I have another workout to share - T-Tapp

  • I belong to a couple of other fitness boards and read about a magazine that featured "T-Tapp" so I bought it in February to read while I was recouping from a laproscopy. My hubby commented on the $6.99 but it comes with a DVD so I justified it that way. I bought Teresa's book "Fit and Fabulous" from Overstock and it comes with a 15 Minunte workout and a 30% coupon in the back. What grabbed my attention was in the magazine a gal said she had been exercising for forever and never saw any results on the outside - that is SOOOOO me. I ordered the Total Workout package and did a 10 Day Bootcamp with the instructional videos. There is no music and some find them boring - there is SO MUCH to concentrate on that I haven't been bored and I've been doing them starting on my fourth week now. I commited to doing T-Tapp alone even though I really miss my Turbo Jam for a month at least. I have lost 6.25 inches in three weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it when I added it all up. It really works!!!!!! People have been commenting on how good I look and that I'm losing weight - I haven't lost a pound, in fact I'm up a couple.

    If you want to check it out, go to www dot t-tapp dot com. She has free exercises to try on there. Some use her book alone (she has the exercises in there too) but I need more of a visual so I had to get the DVD's. I wish a trainer was here so I could get pointers on form but I just keep trying the instructionals and learning something each time.

    Just thought I would share in case this workout can benefit someone else.

  • Sagging Skin
    Have you tried her dvd for sagging skin.
  • I haven't Cassia - which one is that? I'm still on the Instructionals, BWO+ and Total Beg/Rehab workouts. I lost another half inch last week so I am up to 6.75" in five weeks of T-Tapp. I am tightening up and the love handles on my hips are disappearing! I actual see an hour shape figure in there - it is awesome. I am also seeing definition in my arms - something lifting weights has never given me.

  • One more question: Did you change your diet at all? I browsed the book, and it talked about a man made/ god made diet plan.

    Also, did you see a lot of cardio benefit?

    Thanks thanks thanks,

  • Hi Mary Ann. I didn't change my diet but I've been with a clinic for a year on an eating plan - although I haven't lost any weight since August (I did in January when I did a detox but I've gained that back.) The weight I gained to be where I am now has been in the few weeks I've been tapping but I've lost 6.75 inches in five weeks doing JUST T-Tapp and walking the dog every once in awhile. Since muscle does weigh more then fat and I'm losing the inches, I'm guessing my body is building muscle and the weight will start falling off again in the near future.

    Cardio benefits - I'm not for sure what you are asking here. Doing Hoe Downs, my HRM will read anywhere from 148 to 162. I usually average around 65% to 72% through the whole workout. It is surprising that by just using these moves, it can raise your heartrate like that. I'm used to doing Turbo Jam and I love the turbos where I try to get to 172. Since I haven't done any cardio workouts for five weeks, I can't tell you how it's made a change for the good or bad. I do know I will use the T-Tapp way when I do add Turbo Jam back into my routine. And I need to add more Hoe Downs into my daily life - I keep thinking at 10:00 and 3:30 but so far I haven't. I need to have a reminder I guess.

    Hope this helps some. Rachelle
  • Hi Rachelle,

    Yes, this helps a lot, thanks. Sounds like a great plan if you lost that many inches-wow! Good for you.

    What I meant about the cardio benefits is that I always wondered if this was more strength or cardio, but it sounds like its both, which means that if I did this, I would not have to do cardio too (except for perhaps walking).

    Thanks again!

  • Maryann - it is both cardio and strength using the isometric moves. Actually, Teresa recommends doing no other workout other then walking for one month so that your body can become accostumed to this new way of working it. I am thinking of giving it six weeks to two months - I'll see how it goes. And the goal is to get the moves (tuck, knee little toe - KLT, etc.) down that you only have to workout 3 times a week using either the 15 minute workout Basic Workout Plus BWO+ (which CAN be done everyday) or the 40 minute Total Beginner/Rehab workout which should be done every other day except if you are in a bootcamp. There are other workouts to choose from though.

    I am very impressed with the results and what is even more surprising is that I haven't become bored with it - if I had done any other workout for five weeks straight - I would have gone crazy. I like variety. There are some that do find it boring though and there is no music - which doesn't bother me because I am too busy concentrating which is on reason I don't become bored. There is alot to remember and "get" although Teresa assures you that you don't have to have the form down right away for it to work.

    It's funny because this reminds me of Oxycise in that it is so different - but Oxycise I tried a few times and it did not click with me at all. For some reason, T-Tapp did.

  • Hi Rachelle!
    I have been T-tapping off and on for a couple years, but had great results back in the Fall. Unfortunately after Christmas I just stopped working out all together. But I started up back up for the 60 day Challenge and today was day 8 of a 10 day bootcamp. I really love this workout. My sisters do it too and one of my sister's sisters-in-law was a grand prize winner in 2004 I believe and is now a trainer. Looks amazing.
    I am trying not to measure too much, but I know I've already lost an inch each off my waist and hips.
    ANyway, nice to know there's another tapper out there!
  • Are the exercises hard to do? I have been interested in T-Tapp for a while now.
  • Hi Jelynn! It is great to hear from another t-tapper. I lost 7" in six weeks. I didn't measure the 7th week but I've lost another 1/2" I think it was when I measured Tuesday night. I also started this weekend skin brushing and alfalfa but got sunburnt at my son's first baseball game of the season Tuesday and I am SORE and red. I skipped the brushing yesterday and did only parts that weren't burnt today. That is wonderful about your sisters too. I would like to become a trainer someday but before I can even dream about that - I have to get my form down. I might have to find someone to send a video to since there aren't any trainers in North Dakota. I think since my inch loss has lessen, that I need more help with that.

    bubblysweet, it's not that the exercises are hard to do but getting the form down takes concentration and alot of practice. The instructionals take some time and from the sounds of it, even the trainers and ones that have t-tapped for years still go back to those instructionals. I would go to the t-tapp dot com website and there are free exercises to try there. There is also a youtube of Teresa doing I think it's hoe downs (hoe downs can be done anytime and is especially great to do in the afternoon slump or when eating too many carbs). Teresa believes in the quality of exercise, not quanity and I can't remember the exact numbers but I think it's 3 days of exercise is all she believes you need. Don't quote me on that one though.

    My HDL went from 35 to 40 and I know part of that is a drink I am on from Metagenics but some of that I do attribute to T-tapp too.

    Hope everyone is well and exercising! Rachelle