"Butterfly"--- To Everyone at 3FC!!!

  • * * *This poem reminds me of all the fabulous "Butterflies" I have met at 3FC!* * *


    I am like a Butterfly: Right now I am incased in my own little cacoon. I am not very pretty and I seem to have no life in me. If you watch close-- with your help small changes are taking place everyday. When my season comes I will cast off this ugly skin -Like the Butterfly- I will come forth in a gentle manner with all the Colors of Life! I will try to add beauty to this world- do not expect too much for I am only one. But I promise to give you what beauty I have. Maybe when I am free and happy with me, you will feel a little more free?

    Sandy - 1979

    I had already decided that once I reach and maintain my target weight for 1 year I was going to get a butterfly tatoo, and this just made the decision even more firm in my mind.

    Thank you!
  • Ooo, a butterfly tattoo is a beautiful idea! I may just get one too, right on my tummy, or maybe on my lower back. Imagine that!

    Lovely poem!
  • I like that idea. I too have been thinking about getting a tattoo when I get to Goal. I think I may draw it myself or use one of my mom's drawings so it's more of a personal meaning to me.
  • Thanks - I needed that!
    That is a wonderful poem- --

    Thank you for sharing that....

    You are right - we are all butterflies!