Newly Diagnosed-Hypothyroid-Many Q's

  • Hi All!!! Wow...I'm so impressed and motivated by all of the success stories I have seen posted here. I'm a former competitive bodybuilder that has been sluggish for almost two years. Just over a month ago, I was diagnosed w/hypothyroidism and have just started up on synthroid. Therefore, the dosage has not bee figured out right to alleviate the symptoms. I've never had any problem losing weight by increasing protein, limiting sugar, eating several meals, proper carbs and decreasing fat. With this condition I've been at a loss-even with exercise (which I'm too tired to train like I used to). I keep hearing that South Beach is a good option (which is similar to what I've been doing) and that WW has worked for many women too (and men). I'm hesitant to join WW with their emphasis on weighing in...since my weight has been stuck for over 2 months now (and a weight gain of 25 pounds in one year). Any thoughts on if I should wait to join WW for when I have the meds regulated? Any thoughts on the talk of taking a multivitamin-especially B Complex to increase my energy? I'm very frustrated and am one of those "instant gratification-" I know this is unrealistic!!! Basically, I'm looking too for some support here as many of my coworkers simply think I'm just being antisocial and whiney because of my condition...not understanding it's more of a struggle than they realize. Please help!
  • Hi and welcome! I am hypo...and I certainly understand the energy issues. I do Sugarbusters, which is the only diet that has ever worked for me. I am also diabetic, however. WW just doesn't work for me. I would say you need to look at the different diets and pick a plan you can stick to. Once your meds are right, you will probably feel more energetic. Remember too, that the more exercise you get the more energy you will have. You may have to really push yourself at first, but since you know how to work out and all, you will be successful, I am sure.
  • Thank You!
    Monet: Thanks so much for your support! You are 100% right that I need to just make the effort to get the exercise ball rolling. Common sense tells me that I don't need to worry about hitting the gym for hours @ a time like I could before the hypo symptoms, that making short goals of 20-30 minutes per day is a great start. On the other hand, I'm so ashamed about the complete difference in the way my physique has fallen apart. It's ridiculous to think that anyone is really pointing fingers when I'm at the gym saying: "Wow, look at how big her hips/legs have gotten," but of course that's one of the numerous excuses I've made to avoid the gym. Knowing now that my weight gain frustrations are not entirely due to lack of adherence to an exercise program, you'd think I'd be overly motivated...but yet I struggle. I'm going to do this though-there's no magic potion and the meds (once regulated to proper dosage) won't firm and tone...that has to be my job! I have never heard of Sugarbusters but will do some research on that today-especially since Diabetes runs in my family and my dr. is going to start testing my blood sugar and will be running other blood work when I have my TSH done next month (first test after starting Synthroid). Do you have suggestions about dealing w/friends that have a mindblock re: Hypo? I have had several friends invite me out to do things over the weekend-but starting @ 8:00 pm or later. I've explained that I'm so whipped @ the end of the day, I can't force myself to stay awake past 5:30 pm somedays and that I have to gauge how I feel on a daily basis. Many of them say "Ok" but I can tell their feelings are hurt. Should I send them some articles from the Internet so they can become more educated? I'm not sure what the solution is. I've already directed several of them here to learn about hypo and other challenges people have (especially since they are all on and off diets themselves). Any ideas will be very much appreciated. Thanks again Monet!
  • Welcome
    Mjoste, I can relate and it will get a bit easier when the meds are adjusted. I am still bitter about having this disease and weight gain, but it could be a worse disease right? Not everyone will find the magic number and weight will melt off, so don't mean to burst your bubble, but that's what happened to me. My dr said as soon as meds were in line the weight would drop off, well, still waiting after 6 yrs and now he doesnt say much about it, other than everyone is different, change the diet, etc........I mean if I can't have a baked potato once a week, come on!!! I also know for me that these carbs are no good for me, stick to me like glue and crave more. How much weight have you gained or trying to lose? I find that these diets other than ww don't seem to take into account if you are doing an hour of cardio/weight training and then I am hungry all day and miserable and start to overindulge. What are the guidelines for that? I ask you cause you are a bodybuilder. I tried The Zone and it is very balanced and not too complicated once you figure it out. I don't like SB cause of the restrictions for the 2 week induction phase. I love my fruits and if can;t have them then I want them right? I find myself in a rut right now and no motivation to go to the gym at all, have gained about 7 pounds since August with the death of my mother, so emotionally not really ready but have to get ready or I wont fit any clothes for summer. I know how you feel about friends, they don't understand. I'm not sure if sending them info is the answer, you know your friends better than I do, but my experience is that some will get it and some won't. Don't let it bother you, focus on your health and getting better so you can hit the gym again. BTW, wear long sweat pants to work out, no one needs to see your bare legs jiggle if you're embarrassed, works for me!!! Well, thanks for the rant and good luck........let us know how it goes. Oh, and my weight goals at the bottom are wrong, add another 10 pounds to the right...should be 220 start weight....ugh
  • Cutieshirl40-thanks! Me too-bitter about being hypo and the fact that weight gain goes hand in hand with it! However, as you pointed out....there are far worse conditions out there that don't provide means of management. 8-) So basically, I just need to quit feelin' sorry for myself and get this thing kicked!!! I am also soooo with you on restrictive diets. I'm a big supporter of eating healthy 85% of the time but allowing yourself to stray (moderately) the remaining 15% of the time. My downfall this time of year is those Cadbury Eggs....evil little things! lol Your dr. is STILL not offering other options after 6 years? How frustrating. I'm lucky that my dr. is of the mindset that even though levels might be higher for one person, someone with a lower TSH can very easily feel worse. My first blood draw came back with a TSH of 9.3. I also started taking a BComplex vitamin as someone mentioned that might help with the energy level. I have gained 45+ pounds since my last show (2004-weighed in @ 100.1). However, I feel pretty comfortable in my skin @ 120-125. In the diets that you tried, do they emphasize eating 6-7 times per day? Especially with your hour of cardio (which is AWESOME-keep it up!!!), are you eating good carbs prior to that and then recouperating with protein after the workout? Maybe just try changing the timing of the meals to coincide w/your body's need will help. I am so sorry to hear about your mother-did you have any warning or was it a shock (if you don't mind me asking)? Don't beat yourself up over a seven pound weight gain-you have a legitimate reason to feel less motivated right now...but as I'm sure you know in your heart (like I do), getting back to working out regularly and pushing ourselves is really the key to unlocking that energy and making us feel more @ peace! 8-) You've been very helpful and supportive to me and that will come back atcha 10fold...bottom line-you're going to be smashing success @ this losing weight struggle... I feel that in my heart! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
  • Hi
    Not sure if Dr has any other options for me, ups the dose as we need, but really what else can be done? I try to eat properly but slip, just lately not getting with it.........anyway, my mother was 82 and had congestive heart failure and was in hospital for last 2 months. The daily visits, rounds of medical baloney with drs and nurses, specialists and basically her longing to die, falling into a coma and watching her fade away just sucked everything out of me and my marriage, home life. Piecing back together but somedays.........a tub of ice cream goes down sooooo good. I try to do a hour of cardio and weight training but haven't been for about a week. I did something to my knee and I can't do much of squats, walking or such, just weights which is ok, but need to get back there asap.
    Well, better go now, nice chatting with you and thanks for the advice.