Can we talk about yoga?

  • I know we have an exercise forum, but I'm really wanting to know from you in the 100lb club about this.

    I already do Curves and am looking for something to add to it. I've always been intrigued by yoga, though I don't really know much about it. I guess I'm wondering if it is doable at my size? I'm not a big fan yet of getting up from the floor once I am on it and am wondering how much of that is involved. Would it be better to wait until I had a significant loss to start something like that? I also worry about being the really fat chick in a room full of skinny minnies! (not that I have anything against skinny minnies as I aspire to be one, but ya'll know what I mean).
  • If you are really interested in it I would go for it.

    Extra weight does make alot of it harder (as you know extra weight makes most things a little harder) but the prana (breathing) part anyone can do and you will be surprised how much you can do I was able to do alot of poses I didnt think I could do right away. And in alot of ways Yoga is the great equalizer being thin doesnt mean you are flexible. I was suprized to see that I had equal/better form than alot of the "skinni minnies" in my class.

    Wear a good bra and don't worry about being the fat chick in the room everyone looks a little silly in Downward Dog and even fat ckicks look impressive in Warrior poses. Yoga can be intimifdating but please don't let being heavier keep you from anything!
  • Hi,

    Would you want to try yoga at home first? There is an excellent yoga dvd for beginners called "Just My Size" yoga by Megan Garcia. It is sold on amazon. The instructor is plus sized and shows plenty of modifications with considerations for plus sized women. She also has a book out called "Mega Yoga" if you'd rather learn from a book. The photos and instructions are very clear. I've seen the book at Borders and Barnes and Nobles.

    I don't own the dvd, but borrowed it from a friend. Since I had been practicing yoga for two years (at home) before seeing this dvd, found it too slow paced for me (not that I"m really flexible or great at yoga, but I have some experience) It's perfect for someone new to yoga, though.

    If you want recommendations for other videos, I'll be glad to help.

    Good luck,
  • I agree with House of Mirth. If you have an interest in it I highly recommend that you go for it. It will make you stronger and feel good about yourself.

    Some positions are hard to get in and out of but if you do modifications it's doable. I recommend that you invest in the tools that help you do yoga at your own level (bricks, a strap, mat, a folded towel).

    If you want to start out on a video at home, I highly recommend Gaiam's (a brand that specializes in yoga supplies, dvds, etc.) "Yoga for Weightloss" with Suzanne Deason. It's fantastic and geared for people of all ages. It lasts about an hour or so and gives you a lot of the basic poses. The best part is they show you how to use the modifications (bricks) to meet your own ability. I also appreciate that the 4 women in the video have normal bodies. Suzanne is pretty thin, but one of them would be considered "plus size" if we compare them to the usual videos out there.

    One word of advice when doing yoga. Always listen to your body and meet it at its limitations but not beyond. It takes practice. I'm generally the largest woman in my yoga classes and the teacher is always surprised that I know some of the poses. I love it because it just proves that women of larger sizes can be active people!

    The more you do it, the better your body will get at doing it. I'm not an expert/guru but it is something that I enjoy. Hope you do too!

  • I love yoga! I started it because I thought it would be an easy exercise.. boy was I wrong! You sweat!
    At the end you are so relaxed you almost fall asleep. I think it would be great as something to add to what you are already doing.

    Personally, video tapes are boring for me. I love the social aspect - and I don't care how much I weigh!

    Let us know if you try it!
  • I've been into yoga for many years, on and off. There are several different kinds of yoga, one is poses and staying in them for a few moments, one is moving pretty quickly, restorative yoga (which I love) and then there is "hot" yoga which is done in a very hot room intentionally. My daughter has become a yogi and she helps me a lot. Don't go into yoga blind. Spend some time on the internet learning about it so that you can find what is good for you. Don't even consider starting out with the fast version -- you will get hurt. Don't consider starting with a DVD because you will not know whether or not you are doing the poses properly -- you need an instructor to correct you so that you don't hurt yourself. When you find a studio, discuss your special concerns before you put your money up. If they are not willing to discuss your problems, it is not the right place for your.

    Yoga will indeed make you be more flexible, but it is primarily about inner peace, finding your center, living without stress. I love it. Good luck to you. Namaste.
  • I just went and ordered the Just My Size Yoga. Thanks for that tip!
  • Tricia-

    You're welcome! I saw Megan Garcia on one of the morning shows, and she seemed so friendly and encouraging for plus sized women to do yoga. Please post how you like it (hopefully!)

  • Tricia, I did too! I'm going to give it a whirl at home first! Will I need anything in particular, other than the DVD to arrive, to get started?
  • Kimberly, I highly recommend it! I am always the "fat girl" in class but it only bothered me the first few times. Now I go religiously once a week and would like to make it more.. nothing quite makes me feel the way yoga does, and my arms have gotten really toned from it. I highly highly HIGHLY recommend it. I've heard there are even some classes geared toward larger people.. but any good instructor will show you modifications of the poses and won't make you feel intimidated.
  • Quote: Kimberly, I highly recommend it! I am always the "fat girl" in class but it only bothered me the first few times. Now I go religiously once a week and would like to make it more.. nothing quite makes me feel the way yoga does, and my arms have gotten really toned from it. I highly highly HIGHLY recommend it. I've heard there are even some classes geared toward larger people.. but any good instructor will show you modifications of the poses and won't make you feel intimidated.
    I agree. A good instructor will show you the modifications. I have had good and bad. Once you find a good one you won't care how much $$ it costs.. it's sooo worth it!
    Again.. this is just my opinion. I do think you should try and go to a class with an instructor. It's important you do the poses correctly. Not only to not hurt yourself but also do get the most out of them. The instructor was always adjusting me the first couple of times during a pose. She would say "do you feel _____" I'd say.. you bet! - she would tell me.. "that is how it should feel" duh! just a little advice. I found doing the pose by looking at someone and having someone put you into that pose could be two different things.

    All the best.

    I'm going to go to amazon and check out that dvd too

    Cool.. I just bought the dvd from - $10.27 including shipping! yeah! Thanks for starting this thread
  • I have the Just My Size DVD also. It's really good for beginners. Make sure you watch the part about modifications before you do the routine for the first time. It's nice to have a video with a plus size instructor. I love yoga! It always makes me feel relaxed and centered. Enjoy it!!
  • Quote: I love the social aspect - and I don't care how much I weigh!

    Let us know if you try it!
    What I great attitude! I love it! I'll remember that the next time I'm in one of those classes where I feel like I should just walk out because I'm the clumbsy fat girl who can't do the poses very well! I do agree that it's a great class but I can be a blow to the ego sometimes when you realize just how fat you are when you can't do these things you used to be able to do...ugh!

    Well, off to the gym, but for a step class this time around.