PCOS Weightloss & TTC Support -- April

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  • I hope you all had a very Happy & Joyous Easter!

  • Good Morning Girls!

    Well I had an apt. with my Gyn and I had a melt down! I can not beleive I cried my eyes out. She wants to put me on something to help with the stress of infertility. She also suggested the lap band surg. I really don't want to do that. I am going to start weight watchers and really stick to the plan and hope I loose it fast. My aunt has lost 17 lbs and my friend has lost 10 lbs in a mo. I really need to do this. I am also thinking of taking break from TTC my husband tore an mcl musle and he will be out of commision if he has to have surg. He goes back to the doc in a couple of weeks to see, and it would be the perfect time to jump start a diet. I may loose 10% of my body weight and see how I feel then to go back to TTC. I have been thinking to cause the doc. said I would more than likely have gest. dieabetis and other complications cause of my weight.

    Thanks for listening
  • Hey Princess

    It proberly isnt too much fo a bad idea if you use your DH's injury to your advantage if he cant bd and you cant get pregnant it give you the prefect chance to lose some weight and get yourself in better shape... thats part of the reason why me and my DH have decided to stop again cos with the weight being such an issue with concieveing i am gonna use the next few months to really lose some lbs and then fingers crossed come the time we want to start again we will be in a better postion... I totally understnad how much of a hard descion this is and its one i didnt take lightly either but give yourself some credit cos if you actully think its a good idea and its came out of your month then you should be proud of yourself thast you have made that desicion ... I know i am for having made the decison a few months even a year ago i wouldnt have even considered it but now i see how importnat it is to be rational... and althoguht i know how depressing you proberly feel at the moment with the whole fertility issues and not concieveing thing i think once you have made a deisicon one way or the other it will take a weight off your sholders....

    If you ever wanna talk to me i am herre for you and whatever yoiu decide to do will be the best thing for you at this time...

  • Princess, What a difficult day you had! Bless your heart. It's not an easy decision, but it sounds like you feel like it is best for now. And just think how much more energy you will have for that new baby! Plus with your husband's injury ttc might just be really frustrating right now.
    WW definitely works when you work it. I recommend the core plan, it is very similar to the low gi diet that is recommended for pcos.
    Vent anytime! You will make the right decision for you.
  • to all, I hope your all having a good week.
  • princess - I agree you can definitely do it!! I've considered surgery in the past but I really think you should exhaust all other options before doing it. I have come to the same conclusion as Teresa...we have to be as rational as possible (and sometimes I know it's almost impossible) and if we have to take a while off and get ourselves healthier, we and our future children will be so much better off for it.

    Teresa - Sorry about AF - she seems to come to me on special days too for some reason!! I got it on Christmas Day and I was like "wow, what a present!!" lol I think it's good to focus back on losing weight. I am trying to do both and it's been difficult to be honest. I'm really stuck at this weight right now, I can't seem to budge any off.

    Well I'm on my 2nd femara cycle now, I have one more pill tomorrow and then it's just the wait to ovulate. Anyhow at work so should get to it, but hope everybody has a good day!
  • Girls thank you so much!

    I know that I can do this! I am very determined!!! I know you girls will be a great support and Dh will be too. Dh and I have got so much closer since this TTC journey. I know this is the right thing to do. By the way I got AF this morning.
  • Hey princess glad to hear AF came adn its great to see you so posative with your desicion i think its a loteasier to cope with one thing at a time for deinfate...

    Liz : Good luck this cycle i hope it works for you.. To be honesti was glad to get AF i see you got AF say before me so we were nearly cycle buddys but not quite this time lol keep me posted on how your going..

    Hope you all having a good day

  • Hey gals!

    princess - Definitely we can support each other through this! WE CAN DO IT!! haha corny but true. My DH & I have gotten a lot closer as well. One thing I can that has been positive about this TTC journey, is that both of us know no matter whether we ever have kids or not, we are so blessed to have each other and would never change that for anything.

    Teresa - I was glad to get AF too. I feel now like I'm just moving through cycles in order to get to IUI or IVF or wherever we're going to end up. I just feel like that is inevitable at this point.

    Well girls not too much new here, work is getting crazy busy. I just went for about a 40 minute swim, I haven't been swimming in SOOOO long and I can't believe how tired I am! I had to eat something when I got home, I actually felt a little faint. But I made it a 100 calorie snack pack so that's not too bad. Except oops, I had two of them. Haha That's OK I was under on my calories anyway (still am, actually, I just wasn't hungry today! Is this even me talking??? ) Anyhow talk to you later I'm off to bed!
  • Wishing you all Good Luck for today -- Friday the 13th. lol.

    Have a Great Weekend! We're supposed to get snow on Saturday!
  • Good morning!

    It's Friday the 13th! I hope everyone has a Good Friday the 13th!

    So far so good on WW diet! I am pretty proud of myself!

    Chat with you girls later!
  • DH got his test results back. Fortunately it's just the pcos that's holding us back.
  • Lifegaurd~ We have the same thing Dh is fine and I just have PCOS. So what plan are you all going to do? Have you seen an Re yet?
  • Hello girls! I hope that everyone is having a great weekend.

    Lifeguard-that's great! At least you know what you're dealing with now for sure.

    Liz-congrats on your swim. I love swimming, but there's no where around here that I would be caught in a swimsuit!

    I am still waiting on AF...My EDD is 4/15 so we'll see. Have any of you used pre-seed? I ordered some but need to read up on the best time to use it. Just curious if any of you have tried it.

    Back to cleaning the house!!
  • Hey all.

    Its a Rainy & Cold dreary day here. Makes you just want to stay in bed. I know I wanted too. lol. But alas work won't do itself!

    I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!