Weigh in at home 4/9 - 4/15

  • Starting the topic. Be back in a little while.
  • Hey Judy! Sorry you've been so sick. Hope you'll be feeling 100% very soon. Happy belated birthday too! I'm still struggling psychologically to get back in the groove, but I'm ready to start trying again. Once more, with feeling.
  • Karen!!!! It's great to "see" you!!!! Thanks for the birthday and get well wishes. Sorry to hear that you have been struggling. Actually, I've had a rough month or two plan-wise too and I'm ready to start trying again.....also with feeling (love that.) So stick around and we'll do it together, OK?

    It's been a bit of a rough start to lose the weight I gained recently. No excuse but the fact that DH brought home ice cream and peanut M&M's over the weekend didn't help. Yes, I had some but I journalled it, so as my leader says, I wasn't off-preogram. At least Passover is over tonight so I can say goodbye to matzo for another year! Now we'll see if I can watch the Yankee game without snacking too much.

    Have a great one!
  • Ice cream and peanut M&M's sounds like something Mike would do too! As you're happy that Passover is done, I'm pleased that Easter is over with. Our local grocery store does the best ever hot cross buns, and I bought two dozen instead of the usual one. Oh well. DD is here till she heads to Korea next week, so she's helping to finish them off.

    I've been in study mode for the last few weeks, I write my nursing specialty certification exam on Saturday. I get very snacky when studying, so will be glad when that's out of the way too.

    Our snow has finally almost gone, and I have exactly one snowdrop in my garden so far. I'm not used to having a late spring...things used to start popping up in early January when we lived near Vancouver.

    Have a great day...

  • Karen - mmmmm, hot cross buns sounds yummy! I'm sure it's great that Jen is with you. Please forgive my faulty memory...hasn't she been overseas for a while (at least I think she's been overseas.....unless it's been in the planning stage and she's first going next week)? If my memory serves me right and she's been overseas for while, how long has she been visiting for? OK, now I'm a bit confused. The last I remember, you were *teaching* while been semi-retired. What nursing specialty have you been studying for and for how long? January certainly seems early for things to be popping (but then I've never been to Vancouver) but this is a crazy (and now late) spring for us this year. My crocus bloomed and I have some daffodils but it's been colder (about 10 degrees) than it should be and I'm ready to get back into the 60's. Tomorrow is going to be 40's and rainy, yuck!

    I'm off to the vet's with Smokey in a few minutes to learn how to give him fluid therapy. We got his blood test results back from yesterday. Since he was diagnosed with kidney problems (3 wks ago - it's NOT from the food, it's because he is an older, male cat) he's been on special kidney diet food. His kidney numbers did not worsen (which is good) but his anemia got slightly worse so we are going to try fluid therapy for the next 3-4 weeks and hopefully that will help the anemia (the vet explained that the kidneys produce a hormone that tells the body to produce red blood cells - at least I think that was the explanation.) I'm usually OK with that kind of stuff - and of all of our kitties, Smokey is the easiest going. I hope he (and I) take to it OK since I'm going to be doing it every day.

    The key for me eating-wise tonight is NOT to try to snack away my disappointment with his results (although it was good news - not so good news results since his kidney numbers didn't get worse) combined with the nervousness/stress of giving him the therapy. I did shed a couple of tears before (of disappointment I guess) so I am on the alert for the "grazing/eating whatever isn't nailed down" as a reaction. I KNOW eating is NOT going to help anything though.

    Have a great one,
  • Hello, Ladies!

    We were out of town Sun-Wed so I weighed-in at home here on Sunday morning instead of my usual Mon. So...

    I did lose 2lbs this week, but I think that was because AF left and took water weight with her. So I am at -28lbs which is good, but it is the week of BIRTHDAYS here (mine and my eldest son's) so I have been eating and NOT journaling.

    I also have some added stress these next few weeks. My dad is having open heart surgery next Thurs so I will be flying home without the kids (8yo, 5yo, 3yo) and without DH leaving him with the boys. He is a full time senior pastor and even though he is home a lot, his schedule is unpredictable and busy. We currently have a dear woman (only her early 50's) from church at her home with hospice in the end stages of pancreatic cancer and so he is on call for the family and preparing for the memorial service. I will likely be gone at this time so it is just a lot of stress and I can tell I am feeling drawn to the food to eat emotionally! I do not want to. Even though I lost last week, I do not think my luck will hold out for another week and I really want to get to my first 10% (-29lb) and hit -30lbs!

    Judy - I sooooo hear you on the
    I am on the alert for the "grazing/eating whatever isn't nailed down" as a reaction. I KNOW eating is NOT going to help anything though.
    It's still hard to manage it and not to revert to old bad habits.

    Karen - I *love* what you said about getting back into it
    Once more, with feeling.
    I'm right there with you! Thank you for that!!!

    So...I'm here to share a and encourage you both (along with talking to myself), and to us all on this week.
  • Marcia -congratulations on losing the 2 pounds and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and your eldest son. I will be thinking of you and your dad this week. Yes, there isn't anything much more stressful but you know, under those circumstances, all you can do is your best. If you can avoid the emotional eating, great, but if you can't, just remember, forgive yourself (progress not perfection!) and get right back on. I'm sure your husband and kids will do OK. Just try to remember to take care of yourself too - if we don't, we can't take care of others.

    Even with all the stress of the week (on Thursday night I got some disappointing work news) I managed to eat and snack reasonably and I was very pleased to weigh in this morning and see the 2.6 I gained last week gone! I'm now at the lowest weight (and ready to lose some more!) as well as 0.4 away from 20 pounds gone.

    I got outside today and pruned some of the roses - it's almost 60 today and I wanted to get outside since we are expecting a Nor'easter tomorrow into Monday. My back is a little ouchy now but I'll do some yoga for my back later. Assuming we don't lose power tomorrow, I plan on doing a new Leslie Sansone 4 mile walk dvd I got (after I write some more progress reports.) Tonight we are having pizza and salad for dinner. Yesterday I was thinking how long it's been since we had pizza so it will be a nice treat.

    Have a great one!