WATP ~~ March 2007 Daily Posts ~~

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  • New here
    I have a question for all you ladies about the WATP tapes and applying it to fitday. I've had the WATP express tape for a few years but haven't used it in quite some time. Tonight I did the 1 mile, easy walk. I've timed it before and it was 15 minutes to do the mile. That would equal to 4 miles an hour, but I doubt that I could walk that far that fast outside. What would you consider the level of the first walk to be equvilant to? I put in 15 minutes at the 3 mph pace as I'd rather underestimate than over estimate.

    WATP is going to be my exercise on the days that I can't take the dog for a walk. I think I may do both the 1 and two miles walk on the non-dog walking days, then the one mile on the days I do get out.

    There is a 2 mile circuit that we follow at the state park and I haven't been able to get done under 35 minutes-YET. I think tomorrow I may walk it twice and see if I can do it in an hour and then compare it to how I feel doing the 1mile.

    I lurked a bit on this forum and have to say I am very impressed by how dedicated everyone is to exercise. I only hope I can become half that dedicated!

    Thanks, Missi
  • Nothing today. I've been doing between 2 and 3 miles and I hurt myself yesterday (Tues). I decided to give my knee a rest today.
  • Good morning all! This morning I did the 3-mile WATP for Abs. I use a resistance band instead of her belt and it works out fine. Today was one of those days when I was feeling tired and achy (did a toning class yesterday that I really felt today). Once I popped the DVD in and started the warm-up, Leslie's perky attitude and warm smile got me through it. I'm so glad I decided to "just do it" - I feel so much better now!
  • Got 7 miles in again today Did the 4 mile walk slim followed by the 3 mile super fat burning with 3 lb weights. I feel pretty darn good
  • Quote: Hi,
    I have a question for all you ladies about the WATP tapes and applying it to fitday. I've had the WATP express tape for a few years but haven't used it in quite some time. Tonight I did the 1 mile, easy walk. I've timed it before and it was 15 minutes to do the mile. That would equal to 4 miles an hour, but I doubt that I could walk that far that fast outside. What would you consider the level of the first walk to be equvilant to? I put in 15 minutes at the 3 mph pace as I'd rather underestimate than over estimate.
    Thanks, Missi
    Missi, I've been wondering the same thing. Is it considered brisk, very brisk? I think the question was answered earlier someone on this thread. I'm just not sure how to do mine either.
  • watp
    Well, I managed to do my circuit in 32 minutes today which makes me wonder just how long it is. (3382 steps on my pedometer, but I can't adjust the stride length or anything on it) . I can't drive it either because it's just a path in the park. I'm thinking I should count the 1 mile tape as 3mph though...I think I worked more on the path than I did the video. Ah well, it's the consistency that counts in the end.

    Thanks, Missi
  • Hi Missi,

    The one miles one that I have are usually about 20 minutes, so I count them on fitday as the 3 mph. The 2 and 3 mile dvds that I have seem to average about 15 minutes each mile, so I count them as 4 mph. When I do this fast miles on the 5 mile dvd, I tend to count them as "very very brisk, 4.5 mph". I really don't think it matters much calorie wise, so I don't stress over it. But I like to keep track of it in fitday anyway.

    I'm usually not able to walk as fast in the park as her videos go either. If I get a 15 minute mile walking in the park, I'm thrilled. They are both great forms of exercise though aren't they! And YES it is the consistency - which I seem to be lacking this week.
  • Only had time to get the 4 mile walk slim in this morning. DH wants to head to Fort Wayne so I didn't have time to get anything else in. Guess I shouldn't feel bad about that, huh??? LOL Tomorrow I hope to get the 7 miles in again. I am amazed how great that made me feel doing that two days in a row!!
  • I got the 1 and 2 mile dvd the other day. I did both of them after work yesterday.

    I'll see what I can cram in tonight when I go home.

    I did find the 5 mile kit at Target. They had 2 left. Silly me! I was looking in the fitness area. Sirak pm'd me and told me to look in the dvd section. There it was! I'll try it once I feel comfy doing the 4 mile without hip and knee pain. I'm hoping to be able to get to it this weekend.
  • Hi
    Sun 3 mile walk slim
    Mon 3 mile and 4 mile walk slim
    Tues 2 mile, 3 mile and 4 mile walk slim
    Wed walked 2 miles at school track
    Thur 4 mile walk slim
    Today and Sat ill do the walk slim 3 and 4 mile dvds
    Hope you all have a great day
  • Well, I had a little extra time this morning and I only did 10 minutes yesterday, so I did the 5 mile with all the boosters at 6am! It felt great, but I still don't feel as good as I do after a Walk Slim workout! Those boosters just don't do as much as a good fast pace!

    Have a great weekend!

  • Hi everyone!!! I'm back from my spring break on the beach. I did exercise EVERYDAY while on vacation. Leslie worked great on my video IPOD. I also walked on the beach and around the resort a bit. I'm tan and relaxed and really don't want to go back to work on Monday.

    Today, DH, DS2 and I went snowshoeing at Crater Lake - about 2.5 miles. But since sourth FL irritated my asthma so much I wasn't as energetic and my legs are tired. I guess the 0 to 7000 feet elevation difference played into it.

    mare and bethel (I think - I had 3 pages of reading to catch up on), I think that walking outside is much more difficult to do at 10-15 miles per hour than with the tapes. That being said, it's also more difficult using all the upper body on WATP than when walking outside. To me, I see them as two very different forms of exercise. In fitday, I'd put it as brisk walking or low impact aerobics since you're using more of you body than walking outside. Just my 2 cents.

    Talk again soon.
  • jtammy:
    thanks for the input. I've noticed that fitday calculates the calories different than other online calculators. My current weight is in my profile, but it seems like it gives me the calories burned for a much skinnier person! Do you notice that at all?

    I just bought a new WATP dvd it has a 3 mile advance walk and a 4 mile super challenge. There was a stretchy band in the case which is great since my son destroyed my old one. (playing with the dog)

    Thanks again, Missi

    Edited to add: I just did the 3 mile walk, but could only get through 2 miles. OMG but that walk kicked my butt! I feel great
  • After taking a couple of days off ( I think the time change has messed up my already strange sleep pattern) I got up this morning determind to get up and walk. I wasn't struggling with this three mile- but I can tell I am not quite up to the normal speed I usually have with an afternoon work out.
    I might try to do three more this afternoon after my parents come by for a visit- but then again I might just nap. I am so close to onederland and hitting the 30 pound mark that am determind to see it in the next couple of weeks. It is hard when you are wanting a nap at 9:15 in the morning.
    Today is yard work day- we planted a bunch of monkey grass yesterday and a few things that I potted before we moved . I still have parts of the veggie garden to get ready and someone needs to run the mower.
  • Really messed up day today. I seem to do better if I can get my workout in early and that didn't happen today. So by the time I had time I just really didn't want to do it at all. But I made it through the 2 mile walk slim, just wasn't wanting to be doing it at all though. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I can push through more miles.