LAWL Losers and Friends - April, 2007

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  • Kristen - Here's my take on your ydd's issue, whether you want it or not. Keep in mind that ANY change in a child's patterns (i.e. daddy dropping off instead of mommy) is much more huge to a kid than it is to us adults. It will take her some time to adjust, but she'll get through it. When kids start remembering their dreams, it's kind of scary for them.. sometimes they become afraid to go to sleep and stay asleep at night. My ods used to have "night terrors"... his dreams were so vivid that he'd wake up terrified and unconsolable. Up side to that is that they outgrow it. Kids all definetly go through stages of being more clingy too. About all you can do is make sure she's getting hugs at drop off, and a quick good bye with the reassurance that mommy/daddy will be back later to pick you up.
  • Cassi......that sounds divine. I had never had flank steak until you posted the dijon beef I'm hooked. I love steak. My ultimate favorite is ribeye.....but flank is much leaner. Also, I have found that if you buy a bottom round roast, and either have it sliced at the store, or slice it at home about 1/2 thick.....and tenderize the daylights out of it (with a needler type thingie), it is really delicious......and cheap. I don't know why, but the bottom round has a really good flavor compared to say a round steak. And ths has been meat talk, with Cassi and Nicole.
  • Meat talk . . . heeheeheeheehee
  • Kristin - My DD turned 3 in March and I went through the crying stage as well. It gets a little scary when all of a sudden they just don't want to go. My first thoughts were that something was wrong, something bad was happening to her...something! I talked to the babysitter about it constantly and she swore that everything was fine...and it was. The phase lasted for about a week and then she was fine. But, like Angie said, one day she'll say "See ya mommy" and then next she's begging me to take her to work with me. It is tough, but I know that by the time I get to work, she's just fine. I would definitely do some checking though...just to make sure. It could very well be the change in your DH's schedule as well. And as for the "scared" thing, my DD tells me that she is scared every time she doesn't want to do something...take a bath, go to bed, eat her supper
  • Anyone remember the public radio skits that used to be on Saturday Night Live? They would have a call in radio show with a topic like "rice." That's what 'meat talk with Nicole and Cassi' brings to mind for me!
  • My DD gets night terrors sometimes, too...again, they could come from any slight change in their normal routine.
  • Meat Talk - "Good times"
  • Cassi, you're making me hungry with your flank steak pinwheels.. mmm.. meeaat..
  • I like your new avatar, Wendy II.
  • Thanks mommies for all the help/reassurance.. now if you could just sort out my MIL and her drunk dialin!
    I heard the will be advertising a new radio show after the Meat Show called
    Salty Chat with Dan.. I can't wait for the first show!
  • Quote: Anyone remember the public radio skits that used to be on Saturday Night Live? They would have a call in radio show with a topic like "rice." That's what 'meat talk with Nicole and Cassi' brings to mind for me!
    Oh yeah-the really boring chicks right? Remember the "schweaty balls" skit? With Alec Baldwin, currently famous for his "let's verbally abuse my young daughter on the phone" scandal . . .
  • Oh yeah, I forgot about the drunk dialing. I feel for you! I don't know what I'd do in that situation. Was she giving you a hard time, or more just calling to share too much? I'd probably have taped it on the answering machine so that DH could enjoy it too. My stepmom sometimes has a few too many and (in person) starts telling me how she REALLY feels about a thing or two, and eventually it leads into a tearful diatribe about the cat she had once that just never came home, and who knows what might have happened to him. *sniff* Tonnes of fun.

    BTW, since we have been discussing kids and daycare, I just had to phone mine and see how he was doing since we had a very clingy goodbye this All is well.
  • You know, all of this meat talk could go south in a hurry... lol
  • JM -- Yes, that's it! Yes, I loved the Alec Baldwin skit too. I miss SNL, I never watch it anymore. Now I have a PVR, so I should start recording it to see if it's still as funny.
  • Quote: You know, all of this meat talk could go south in a hurry... lol
    too late