Left for a bit and gained weight

  • I have noticed that I can gain 5 lbs overnight like its not a big deal. My lowest was 188 and when I started here I was 195ish. I am now 211lbs. I need to get back on track so Im posting here that I have gotten fat again. My 12's I was so happy to get into no longer fit and my 16's have taken over.
    I really want to get back on track and looking for help.

    Anyone intersted in being a diet buddy? Im thinking about trying Atkins since my boss is currently on it.
  • So glad you decided to join us. You've found a whole group of weight loss buddies here!
  • Hi Cara, glad you're back. Stick around because this place is really special and I believe it is a great way to stay on track .

    I think here at the 100lb club we are all buddies. It hosts a great group of people who are extremely knowledgable, warm, friendly and supportive.

    As far as Atkins, there is a whole forum dedicated to it right here at 3FC. Perhaps you might want to check it out. Good luck.
  • WELCOME BACK. I tried Atkins back in 2002 and lost over 50 lbs and gained 1/2 back when I went off the diet. Diets are no longer for me. I wish you luck in whatever you try to succeed. We are all here to support you.
  • Welcome, welcome, we're all good weight-loss buddies here!

    I had several friends all try Atkins at the same time, after watching me lose weight very quickly by limiting carbs (and calories!) 3+ yrs ago. Three of them are still using Atkins principles, and expect to do so for the rest of their lives. They are all skinny, fit, mentally sharp, and very full of life, compared to how they were before, and I think that was the key for each of them. The others who quit after an initial weight loss are back to their old selves, so maybe the skinnyness was not enough of a payoff to inspire lifestyle change, for them.

    Atkins diet is fine - if it's for life. Some people are more sensitive to carbs, and function much better in their day-to-day life, when they regulate their eating accordingly. Your best bet is ANY diet which so fits you and/or rewards you, that it quits being just a diet, and becomes your natural habit. Good luck with your journey to healthier eating (and activity) habits!
  • Just wanted to say welcome back.