once and future chick?

  • I believe in popped in here once upon a time, not sure what happened (probably life/kids/travel/moving house/surgery...) but I am still battling with weight and I think I'll stick around. I'm really impressed with this site, it looks like it caters to plus size women where we are now, not waiting till we reach some magic number on the scale.

    I'm a 40-something mom, married, got 2 teenagers and a younger one, and a cat. Lots of interests but right now am focusing on battling some health issues. I need to lose weight but it is a struggle. I don't like counting calories and I do like eating <sigh>.

    I want to learn about nutrition and health. I am fed up of marketing and gimmicks, I want to know what *really* works.

    I have always been on the heavy side and don't think I will ever be a twiggy lookalike, but I would like to weigh less and be able to buy clothes that actually look nice on me and hang properly. Right now there are too many lumps and bumps and everything looks awful...

    Then there's the health issues - I am tired of being in paaaiiiin and all the docs say to lose weight. (arthritis and chronic pain and possible fibromylgia etc)

    I'm 208 lbs now, was 230 at my biggest, I got down to 190 on the curves low carb diet 2 years ago but I think it was unwise, and caused other probs, I don;t want to do that again.

    I joined a gym then acute back pain sent me to the ER - herniated disk, so I have to go back to square one and start all over. <sigh> So i'll be looking for exercise info too.

    Looking forward to learning about fellow "fat chicks" and things that work in the path towards fitness and health.
  • Hey crazy sheep! This site is wonderful. Glad you found it. Have you tried weight watchers? It is a really healthy way to go. You should check out the ww threads here. Just a suggestion. Take care and good luck!! Oh, and by the way, you can do it!!!
  • Welcome!
  • Thanks for the welcomes... WW is something I am considering. It seems to have been around almost as long as I have which is probably saying something! e.g. not a fad... The problem I have with the diet programs is that we eat a lot of "ethnic" foods that often arent covered in the programs. Or they rely a lot on things that I can't eat due to allergies or religious reasons, so I want to make sure any program will be *relevant to me* before I cough up any $$$.

    So I'll be around asking Qs... and I'll definitely go check out the WW threads.
  • Hey CS !
    I am so glad you are here !
    The rest of my story that I did not write lies here on this board. Without the support and comments of these ladies I would have never made it this far.
    I hope this helps out you as much as it has helped out me.
    You have made my day !~
  • thank you karis I PM'd you