Let's all sing a song about OKRA...

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  • This is funny! Coming from northern Wisconsin, I've never even SEEN okra!
  • The only time I 've eaten okra is from a middle eastern restauant and it was fabulous. It was slathered in a tomato and onion sauce. Yummy. No slime there, at least that I could see.
  • Definitely try it with tomatoes. The slime is part of the veggie, and is great as mentioned for thickening stews. I don't think I'd want it alone unless it was fried or pickled. But I LOVE it with tomatoes.
  • Well, funny you should mention okra. We had okra Sunday afternoon. For starters, I have my own personal memories of slimy okra from childhood. My husband loves it because his grandmother made it for him regularly. Many have said that it is usually served with tomatoes and and onions (similar to some squash). Well, over the weekend I was searching for ways to make it less slimy and to get that grandma taste. Here are few. Each one of them helped me make the 2nd best (nobody beats hubby's grandmother's cooking) my hubby has ever eaten. Oh, another thing I am a Texan and I think it is pretty common in households when older generations do the cooking. I find that frozen okra (frozen section) produces less slime. But, you can surely tell the difference, taste wise, between fresh and frozen.

    How to cut down on slime- cut tops and ends off close to tips; do not over cook; do not boil in water (rather saute)

    History of Okra:
    Recipe I used: