~fiber Fanatics~may

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  • Hello all…….. I am fairly new to the forum and am thinking about giving the higher fiber lifestyle a try. So I am looking for resources, what are some of the high fiber foods other then oranges, some cereals etc? What do you snack on? Where are some good recipes and how can you incorporate this into something your kids will eat?

  • Mottos:

    My favorites:

    Berries~fresh or frozen~DH uses them in smoothies, I like them in cereal or by themselves. Raspberries seem have the most fiber.

    Whole Grains~brown rice, quinoa, barley, ww flour, ww bread, rye crackers, ww tortillas, bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, etc. I've gotten to the point where the only white rice I eat is when we go out for sushi (even our favorite Thai place serves brown rice now.)

    Apples~I LOVE them with a bit of natural peanut butter

    Beans~hummus, soups, stews, Dahl, burritos (on a ww tortilla with just a bit of cheese), chili, etc. If you cook at home and don't have time to soak them, lentils are a good option since they cook in 30 mins and no soaking is necessary.

    Veggies~I love roasted veggies! It brings out the flavor and very little oil is necessary (example, I use 1t oil for a whole head of cauliflower or broccoli.)
  • Oh sure Apples never thought of that, Rasberries in smoothie yes love that usually I put in a banana and strawberries but I suppose the carb washes out the fiber in the berries isn't that how that works or is that the whole net carb thing? I also try to put flax seed into what I can but I suppose I could add it to yogurt as well.

    Thank you I did order the F-Factor book and hope to get more out of that as well. How do Carrots rate on the fiber scale?

  • Hi all, I just found you
    Fiber wipes out carbs so it is the other way around. You can googl nutrition for any food and find its values on the web and decide if it is right for you.

    I have been doing high fiber of and on since he good old days of WW123. Loved that plan I am now 3 weeks back on and feeling so much better than I have in a while.

    my 2 favorite snacks these days are Edemame and or my to go I like the fibe one bars.
  • Can we start this again???!!!
  • Sure, I'm in. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself and why increased fiber is working for you!

  • Count me in on the high fiber lifestyle.

    I have the book the Reality Diet. While I won't be following the actual diet in the book, the best thing I got out of the book was to choose my carbs using the 2:90 ratio (2 grams of carbs for every 90 calories). This ensures a decent fiber intake when choosing grains. (His full explanation of the ratio is in the book). Also, I'll be eating a lot of fruits and veggies and legumes.

    Since I want to learn as much as possible about the benefits of fiber (and I know there are many), I just ordered The F Factor Diet off amazon. For those interested, they're now selling the hardcover at the bargain price of $6.99! A steal!

    I won't be counting calories, just eating quality food. Also, I'll be working on my overeating and emotional eating. And since I'm such a believer in fiber, I'll be reading all I can on it, and post new book fiinds when I come across them.

    Eating high fiber really worked for me in the past, because I'm a real volume eater and need a lot of food to fill me up. Fiber really helps with that, so I can eat less.

    Here are some food finds I found today that fit my 2:90 ratio for carbs:

    Metamucil Cinnamon Wafers
    Fiber One Bars
    Quaker Breakfast Cookies
    All-Bran crackers

    These products are really high in fiber.

    What are your favorites?
  • I'm sorry, I really screwed up my first post!

    That should read a minimum of 2 grams fiber for every 90 calories! Sorry!
  • Fiber One cereal is my all time favorite, the Fiber One bars give me the trots!
    I put the whole box in snack zip bags so I don't have to measure it out each time I eat it, that makes it so handy. I have it every morning for breakfast with fresh raspberries. Our raspberries are just about done producing for the year so I'll probably go back to eating the cereal dry. I sprinkle Fiber One on top of FF/SF puddings, it's really delicious that way. It almost tastes like pie!
  • I've found, in my experience, that eating a hf cereal in the morning really helps keep my fiber intake high for the day. I like Uncle Sam cereal.

    Bobbo~ Hi! How's the maintaining going? I had to laugh about the Fiber one bar comment. Skinny Cow fudge bars do the same to me. I think it's the sugar alcohols.

    Oh, and I've started eating Miltons breads. They are a good texture and they have 5g of fiber per slice. Plus, no HFCS in the ingredients. If you are a cc-er they have 90 cals per slice.
  • Maintaining isn't going so good, I've been moving MIL to an assisted living apartment and been too busy to bring my own food. We've been eating fast food for the last two weeks. I finally got on the scale this morning and see I'm up 5 pounds. As soon as we get her moved in and the house sold I'll have to get back on the band wagon and shed those 5 pounds. I agree with you about eating the high fiber cereal in the mornings, it sure does keep me from being hungry.