Why do you whant to get slim?

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  • Did you ever think about it? Why do you want to get slim? What do you think would change?

    First, I think I would look better and I could dress better. It was not important to me before but as I got older (I am 33) i think it meters to me more.

    I would like to be relaxed during sex and I can’t be that on this size.

    I think people would like me more because I would be me more energetic and friendly.

    I think that all that is realistic. What are you thinking about?
  • Clothes are a big part of it for me too!

    I want to be healthy...I want to walk up a flight of stairs without getting painfully out of breath (asthma+obesity=not pretty.).

    I want to be more comfortable in my body.
  • Good question!

    My family wants to become more outdoorsy (camping, hiking etc) and frankly, there would be no way I could sleep, much less move around comfortably, in a tent.
    I also want to feel confidant and pretty and light. I remember feeling light, and delicate. I would like to feel that way again.

  • family history of diabetes....and personal history of insulin resistance, gestational diabetes and sugar problems

    family history of heart disease...personal history of high cholesterol from the age of <21 & blood pressure issues only above 180 lbs. (under 180 I have very very low BP)

    2 beautiful babies
  • When I was younger I was physically fit, and I would like to improve my fitness. It's all about health for me. I've been gaining weight, losing some, gaining again, for years, and I'm making a real change now.

    I don't yet have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc., and I don't want to go there! And my aches and pains (lower back, etc.) have greatly improved since I have started exercising more and have lost weight. It's amazing how much easier it is to move when one weighs less.

  • I want to be healthy and be able to do the things I like. My weight has put great strain on my knees and if I continued to be overweight for the rest of my life, what else would happen? Losing 100 lbs was one of the greatest things I ever did. I enjoy feeling healthy and seeing the positive changes in my body.
  • I want to feel better physically while I'm still young enough and fit enough to do it. I want to make sure I'm in good health now so that I can, hopefully, have a decent old age. I want to be less self-conscious about my body. I want to get back at least a little athleticism and strength.
  • Well, health is my No.1 reason. Although I don't have high blood pressure and diabetes, my knees hurt all the time and I was out of breath after only a story of stairs. I know all those 171 pounds were just too much for my 5'4" frame to carry.

    Also, saving money is my 2nd reason, I want to fit into my old pants instead of spending money on bigger ones.
  • My main goal is to look nice. I love seeing my jawline. It makes me feel pretty, for whatever reason. I've always had big hips, just accentuated (negatively) by the excess fat, so I would LOVE to get rid of it and wear skirts and not look like an exclamation mark. Also, being slim would make me more comfortable in public, when I have to present. Not so conscious about what people are thinking of me.
  • Quote: Third - Marriage. Notice how everyone who loses weight seems to get married soon after if single?
    You know something, I think this has to do with more of your frame of mind than anything. I lost weight and started dating my DH but he didn't know I had lost weight. I hadn't seen him in over a year even though we worked for the same manager. After we talked about dating, I told him I had lost weight and he was very encouraging.

    I really think my frame of mind changed more than my weight. It was what really enabled me to have a loving relationship with someone.
  • I was just thinking about this today, actually! Funny you should ask.

    I realized that I want to lose weight and get fit so that I'm physically better. My big thing in life is being independent and capable, and I realized that I am not physically capable if I keep getting winded easily, can't lift much, have to worry about developing health problems, and continue being a slave to food. I want to be smart and strong, a force to be reckoned with!
  • I am at the age (in my 40's) that health is now an issue.. I have diabetes in my family and high blood pressure as well.

    But I won't lie and say I don't want to walk in a room and feel sexy. I have a visualization I do to motivate me and I am wearing a very sexy, very short red silk dress.. and GADS! no bra because I don't have huge boobs anymore.. (like that will ever happen.. but it IS my imagination!)...

    I use the fear of diabetes daily (I worked with a kidney surgeon that did transplants... 80% of all patients were on dialysis because of diabetes) to motivate me.. (I actually have that "use fear of diabetes to do this") pop up daily in my Outlook reminders.. along with "remember to take care of yourself today".. they are in there each day.. to keep me on track..

    a few more reasons:
    I want to look less matronly...

    I want to not walk in a room and immediately feel uncomfortable.

    I want to use a normal size towel after a shower.

    I want to wear sexy bras (there's the boob thing again) why can't they make cute bras for large breasted women?

    I want to ride a bike and not hear Queen's "Fat Bottom Girls" in my mind..

    I want to wear a pair of levi's button fly jeans.

    I would love to make love and not feel so uncomfortable and try to cover up as soon as I can.

    I would love to go bungee jumping.

    Sometime I would love to learn to inline skate..

    I want to do a cartwheel again..

    I could go on and on..
  • Hi, I'm with ennay! Diabeties run in my family and I had gestational diabeties. I also want to throw on clothes and not be worried about how my clothes fit me and what bulges out. I want thin thighs too!!!
  • HEALTH!!! Between tendonitis, bad knees, whacked out hormones, sleep apnea, depression, and acid reflux...........I was going crazy already and knew that if I kept my weight up then things were going to go down hill FAST!
    I want to be able to keep up with my kids, I would LOVE to have another baby and I have all these clothes that I've "outgrown"......I really miss them
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by BooBear2071
    Third - Marriage. Notice how everyone who loses weight seems to get married soon after if single?
    Originally Posted by nelie
    You know something, I think this has to do with more of your frame of mind than anything.
    I agree, Nelie. I'm single by choice...wasn't looking for marriage at any weight or at any age. My weight loss issues, and my reasons for wanting to lose weight, are totally about my own perception of myself and my concerns about my health, not about looking for something or someone outside. I can't say I've been treated any differently by men at 200 lbs than I was at 140 lbs. They either don't notice my weight or look at it more positively than I do. That being said, I think I'm basically the same person whether I'm 140, 160 or 200. I'm still pretty easy-going, smart, funny, and of course, modest. Only now I'm just a great person who wants to be able to run a lap around a track without fearing a stroke or heart attack.
    I think it's possible some single folks who get married soon after losing weight are able to do so because the weight loss increased their confidence and outgoing-ness...that it could just as well have happened when they were heavier had they felt comfortable about it.