Counting down from 250 and beyond...Nov 2 Indian summer blessings!

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  • Good Morning!
    Hi ladies,

    Looks like everyone is doing quite well with planning and being accountable. All the posting of our menus really helps, I think. Lilac - hope you get to feeling better and good luck on weigh-in.

    I finished out my journal week on Sunday. Yes, I managed to journal every day, every meal for a whole week. I ended up over by 3 points and looking back I can contribute that to a PMS chocolate attack. I did have it but managed to control it quickly so I'll be glad I'm not over for the week by 30. So yesterday I drug out the Tae Bo and Yoga tapes for a bit extra exercise. The yoga tape was a eye-opener to how much I need to work the whole body and stretch. Afterwards, the dog and I enjoyed a nice 40 min walk. He now weighs 108.5 and is only 8 months old. Double

    Yesterday's food was
    2 slices wheat bread, 2 tbsp peanut butter (carefully measured in new pampered chef cookie scoop)
    WW frozen dinner, fresh veggies, 2 pieces fudge, 1 small cookie,
    1 coca-cola chicken, light mashed potatoes, veggie medley.

    The coca-cola chicken is a really good recipe. Thanks Geri! Yes, you did see fudge listed. Someone at work had brought in a big batch of fudge on Friday (I was thankfully on vacation) but yesterday they sat the leftovers on my desk for a "central location for all". I had that fudge staring at me all day. But I was determined that I was NOT going to pig out on it and did quite well at ignoring it. Except for two small pieces ---but I duly looked up the points and journaled.

    I better run. Get the dog up and DH off to work and then myself. I've read everyone's posts and you are all so awesome and inspiring. Keep up all the great work!
  • Well, I did some calling around and I can't even get an appointment for six weeks because I'm a "new patient" having never bothered to get a doctor here before. Ah, well -- that gives me time to save up the $ to pay for it, right? I'm less worried and come up with new reasons why this is just a bump and not a lump every day (today's theory is that with my weight loss my bras are fitting less well and the underwires are poking and... well, you get the idea...)

    Today we have either breakfast with a friend planned or hiking all day. Which depends on the friend. Last I heard she wasn't well and begged off -- and then an email this morning saying "sure, lets try" so we'll see...

    April Marie -- I need all the mothering I can get. I'm terrible about my own health - with the exception of determining to lose this weight anyway. If it was my daughter I'd fight tooth and nail to get her in immediately -- me, I'll wait for my appointment date. Go figure.

    ssdiane -- While weight loss surgery isn't something I'd do, it is something I've looked longingly at when one of my husband's clerks had it (back when he was a manager at a local drug store). She weighed near my weight -- but was very very very bottom heavy (the classic pear shape personified). Then *poof* six months later she was a tiny thing, newly confident, soon to be married. Two years later, she was still slender (and this after two kids). She said it saved her life -- and I suppose it may have. But for me the idea of major surgery for something that I know I can do myself without the invasion just doesn't work. In any case, I expect a web search would turn up a ton of sites both pro and con should you decide to look further into it.

    Lilac -- I'm glad you're feeling a bit better today. I hate stomach bugs (though they always help my weight loss LOL!). Queasy is one of my least favourite feelings. (As if anyone really likes it, eh?) I think its very cool that you have three big weightloss milestones coming up one right after the other. My next big one will be falling below my husband's weight -- easier every day as I go down and he creeps up -- somewhere in the low 200s.

    LindaBC -- I agree that low-salt doesn't have to be tasteless -- but sometimes those recipes don't understand that. We had to toss the sauce that accompanied the meatballs we had the other night because it was both watery and bland. Next time I'll make my sauce (with burgundy and Mrs. Dash) and their low-fat meatballs -- a better combination.

    Terri -- Yoga -- wow! That's hard stuff! My daughter has some tapes and she amazes me with her agility and strength and grace. I don't feel ready for 'em yet -- so I stick with my treadmill. You are quite the brave lady in my book.

