TGIF - November 23

  • Good Morning!

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!

    I guess I'm one of the few Americans "lucky" enough to have to be in the office today.

    DH & I were clowns in the Houston Thanksgiving day parade and had a blast. Later we went to his grandparents' house and had a nice time. One of the best parts of the day was (sorry, have to brag) MY SIZE 10 JEANS FIT!!!! YAY!!! Wearing them yesterday certainly kept me from overindulging.

    Bubbles2 - Good to have you back & congrats on the 60 lbs. I'm glad things seem to be going well for your family & hope they continue.

    Have a great day!

  • Happy Friday to all!!

    Happily I am off today, I need to catch up around here a little. THe laundry is piling up.....Had a nice Turkey day with the my parents and brother here. DH will be home from hunting tonite.

    Hope you all have a great day and a nice weekend.

    Jennifer-COngrats on the jeans SIZE 10 that is fantastic!!!!!
  • Good Frosty morning everyone!

    little chilly out this morning so that means some last minute tiying inside today. My neighbour popped by last night and dropped off a lovely gift for me, a nice advent calendar that si all stiched with snowmen on it. Very cute.. We helped her put up her Christmas lights last weekend so this was her way of saying thank-you, isn't that nice? This morning I am waiting for our contractor to come by because dh finally agreed to get some subfloorin the basement! After MUCH deliberation we are finally going forward with the project. I can't wait because then we can finally start enjoying the space as a family room like it was intended to be!

    Glad to see that you enjoyed the parade JHP, I'm very jealous that you fit into size 10!
  • Good Friday Morning !

    Not doing nothing special today......just gotta get that coffee.
    Boy did I pig out yesterday OY VEY !!! lololol....the turkey was so good and even my FIL who never says anything said dinner was good (leens patting herself on her back haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa).

    Have a wonderful day !

    Pooky I could cry for you I'm so happy......I remember hitting goal ONCE and it felt sooooooooooooooooo why can't I do it again ??????? lolol.

    Love Yahs !!!!!
  • Today feels like a Monday!
    I have zero energy this morning. Want to sleep! I guess I had too much excitement and food yesterday. Oy vey! My tummy isn't happy with me either but it was worth it.

    LOL! I can't rememger being in a size 10 since maybe third grade.
    I did wear a twelve about 22 years ago. I'd be happy in a sixteen right now!

    I guess I'll go find some breakfast and decide what to do first this morning. Going back to sleep sounds good.........
  • Not a good start to the day around here so I have stayed off the PC until now.

    First of all, I did diet for you American chickies yesterday but someone sent me another pound!

    Second, when I got into my kitchen, I slid and landed on my butt on the floor! DH spilled a bottle of flaxseed oil when I was at my meeting last night and cleaned it up with just paper towels and water! Sheesh!

    Third, when the sun came up, I noticed cloudy kitchen storm windows that were just put up yesterday. Apparently DH and Numb Nuts Neighbour Norm DID wash them (they forgot last year)but used LEMON juice instead of vinegar and water!

    OY VEY! as Tip says. (By the way, that expression is Yiddish and sort of means "OMG!" "What have I done to deserve this?" "How long O Lord?")

    Anyhow, today is bake for tomorrow's bake sale so I am glugging water and working on pies and pineapple cakes. I also have pizza crusts that need to be topped and one costume to make - I hope it's only one. I have yet to dig out the costume box to check.

    Thanks for being here to listen to me vent!
  • Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!

    I managed to stay OP (ok, ok -- two bites of pumpkin cheesecake -- but it had cream cheese so it was legal -- right?!!??!!)

    We went out to eat for Thankgiving. Which was a first and it was awesome! We had our own private room for the 10 of us, they even gave us leftovers!

    Today I am wrapping up my Christmas cards and making ornaments with DD#1. It should be fun!

    Happy weekend everyone!

  • Gee Ruth, are you all right?? I realise you have padding back there but...(ducking while Ruth throws something at me!). I took a fall Wednesday in the kitchen, but I landed on my left knee which hurts like heck yet! I don't really know if I fell cause I stumpled over something or cause I was dizzy! that morning I woke up light headed.

    Aging is not for the timid!
  • Joy to the Frassing World!
    Can you believe that Ruth, the Famous Delta Pie Maker, screwed up three crusts and had to pitch them! Never triple a pastry recipe. Three others turned out perfectly.

    And then - I took my butterscotch squares out of the pan too soon and all three pans crumbled apart! On the card, clearly marked in my writing, is "Do not remove from pan until completely cool".

    I have cookies and cream cheese icing left to do plus the pizzas. Do you think I'll make it without sampling? Have been OK so far with my big glass of water at my side.

    Have not started that costume yet. It's gonna be a long night!

    Hey, didn't I do this same whining post this time last year? Boot me, somebody!

    Oh yes - Mr Lemon Window Cleaner, was sent for white mini-lights for the porch and came home with 500 coloured regular lights. Numb Nuts Neighbour Norm had nothing to do with it this time!

    By the way, "frass" is caterpillar poop! Remember .... your read it here first.
  • need to come to NJ and have a piece of my Carrot Cake....Trust me that will make everything alllllllll right. Seems like its one of those days just to stay in bed !

    Have a safe (whats left of it) day.
    Love Leens
  • I think I know what's ailing everyone---
    The infamous Turkey Hangover! Ruth, you care so much for us that you are suffering vicariously! You guys be careful of slip and falls, unless you are in the grocery store where you can make a million, okay?

    Took a just for the heck of it day off today, and have wasted the whole day driving. Took wee one to Grandma's for the first time in 3 months, that's a 45 minute trip one-way. Then, sister and I did the stores, although precious little shopping was done for all the pushing and shoving. Just got home to clean and rearrange. I am moving my den into the living room so I can have a sewing room like Tippy, and I can't wait to get started. Then why haven't I started yet? There's always some excuse, huh?

    Well, chickies, have a wonderful day. Ruth and Tippy, try to stay upright, okay?
  • Jennifer WHOOOOPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! SIZE TEN!!!!!!! I am like SOOOOO jealous. That's a size I long ago gave up on. I'll be happy with an 18 this time around I think.

    Ruth, dearie, I hope you didn't injure yourself seriously. Sometimes we think we're okay after a tumble like that but all sorts of strange aches and pains begin showing up after a few days. Take care. By the way, Ruth, I tripled my pastry recipe just last week to bake pies for our Christmas craft & Bake sale and it turned out terrific. It's all in the way you hold your tongue (as my dear Mom used to say).

    I'm not too thrilled with myself today. Had my WW weigh-in and was up almost two pounds. It's not as if I don't know why either. I guess all the chocolates that DH brought home from Germany AND the burned peanut brittle that wasn't good enough for the Craft fair but was too good to throw away mmmmight have had something to do with it.
    Back to the old drawing board today.