Maintainers Chat - Week of May 7 - 13

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  • Carolyn, thanks. I havedecided to keep the ticker until I get these extra 2 lbs. off and am back at my goal weight. But, I'll refer back to your post when I get ready to finally remove it.
  • Hi Everyone,
    Meg - Yep, the sun is a-shining here in New England -- it's just gorgeous! I love spring!!

    Allison - Unbelievable, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with a theft on top of everything else. Sounds like your eating is on track, one good side effect of stress, ha ha.

    Lily - I feel for you and hope your grandchildren are doing well. You must worry about them a great deal, I can only imagine.

    Hello Anne, Carolyn and all other maintainers!

    This has been a so-so month thus far. I spent a weekend away with dh and splurged on my eating and although I'm pretty much back on track, I'm not in the good place I was before that weekend. I've been up and down with my eating, although the other night I had a "something clicked" moment after feeling miserable and realizing that if I don't get moving with my good eating and exercise habits, I'll put on the weight I've lost recently, and I'm still 10+ pounds over my pre-baby weight. I'm afraid to get on the scale.

    I cannot wait to get going on the garden this year. Next weekend I'll start getting everything ready so I can plant over memorial day. I'm looking forward to the fresh veggies.
  • Anne, I love my gardening too. I can't wait to start getting some fresh veggies. My plants look a little warped right now from all the rain, but they should be OK.

    I'm finally back on track with eating and exercise. I actually dread that Saturday is DD's B-day and there will naturally be cake. I have such a hard time with cake. I'm considering taking her out to dinner and getting her the cake at the restaurant. This isn't something I've ever done before but since we are both trying to lose a few lbs., I think it would be best not to have a whole cake in the house. I'll ask her what she wants to do and see what she thinks.

    I have been sitting here thinking "I"M STARVING" and I kept telling myself to ignore it. Then I put my calories in Fitday and realized I've only had 875 cal's today. No wonder I'm so hungry. I'm gonna eat a little snack to up my cal's a bit. I had a decent BF and Dinner but only had an apple for lunch. I'm thinking it's time for a PB sandwich now.

    I think my DH will soon change his career. The supervisor (whom he is good friends with) came by our house tonite and lured him with the promise that he will make twice as much as he makes now. I'm all for the extra pay, but I'll miss him while he's gone a week at a time. He also offered my DS a position that will double my son's pay. Both DH and DS are very excited. DH will have to give at least 2 weeks notice with his current job. This house is so large and DD and I will be by ourselves every other week. DD said she's gonna sleep with me so she isnt' at the other end of the house all alone. That's fine with me, I'm a scaredy-cat.
  • Good morning!

    Welcome, Terrie! I'm glad your posting with us! Finding time to exercise is a tough one. I'm a morning person so first thing works best for me, but if that's not you, keep experimenting. Like Carolyn said, just as long as it's a priority.

    Lily, I think your strategy for DD's birthday makes sense. I have a bad problem with cake too and if it's around the house, I'll eat it. Desserts in restaurants are perfect because you can't eat more than one serving, no matter how good it is. And it will be better for her too, since she's trying to lose too. I'm glad you two went on the walk together.

    The only thing I plant in my garden is herbs because the deer eat everything else. One year I planted strawberries and the deer really enjoyed them. We have a huge controversy in our community about shooting the deer - the township is trying to cull the herd because there aren't any natural predators but some people think it's wrong (though they're usually the ones who don't get the deer in their yards). We live near a big park and often get five or six at a time, hanging out, eating and pooping all over the yard. Grrr!

    DH grew up on a farm and he'll look at the window at these fearless deer and say - just bring me my shotgun. Of course, we aren't allowed to shoot in the suburbs (darn it).

    TucsonAnne, rattlesnakes?! I'm more afraid of snakes than anything else in the world so I don't think I'd be quite as casual as you are. Yikes!!!

    LessAnne, I have the same problem getting back on track that you do. The only times I gain weight is when I'm away, out of my routine, and I give myself permission because I'm on vacation or whatever. Then I gain a few pounds AND I have trouble getting back on track. I'm going to NM next week and have been thinking about what I'm going to do differently this time. Would you change anything about how you handled your weekend?

    Sassy, I love that Sesame Ginger dressing too!

    Allison, I'm sorry about the theft but way to go on staying on track throughout the ordeal! Funny, I never lose my appetite!

    Joy, how are you feeling now? Have you gotten over your stomach woes?

    Carolyn, good luck to DH on the job.