    Well -- off for the day. See y'all later!
  • Gosh, what's that bright light in the sky, Ma? The SUN??? Guess I'd better get out there and take a walk before it disappears behind more clouds. Gosh, we've been getting the rotten weather lately, rain, hail and more rain. At this rate I'll never get my bulbs planted. It's just too soggy to work out there right now.
    Yesterday was a pretty good day. I stayed within my points range and did my swim thing.
    Today, so far I've had
    2 slices 1 pt bread = 2
    2 tbsp light cream cheese = 1
    1 tsp light margarine = .5
    2 tsp jelly =1

    Now, it's time for lunch and I feel like having a Denver sandwich. I think I can make one under 7 points with
    2 slices 1 pt bread = 2
    1 egg & 1 egg white = 2
    1 oz chopped ham = 2? (have to check that)
    chopped green pepper, green onions & mushrooms

    Also thinking about dinner plans. hmmmmm
    How about....
    3 oz chicken breast sliced & sauteed with =3
    green onion, mushroom, zucchini & oregano
    1/2 cup risotto (from mix) =3

    I also plan to fit into my day a large apple =2
    1 cup non fat yogurt =2
    And probably light microwave popcorn with
    1 tsp of melted butter. =5
    No doubt I will nibble on a couple of other things through the day bringing my points right up into my 29-34 range.
  • I forgot to post today's menu! Here goes:

    Slimfast bar -- 2 pt

    Lunch: 2 steak tacos, diet coke -- 9.5 pt

    Snack while hiking: Slimfast bar, water -- 2 pt

    Dinner: WW recipe Hamburgers (buns, meat, FF mayo, ketchup, lettuce, mustard), baked potato slices with Mrs. Dash and more ketchup: 10 pt

    And other stuff as needed to get me to my goal of 26 - 27 pts.

    We hiked today as well -- a good mile in very steep hilly terrain. Lovely! The mosquitos were out in force though -- itch, itch!

    Hope you all are having an on-track kinda day today.
  • HI All,

    Just back from WI. Down 3.5 lbs. after a 2 week lull. I was surprised. I've been pretty much OP but didn't "feel" like I'd lost.

    Had a real treat for lunch. Was shopping with a friend and stopped at a diner for lunch. Had a nice salad and a chedder burger with grilled mushrooms. Only ate 1/2 of the roll tho. God, it was good! Gotta make sure I have a lite dinner tonight .

    TERRI: Love the pic of you and Ginger. I enjoy being with horses even if I've only ridden a few times.

    BUNNY: HURRAH on the 4.5 lb. loss. Those hikes are really paying off. On to the serious: Do you have any friends who can call their MD and perhaps get you in in less than 6 weeks. I hate to see you wait that long. I'd go nuts! I'm keeping you in my prayers.

    LINDA: Send the sun east will ya. It never came out today. No rain, just gloomy, gray clouds. Had lights on in the house all day. WOW climbing stairs WOO HOO. Bet you're feeling great about that one, and your BP's down too. Good for you!!

    SHERRY: I love pity parties. Have one every so often myself too. Then I get angry with myself and make myself look for something good and pull myself out of the pity pit.

    LILAC: Glad you're feeling better. Did you get that keyring? I never thought 10% was a big deal until I got there myself. Then I was all smiles for at least a week. It's not easy to lose 10% of yourself. Go For It then Celebrate!!!

    Off to get cold turkey and a salad for dinner.
  • We're moving' We're groovin'
    Hi ladies!

    Just a quick post this morning. I just wanted to report that I have journalled faithfully for 10 days in a row! And I have been working hard in sneaking extra exercise whether it was tae bo, raking leaves, or just being more active at work and around the house. I have also been planning my food ahead of time (altho I don't always get it posted). I also have not been getting on the scale during this time. I really noticed yesterday that my clothes are fitting differently. This AM I got on the scale and am down 3.6 pounds. WOOHOO! It feels great to have broken that plateau. So my challenge will be to keep doing what I know works for me and not allow myself to have time off (my normal reaction when I have a loss). DH has also been helping me more this past 10 days too.

    My lesson is is that this plan works IF you work the plan: plan meals, journal, get moving, focus.

    My other challenge will be this coming weekend. We're going deer hunting down at mom & dad's so it will be very hard for me to not blow my points while there. She always has made something that's bad for the efforts. So I've asked DH to help me not lose control.

    J-Ann - Congratulations on your loss too! You're doing great.

    Linda & Bunny - Looks like your menu planning is working well for you too. Thanks for posting and sharing. It really does help.

    I need to get moving on over to the airdyne. Have a great OP day!
  • Our sink and stove top both broke yesterday -- and it will be later this evening before they're fixed... so today's menu planning means eating out. Here's what we've got planned.

    Breakfast: Slimfast bar -- 2 pt
    Lunch: Subway roast beef (lettuce, vinegar, pepper, oregano), WOW nacho chips, diet coke -- 7 pts
    Dinner: Taco Bell steak taco, diet coke -- 5 pts
    Snacks: Apple (1 to 2 pts), whole wheat english muffin with spreadable strawberries (3 pts), Cup o' noodles (1 pt) and other things as needed to make it to 26/27 pts.

