ Sorry RX.

    MJ, are ya there? Keep your chin up.

    to everyone else.

  • ughh very tiered today. I noticed a few things these last few days...first my sleeping issues..i'm waking up almost every night around 2 or 3 and can't fall back to sleep. Second my eating habits are crappy this week. I think the stress of everything with the house, work etc is catching up to me. So today..i'm going to go home early (slow work day) take a short nap and drink a bunch of water..then get my butt to the gym. I think i'm allowing this stress to let me "slip". Please someone kick me hard. Alright guys..i'll check back later.
  • ok...so i did go work out some..not as much as i should have...but it did make me feel better...i hate when i start going back to my bad habits..i know how much better i feel when i'm doing things healthy

    wow its really quiet in here today...hope eeveryone is well
    mj - where are you girl? Dangles a dew out in hopes of luring mj out of the depths.
    happy - glad you got filing done...i have to do that too...definately putting it off.
    mum - hope you feel better...winter can def. bring out the blahs...
    hey there milagro
    hey michilin - congrats on the weight loss.
  • Hi All,

    Interview went great this AM...I start Monday! The company seems to be a great fit for me, not too big, not too small, about 150 people, plus the same in sales staff that aren't there. The person I'll be supporting is really nice, and they're all pretty laid back. Just what I'm looking for. Too bad it's only temp. They seemed to love me though, so hopefully in a few months they'll hire me.

    Sorry I haven't been responding much, just been soo busy. Boys just got home, gotta run!
  • Congrats Lauren!!! I hope that it works out for you and will eventually become a full-time position.

    It's been such a busy afternoon on this end. Once again, I started my morning out great with exercise and a healthy breakfast. Come afternoon I'm out of control... The kids had friends over this afternoon and I had a snack right along with the rest of them. Now it's time for dinner, which is always my most challenging part of the day. It just never ends...!

    Melinda! Where are you???? We miss you!! Do come back to us (please).
    GG ~ good for you for working out. I know it's hard to get motivated some days. I'm forcing myself to get up each morning and exercise as I feel 100% better thru out the day. Now if I'd just get control of this eating thing...

    Hugs to all ~ Joan
  • Hey all just fly'n by thats everyone for sticking with me through all this i finally am sticking to my guns i've lowered my carb intake all week and have stuck to it im quite proud of myself and yeah the rug burn is a nasty looking feller right now but it's healing
    i'll check in later
    take care
  • Okay, I exersized on the ball today and afterwords standing by the dryer waiting for it to go off, I felt the muscles in my stomach contracting. I had had a late (11 am) breakfast, so I waited for dinner to eat. Had a small steak and a slice of tomato (with salt, pepper, and sugar on top). I am still full. Maybe while the last load is in the washer I can do the ball exersizes again. They are not hard and don't really cause a lot of exertion.

    GG, Good for you for exersizing. It is tough when you start to slide to stop and think ~ do I really want to do this? Hope you sleep through the night.

    Michelle, of course we will stick by you, silly girl.

    Lauren, Congrats on the new job. I wish you the best of luck, hopefully they will see how great you are and want you full time, not just temp. Is the dress business casual too? Oh that would be soo nice.

    MJ, what happened girl? Did you forget about us?

    to everyone else.
  • hello!
    Had a great time today with my friend Judy, we had a great lunch, had a nice salad at the Nordstrom's café, NO chocolate cake, it looked sooo good! but I didn't do it!!!!

    GG it is great you did exercise! doesn't it feel great once you do get to the gym? get back in the habit of it! It took me a while to get there but now I can't miss going to the gym, I crave it.

    Lauren congratulations on the job, I hope the hire you permanently

    Michele good for you (for sticking to your guns)

    Joan I agree dinner is a challenging time of day.

    michelinwoman every Lb. counts even if its water weight, I am right there with you! good for you!!!

    karri don't get discourage, you may be able to achieve your goal, don't be too hard on yourself (easier said than done, I know) what book are you reading?

    Does anyone knit? when I was cleaning the office yesterday I came across a box full of beautiful yarn, I had completely forgotten about it, there is some very nice Debbie Bliss yarn in the bunch, if anyone wants it, let me know it is FREE!!! I will be happy to mail it!

    Got to go!
    See you guys tomorrow!
  • Good evening all. Been an OK couple of days for me. Was doing pretty good with eating salads and a casserole I made until today. Went back to the evil fast food....White Castle. Ugh, felt like crap all rest of the day. It's just so darn easy to go to the drive thru. I will overcome this, I know I can.

    GG - Sorry to hear about not sleeping. That is really hard and frustrating. You are probably right about the increase in stress being the culprit. Hopefully by exercising you can stay asleep better. Anything new on the home front?

    Hanna - Thanks for your kind words the other day. I read your posts and just feel like such a whimp because my life is a breeze compared to yours. I really admire you for what you do. You always seem to have a positve spin even on your crappiest days. And you always encourage other people. You are sweet.

    Lauren - Big Congrats on the job!!!! Will keep my fingers crossed that you can make it permanent.

    Michelle - Your children are so pretty/handsome. What good genes you have!! And that baby.....I just want to eat it up. Big to Jessica, hopefully just some post-partum stuff and it will go away soon (not to make light of anyones depression; it is all serious wether post-partum or not).

    Milagro - Maybe you're replacing fat with muscle and that's why the pounds won't come off but you look slimmer. That is a good thing! I know we want the pounds gone, but I tend to see how I fit into clothes as a better guide. The scale hates me.

    Someone asked the other day about my uncle and I'm not sure if I replied. Anyway, he is still in ICU after his last surgery and is doing well. He is in good spirits. He always is....his attitude is whatever happens is out of his hands and is with God. Gives him a lot of peace. Wish I could be like that. Well, my aunt keeps asking when my next day off is...I think she wants me to come down there and spend the night again. Bless her heart, she has beginning Alzheimers and drives me crazy. I know, I am going straight to **** now,but I can't help it. She asks the same questions over and over. I just want to scream "Write it down. I don't like grapefruit!" I never would and I know it is MY problem. I feel so guilty. What's even worse is she knows she's doing it, but can't help it. She keeps asking me if there are any drugs she should be taking to get her memory back. It just breaks my heart.

    See you all tomorrow! Have a happy Friday!