    I'm off to the gym when it opens at 5:30 and then an exciting day of cleaning (not!) Next week DH and I are off to New Mexico on a business trip (I get to tag along). The meeting is in Santa Fe and DD lives in Albuquerque, so we'll spent an extra day with her. She just got engaged so we have lots to talk about!
  • Hi ho and greetings from beautiful Fort Wayne Indiana. It's Commencement Week at Indiana University, and once again, I'm on the road with my cooler, my workout bag and my academic paraphernalia. Just three more to go. And then, ta da, we're going to Rome!!! Oh, I can hardly wait. We're going for 10 days, during which we plan to walk the city, take a number of small guided tours, eat wonderful food and relish the city. I love going to Europe and I'm ready to spend a little time in one of the world's great metropolitan areas. You can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl and while Bloomington has many charms, it IS small

    I'm having a phenomenal spring in that I have not been a victim of what used to be an annual free fall. In the last several years, I have been very successful at maintenance up through and including Christmas, only to fall face-first into my plate in January and stay that way through the summer. Then, I would get re-motivated and begin the whole cycle again.

    Not this year.

    My life has simply changed. I work out most days; eat my version of clean; don't have many cheat days (in fact, don't even have many cheat meals); and couldn't feel better. What I've learned is to do anything else leaves me feeling so abysmally awful that it's just not worth it.

    I'm sorry I haven't been able to post more recently, but I've been swamped at work. We have a new president and transition always means longer hours in my corner of the forest.

    I hope all is well with everyone. I send you all my warmest regards.
  • Oh Robin -- Rome!! How wonderful!

    I'm so glad things are in such a great groove for you. Just pop in and say 'hi' whenever you can, OK?
  • Hi everyone! I've been lazy about posting this week since I've been busy at work, but I have been reading!

    Robin - I want to go to Rome! Some days I think about all the places I'd like to travel to and then think about how I don't know if I'll be able to make it to all of them. I mean, 2 weeks vacation a year . . . if I live to be 100 that's about 76 more years . . . plus I won't have the money to go on a fancy vacation every year, so I will only get to go to maybe 50 places! How depressing. I need to hit the big time, get super rich so I don't have to work, and then spend all my time traveling!

    Speaking of travel, we're still working on the honeymoon plans. I found this website ( which is a travel agency specializing in honeymoons and they have some really cool trips. We're thinking of doing something similar to their Australian "Classic Coast and Mountains" trip. I really really want to go to New Zealand but I think we will really appreciate the warmer weather in Australia. So, we're planning to save NZ for our next big vacation! Preferably when we can go over the winter holidays (summer in NZ).

    Meg - have fun in NM! And have fun talking weddings with your DD. I'm on the other end of that mother/daughter conversation!

    Lily - Nowadays I usually limit myself to desserts at restaurants. I can't have them around the house either.

    Eating has been good, weight is staying down. I splurged on desserts this week since they had fresh strawberries and blackberries on sale at the store and had berries with Lite Cool Whip. Mmmmm... Probably a little too much Cool Whip. Plus last night I felt crappy (headache & stuffy nose, probably a combination of allergies and wearing the wrong glasses all day) so I skipped the gym, then ended up munching all evening. Nothing really bad though -- we had corn and asparagus for dinner, then munched on tortilla chips, then a slice of toast with low-sugar jam, then a little bit of breakfast cereal. It was still more than I should have had though.

    This afternoon I'm hopping on a flight to New York City for my sister's law school graduation! I'm excited about seeing my family and some of my friends who live out there. Of course we already have a huge fancy dinner planned, and I'm sure I won't be able to resist all the temptations of the city. I am staying with a friend of mine though instead of at a hotel so I can at least have healthy breakfasts.

    Monday we are closing on our house!! I'm really excited, now I'm just worried about finding the time to move!
  • Morning all! Thursday already? Where has the week gone! I'm at work for an hour or so, then at last an appt with an ortho surgeon. Of course, my knees were feeling fine last night but they were achy again this morning. I really hope there is something to be done short of surgery.

    Jessica, big doings in your world! Hope the house closing goes well.

    Lily, many guys in Alaska work week on/work off on the north slope oilfields. Wives with small children aren't crazy about it, those with older or no kids find they enjoy time to themselves when their husbands are gone, and time off together when they're home. And I don't know if it's true where your DH will be working, but on the oilfield, there's not much to spend $$ on.

    Meg, have fun in NM. I've not been, but my DH liked it a lot when he was there a few years back.

    Robin, good to see you! And congrats on kicking your bad springtime habits.

    My DH has gone to New England to visit his 94 year old father and other family and friends for 2 weeks. He left me in charge of the vegetable starts I get nervous about over/under watering, too much/little heat and light - very stressful. I do much better when they're out of the "nursery" and into the ground outdoors!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hi everyone, well it just started pouring rain again. My yard already looks like a marsh. At least it's still dry inside the house.

    Pat, the supervisor of that oil rig company has been my DH's best friend since they were 6 yrs. old. He worked many years in Alaska Oil Rigging and now works in Conway Arkansas. I was surprised to learn that they provide them an extra expense check to cover their food and lodging. So, his paycheck would basically be free to use. We're going to set it up where his check goes direct deposit in MY acct. so I can use the money to pay off our vehicles and such. It really would be great to be able to get ahead. I plan to have our deck refurbished to start with. DH and DS are going to room together in the hotel while they do their work week (which will save even more money). Since my youngest child will be 15 this week, I think she and I will enjoy the extra alone time. DH will be training to be a Rig Safety Inspector and DS will start at the bottom as a Roughneck. I love the idea that DH will have every other week off , which will give us lots of time to enjoy our camper and boat.