    We're also headed back to the rec center this evening I think -- later than usual because that lunch out is with a friend. Going out to lunch always puts our whole day's schedule outta whack, ya know?

    TERRI! -- BRAVO on coming off your plateau! Great lessons, great cooperation from hubby! My biggest problem is remembering to sneak in whatever extra movement I can during the day -- I'm very good at things like hiking or heading to the rec center but less good at remembering that I should park just a bit further from the shopping center, enter the mall on the end I don't want, and so on for those extra steps. Today, I'll try to remember all of that with your inspiration!

    J-ann -- Congrats on your loss! I love it when the scales tell me that its workin'. We don't have many folks we know here -- and none that I know well enough to try and swap gyn appointments with. I have asked my mom to see if my old doctor can fit me in when we're in Florida over the Thanksgiving weekend. He's also the fellow with my baseline mammogram so I have to pick up my records there even if he can't see me.

    Y'all be good to yourselves today, you hear?
  • Whoopeeee! I lost one whole pound this week. Great news after losing just tiny fractions or worse, GAINING tiny fractions for weeks and weeks. I guess the exercise is finally paying off.
    I've now lost a total of 19 pounds since mid-June which works out to almost exactly one pound a week. Sheesh! Talk about slow. I used to be able to lose that much in a month. Well, times change and so has my metabolism, I guess.
    It's a rare beautiful day here on the Wet Coast, so I'm going to head outside and try to get some bulbs planted. We've had so much rain the lawn is like a swamp but hopefully two dry days in a row will have dried it up a little.
    My hubby is away for the next ten days Do I seem happy? He's been so grouchy lately, the holiday will do him good. I just got back from Scotland a few weeks ago and didnt' feel like flying so far again. He's over there for his brother's golden anniversary and a reunion with other family members. I hope he has a good time. I know I sure will. So nice to just have to please myself for the next week and not have to cook two different dinners nearly every night. He sure doesn't like anything he thinks is "diet" even though it tastes great.
    By the way, I'm trying to find that Spaghettie with Gorgonzola sauce recipe that somebody posted here. I finally found Gorgonzola cheese and bought some figs but I can't remember the rest of the ingredients. I guess I'll go and check last weeks posts but if anybody has it handy, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. I want to give it a try while hubby is away.
    Last night I made myself a wonderful pasta dish of my own invention.
    I chopped up a small onion and a clove of garlic, a green pepper and a small zucchini and sauteed them until softened in a teaspoon of olive oil. Then I added an undiluted can of low sodium chicken broth and a cup of home frozen tomatoes. I added some oregano, basil and chili flakes and let it simmer until nice and thick. At the last minute I added some frozen shelled tiger prawns and 2 tbsp light cream cheese. It was really, really delicious on linguini. It worked out to about 6 points including 1 cup of the cooked pasta. I have leftover sauce (but not prawns) for tonight's dinner. Hey, if I can lose weight eating like that, I'm in this for life.
  • Quick note from me. I have not been posting much....I am struggling a bit with it all. I keep going out to eat, or having friends round, or going away. And I am therefore finding it really hard to keep within points. I maintained at the scales this week. I am also ill AGAIN This time another head cold. So that is a three week long cold and cough, followed by a week ok followed by a three day stomach upset with fluey symptoms, followed by a day healthy and now this runny nose head cold!!!! I am usually pretty healthy....what happened to me????

    So i am not my usual optimistic self, by any means. Off to a friend's birthday dinner tonight which will be high points (lots of drinking and she is veggie so therefore lots of butter gets in to her cookery). And she is doing a chocolatey pudding. And tomorrow she wants us all to go to the seaside ( ) and have trad english breakfast ( ) in a cafe on the beach (which for those who dont know is also known as 'heart attack on a plate', consisting of fried eggs, fried bacon, fried sausages, fried bread, fried tomatos, fried black pudding (pigs blood sausage), and baked beans. Fried. ) And toast with butter and marmalade.
    Now I am sure I can chose something ok from the menu and maybe ask them to poach me an egg and grill me some bacon, but even so, you understand that it is tricky??

