Why is juice ok

  • I just started reading the book but in the meal plan it says orange juice or grapefruit juice are ok aren't they loaded with sugar? Sorry if this is a dumb ?
  • Carrie: No question is EVER dumb...first and foremost.

    As for the sugar in juice...as long as it is No Sugar Added juice, then the sugar in the juice is of the natural kind, from the fruit, which is okie dokie on our meal plans. Check the ingredients, even if it says No Sugar Added, for hidden sugars like High Fructose Corn Syrup, etc...if no sugar is in the ingredients (INGREDIENTS...not the label that says how many grams of sugar..this can be misleading), then it is okay...
  • Carrie - Juice is o.k.in moderation if it has no added sugar BUT it is better to eat the fruit as for example it would take several oranges to make one cup of juice. And if you eat the fruit you are also getting more fibre.
  • Maybe try the tropicana light OJ that has less calories and is also sweetened with an articficial sweetener. Drink in the morning alone, a while before breakfast or for a snack by itself. :-)