Slippery weekend...

  • So this weekend completely threw my off my weight loss track. Here it is in a nutshell...

    My parents are moving and I drove up to help. I thought it would be a great way to sneak in exercising, too! The good news is that I did go up and down the stairs about a million times and managed to shovel the entire driveway with 15" of snow by myself (go me ). The bad news is that without a kitchen stocked full of "South Beach approved" foods and without pots and pans, etc it was almost impossible to stay on track. Plus with a house full of boys helping us move, salad at the end of the day just isn't won't cut it. In an effort to be helpful, my aunt brings over lasagna, warm italian bread, homemade brownies and a giant platter of homemade muffins for breakfast the next morning. Yummy but NOT diet worthy!!

    On top of all of that, I went to a bridal shower for one of my college roommates. I tried to at least hang out by the vegetable platter thinking that would be some kind of balance to my weekend. While chatting I realize one of our other roommates recently got engaged and the fourth couldn't make it because she's pregnant and isn't supposed to fly. Yay for them but in a moment of selfishness, I suddenly realize I'm the last college roommate to get engaged/married which inevitably leads to me finding comfort at the dessert table

    So now I'm back home and am trying to get back on track again. Exercising this week will be a challenge since I threw my back out shoveling but I'm determined to get back on track. But if I get one more wedding invitation...

    Have a good week, everyone!
  • Ugh, I stopped going to weddings. I know it sounds hateful, but I can't afford it, they throw me off track diet/drink wise, and they aren't that fun. So, I feel you.

    Get right back on track, and you may find that this weekend didn't hurt your progress at all.
  • St/ Patricks day!!
    I went out with friends-- and when I drink I lose all self control and stuffed my face with everything that would stand still long enough!! *sigh*
  • Can top that one. Survived the torture of my cousin's Sweet 16! Drank less than I used to most Friday nights. It's quite sad when you wake up with a full blown hang-over after 3 Bacardi and Diet Cokes! If I knew that was going to happen, it would've been Cosmos!
  • So this weekend was brutal for everyone! Phew. When we fall together.... we get up together. What are you guys doing to get back on track? I'm struggling!

    I keep telling myself someday those are going to be MY wedding invitations and I need to look good stuffing those envelopes!
  • Hahaha-- that one of the same things I say!! I want to look hot in the wedding dress one day! I know what you mean about struggling-- I was doing good yesterday and then today I had chicken tenders for lunch-- for no reason-- I bought a healthy lunch to work!