Good News!

  • I am down 2.5 pounds today! And it wavered from 159.5 to I went with the 160 but it lets me know that I am close! I have been on here so much whining at you all I thought I better get on here and let you know I can do something other than vent! I haven't had a binge all week...I have even had a handful of a usual trigger food yesterday and managed it...I hurriedly grabbed a piece of cinnamon gum afterwards and moved away from the kitchen! I am on my third morning in a row for getting on the elliptical and I think DH has a 5 mile hike planned for tomorrow morning! Yeah! Bring it On!

    I feel good, I feel strong, I feel normal for the first time in awhile... I have been eating my fruit...watching my portions and keeping the crap to an absolute minimum! I am proud!

    Thanks everyone here for the support you have given me.

  • YAY!!! That's so wonderful to hear...great work! I too am coming out of a hard couple of weeks eating-wise, and am feeling GREAT also! I find that writing down how wonderful I feel when I am eating well and exercising helps me have fewer binges, as does keeping a tally of binge-free days on my calendar. Congratulations, here's to many more!
  • Thats Fantastic! Its great to hear success stories. i am brandy-spankin new to this website and its realy refreshing to hear people and their success. it gives me a lot of hope. congrats!
  • That's big! Congrats!!!!!!

    Good work with the exercise!