10% lighter than I was when I started!

  • I'm all excited because today I stepped on the scale and it read 343.2!! Which is .1 lb under my 1st 10% goal. That means that I've lost 38.2 lbs since I started on 1/21/07. I'm going with my friend on Wednesday to go get facials (never had one before, should be interesting). When I started out, she informed me that she's invited herself to all of my mini goal celebrations... haha. Too bad she's moving in a month, but at least we can celebrate it together this time!!
  • Congrats! I can't wait until I get to celebrate my first 10% too!!

    Keep up the good work, and kudos for rewarding yourself with that facial. You deserve it.
  • That's amazing! Such a significant amount of your weight is gone already, and now you know that you have the power to get rid of the rest of it too!

    I also love that you're finding rewards that not only aren't food, but will make you feel even better about yourself.
  • Congrats! 10% increments are amazing chunks of loss. Enjoy the facial.
  • Congratulations, it must feel amazing, keep it on, and have a new goal....
    And you'll love the facial...
    I do have that same goal since I started WW yesterday, and looking forward to make it happen like you too....
  • Congrats!
    Way to Go!

    Great idea to set small realistic goals! I was a little bit down earlier to day but reading your post gave me more motivation. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Enjoy your facial, it is well deserved!!
  • Awesome! What great success!!! Congrats and enjoy the pampering
  • Congrats! What a great mile stone! Enjoy your facial