    I know that I just need to journal it and count it. But feeling sorry for myself anyway, I have gone slightly in to 'oh its impossible', and I keep craving food. I am a great believer in it being psychological to a large extent. At my college (psychotherapy training) we have just had a whole weekend working on 'the inner child' and looking at what happened to us as we were growing up - but looking at it in a very subtle, experiential way. Not intellectually. This was two weeks ago. I found that I took the lid off realising how lonely I was as a child, and how painful that was - I have always brushed it aside before, but in fact my parents simply did not have loads of time for me. I think that taking the lid of this whole issue has affected me - hence the ill health, and also hence the food cravings. They say we often overeat to fill a hole in side us - food instead of love. Maybe this has something to do with it. I am trying to be gentle with myself through this time.

    Breakfast was 2 crumpets with marmalade (3pts) and a yoghurt drink (4pts), and snack was a chocolate WW bar 1.5 and a special K bar 1.5. Lunch is to be salad of prawns (2pts) mayo 1 and red pepper, spring onion, cucumber, and lettuce, salt and pepper. So that leaves me with 13 points for this evening. I might just do it if I avoid the chocolate and the alcohol. Yeah, right.
    love Lilac (who is a miserable old bag today)
  • LILAC: you need a cheerleader ... I'll try my best!!!!

    You have kept many of us on the straight and narrow (eg: slim) by sharing all of your wonderful posts. DON'T GIVE UP!! Things happen in life and, yes, we all will occassionally eat "to feel better". Remember, this is aweek by week, day by day, even meal by meal battle for most of us. Some times we lose a skirmish but WE WILL win the fight in the long run! You've made so many great choices when faced with food challenges in the past that I know you can do it again.

    You've been through a lot in the last few months,redoing the house, planting a gazillion bulbs, traveling, finding an new job ( and leaving an old one) and on top of everything going to school too! It's no wonder you're a little down right now!

    Take a cold pill and relax. Get out your WW material out and read it over. I'm sure there are archives here. Find your posts. The ones that describe how you've so successflly, met food ( and life) challenges in the past few months and read them again. Get out your journal, as I see you've done, decide what you can eat & drink tonight and STICK TO IT. As for breakfast tomorrow, ask for what you need. No one's going to force you to eat that whole, point busting, breakfast. If your friends ask, and you don't want to use the D(iet) word. Just tell them that you're not hungry and really just want something light. They can't force the food down you throat, and who knows, there might even be someone ese there who will join you!

    Take a rest this afternoon and you'll be ready to take on the food demons for the rest of the weekend.

    Hope this helps and that you will soon feel better.
  • I understand
    Lilac - I understand what you are going through. I have been having some trouble the last several weeks myself. I am now 1/2 a pound away from being down 50# and I just can't get myself there.

    I haven't been journaling much and I have been over in points. I have had several bad cases of the munchies. Weekends are hard for me because I am close to the fridge, and my plans never go as I hoped they would. I also commute to work and find that I am hungry on my way home and I end up eating whatever. Hopefuly we can all help each other get back on track.

    Good luck and lets all be strong.
  • Lilac, if you can't groan to us, who the heck can you vent to? Sorry you're feeling both ill and blue. I'm just going to second the advice that j-ann gave you and hope you'll be feeling better soon.
    Today and yesterday were rare fine days here so I spent a lot of time in my rather large flower borders, weeding, cleaning up and planting bulbs. I have so many more to plant and now the clouds have come back, darn. Well, at least I got some of them in the ground and hopefully the rain won't last long this time. (faint hope in this part of the world)
    As I told you, my hubby is away until next weekend but if you think I'm living the high life you're sadly mistaken. Yes, I did get to sleep in a little later but found that my back started to ache shortly after my usual waking up time. I also am such a creature of habit that I just plod along doing all my usual chores around the house. Still, I'm enjoying the peace and a bit of a break from having to do his paperwork and pack his lunches, plus watching whatever I want on tv or reading until I'm blind. LOL
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
  • Good Evening Ladies

    Have just posted once or twice on your thread, but have been lurking on a fairly consistent basis. Anyway, thought I would pop in with my motherly and medical advice for Bunny re: breast lump. Most of the independent centers and hospitals in my area, no longer require a physician's order for a mammogram. You might want to check out your area so you can at least get a mammogram done to check out this lump. You can ask even to talk to the radiologist to get your results. That way, you will know sooner if there is a problem. The reality is that you physician you are waiting to see will probably just order a mammogram anyway, and then you will be one step ahead. Just a thought! Areas may differ but it is worth a shot! Good luck Bunny! You are doing awesome!
  • Starting a new thread
    Don't post here. Post on new thread.