    I thought maybe there would be a problem with DS working for them since he has his Army obligation. But, they said No Problem. They have several employees that are in the Reserves and any time they have Drill or are deployed the company still pays them their full salary while they are gone. This is awesome, I don't know of any other company that does that.

    DH is eligible for his full retirement now from the Highway Patrol. We aren't going to touch that money. Just let it stay where it is and accrue more for our later years.

    I finally got my scale moving down again. 146 lbs. this morning. I have been purposefully increasing my water intake and it seems to help. Plus, been making myself exercise whether I want to or not. Last night I took out chicken to bake and my son begged for chicken-n-dumplins. I made his chicken and dumplins but put me and DD some chicken in the oven and made us a salad and green beans. I didn't eat not one bite of the men's food, even though it is something that I really love. But, I'd rather be back at goal than eat something that I have poor control with and makes my wt. shoot up. It sure feels great to know that I've gotten myself back on track.

    Meg, we get a lot of deer in our yard in the late fall and winter. Rabbits are more the problem right now. We put up a small chicken wire fence around the garden to keep the critters out. Only problem I've had is my lab puppy jumped the fence and trompled some of the potato plants. GRRRRRRRRR. I am still planning to plant strawberries. We love em and I know they won't go to waste. I have 4 rows of corn, 3 rows of squash, 8 tomato plants, tons of potatoes, 2 rows green beans, 2 rows peas, 1 row of onions and 1 row of bell peppers. Everyone here is gonna have lots of home-grown vegggies to eat.
  • Indiana Robin, it looks like I picked up your old habit. I made it through the holidays just fine, then spring hit and I shot up 5 lbs. (not by accident, I just got too lax). I'm working hard now to get back to goal.

    Jessica, I'm also hoping to "hit it big", Hmmmmm, maybe the lotto. LOL. I could easily make a life of traveling if I could afford it.

    Meg, my son has wanted to shoot deer with his bow from atop our deck. LOL.
  • Hmmm, it's usually moose that wander through our garden! They eat things like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, but the manage to step on lots of other things! We have had a fence that seems to work the last couple of years. It's ugly as it's that orange plastic snow fencing. It's about 6' high, but doesn't go to ground, ends about 2' above the ground. Moose don't like to go under things, and the movement of the plastic fencing seems to spook them. We've had them go through and over more "conventional" garden fencing. We can't shoot them in our yard either. Too bad.
  • Get a bear!!! Did you read about the family that woke up to a ruckus outside? They looked out the window and a bear had caught and was killing moose--right there on their driveway. Let's see if I can find the link for you.....

    found it!!
  • Last night, I didn't sleep well, so I slept in to the early afternoon. I didn't get out to my bike ride until 4:30 and the road was super busy. We really don't live in a great place to bike outside of our neighborhood but I've gotten tired of doing several laps so I ventured out on the main road. Some kids even threw something at me from their car. At least it didn't hit me.

    DH had an interview and a dinner meeting up in NYC yesterday, so he didn't make it down to our Wednesday night swing dance lesson. I spaced out and got the time wrong and showed up an hour late. At least I was there in time for the dance party portion.

    We don't have deer or moose or bears. Just squires, chipmonks, a rabbit, and moles.
  • OMG Allison. I missed that totally. Homer is aobut 5 hours south of here, a very popular fishing and tourist community. (Or as they like to quip, "A quiet drinking community with a fishing problem!") A bear would probably think my little 10 lb cat was an appetizer!

    Oh, and the good news on my knees is that it's the same old "wandering kneecap" problem, just aggravated. He wants me to do 6 weeks of PT and then reevaluate. Better news, the PT office is only a block from work - gotta love small town living!
  • Hi everyone, just a quick drop-in. I'm babysitting my 2 little grandson's today so it will be a busy day. I sure wish I had a way to get the 3 yr. old potty trained. No one is working with him. I only have him 1 day a week and no one is consistent with trying to help potty train him. It is really frustrating. Should I just not even Try when I have him? Or should I persist in trying? Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. He is very smart and goes and gets a new diaper (pull-up) and says "I need my diaper changed now". I never had this problem with my own kids. Once I put them in "underwear", we never went back to diapers. I'm considering asking if I can keep him til Monday and see if I can't work all weekend with him to get him potty trained.

    DH and I went to the comedy club last night. It was fun. We ate dinner at a restaurant and I made good choices. Baked chicken, cabbage, carrots and a baked potato with sliced fresh pineapple for dessert. It was yummy. I wasn't even tempted for sweets. I was so happy to have stayed within my calorie limit. I skipped lunch knowing that we were going to dine out for dinner.

    I bought my DD a cell phone for her B-day (tomorrow) she'll be very happy.

    Hope everyone has a great day.