Doing TO earlier than 2 weeks apart

  • Hi everyone and Good Sunday morning to you! I have been reading a lot here but not posting much and I was wondering about something. Do you think it would be okay to do TO (with the Knudsens juice) once a week or once every 1 1/2 weeks? I have stayed on plan fine but I did have extra sodium last night and I am feeling the bloat today. I am planning on lots of lemon juice and hot water today but I was thinking of maybe doing TO towards the end of next week which would be about 10 days from my last one. What do yall think?
  • Hi, and welcome! I would not advise you to do TO more than every 2 weeks. It will not be as sucessful, and it may be pretty hard on your system and metabolism. Just do some hot lemon water today and you should be just fine.
  • I wouldn't reccomend it. Take -off is low in calorie and is intended to both keep you from hitting a plateau and to break a plateau so doing it to often would cause your body to adjust to that low level of calories and quit burning fat as efficiently when you are on regular plan.
  • Thanks guys. That is pretty much what I figured! I just drank lots of lemon water yesterday and stayed close to the bathroom!! Have a great Monday!