just starting out............again!!

  • Hello everyone! My name is Laura and I live in Ontario Canada. This is probably my 10th attempt at losing weight. I was successful once about 3 years ago, got to my goal weight of 125lbs, and put it all back on, plus some! I currently am at 170lbs and 5'2", and would deperately like to return to a healthy weight. I finally was able to quit smoking about 13 months ago (of course after many numerous attempts), but unfortunately I have substituted food (more than I normally eat) for that nasty habit. I do walk about 3 times a week (sometimes more if the weather is good) for and hour and half each time. I work outdoors so I am getting some exercise there. But the one thing I would like to stop doing is eating when I am not hungary. It is so disturbing to me that I do that, plus the people I work with tend to sometimes make fun of me for continueoulsy eating, its got to stop!! This is where I hope some support from an outside source will hopefully come in handy! Well this being an holiday weekend will be a hard test, I sure am going to give my best shot to not over eat! Thanks for listening, and hope to hear from some real soon!! Happy Easter all!!!
  • Hi LAURA . . . . . . from a fellow Canadian. I'm originally from Ontario (born and raised in Toronto and then spent about ten years in Kitchener) and have been living in Nova Scotia for about 13 years now.

    Anyway, you have definitely come to the right place to receive lots of support and inspiration as you travel the long and winding road to better health and fitness. This is a really big site, so have a good look around and don't be shy. Just hop right in and start posting wherever something catches your eye. I know you will receive a big, welcoming wherever you decide to post.

    Just wanted to let you know we have a CRAZY CANUKS CLUCK CLUB on the go and here is a link to our April chat thread . . . http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=108686 . . . Hope you'll make us one of your regular stops as you tour around 3FC in the weeks to come.

    Anyway, Chickie . . . you have yourself a great moving and shaking kind of day and we'll be looking forward to seeing you again really soon . . .