Weekly Chat Feb 19-25

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  • Well, the weekend went as expected. Except Friday DH wanted to order takeout...so I ended up being stupid and ordering fried shrimp & french fries. Instead of a steak and veggies. Then Saturday night I ate a handful of potato chips, 2 small chocolate chip cookies and like 5 mints. So of course, when I stepped on the scale this morning it didn't read what it did Saturday morning. I'm trying to figure out how I could do SO well the first time around on Atkins, I can do SO well during the week. But when it comes to the weekend I blow it. When I see the scale go down....I blow it. I need to figure out how to get past that if I'm ever going to lose this weight again. HELP!!!
  • Brenda, sorry to hear you are having some trouble. I always do worse on the weekend too. I am bad to also allow myself more if I had a weight loss. Now, this certainly doesn't help anything. It would seem that showing some weight loss would make us work even harder. I wish I knew why I did the same thing. Sorry, I'm no help. I do fantastic during the week, lose a lb. or 2 and screw up come Friday or Saturday. I try to always exercise 5 nights during the week to help make up for the laziness and busyness that happens every weekend around here.

    On a happy note, we get to buy our camper this week with cash. So, if you all notice me missing, it's cause I'm camping at the lake and catching me some crappie. LOL.

    DD and I had a great walk at the park yesterday. We are going again today, with temps now in the 60's. We have to go shop for her some new jeans first so she'll quit wearing my clothes. LOL.
  • Good Morning

    Brenda~ I cant seem to do atkins anymore at all. Im good for about 3 weeks, then I blow it. I wish I could get that "first time" determination back too. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you

    Lily~ have fun, and enjoy the weather!!!!!!! We are actually expecting it to make 32F/0C tomorrow heatwave!

    Well I blew it big time yesterday. I wont get into the sordid details, just know that Im puffy and swollen today and every single one of those cadbury eggies are DEAD!!

    Im going to go fill up my water jug, and get moving today!

    Have a good one ladies!
  • Ok,

    So I have been browsing around 3 chicks trying to find a forum that is right for me. I haven't gotten a response from any site, so I am hoping this is the one.

    I basically have to go low carb, for health reasons (a recent problem with candida)

    I would love, love, to check in once a day while I am starting out (I have a big sweet tooth) even for the first 7 days or so. And would be happy to hold someone/or all of you accountable too.

    Is anyone up for that??

    Thanks, Abbie
  • Welcome Abby, glad to see you joining us.
  • Hello Ladies! I hope that you're all well!

    Brenda, I'm sorry that you're having problems during the weekends. I know that it can be tough! Perhaps you could try to figure out what about the weekends triggers off your slips? Maybe if you can pin down a pattern you can help to stop it from occurring?

    NYC Girl, this is an excellent place for you to come to vent, to cry, to get compassion and support, and to get help!

    Lily, I'm so glad that you're going to be getting a camper! Some of my happiest times were spent camping!

    Well, I have people pulling me in 10 different directions, so I'd best say good bye! Talk to you all later!

  • HiLadies

    I'm back to my old self again,whatever stomach bug I had is gone,but just in case I'm going to eat lite again today.

    The winds are blowing out there,has to be 60 MPH gusts. Thank Goodness our fireplace insert is working again.Its 11 degrees this morning,hopefully in 3 more weeks Spring should arrive.

    lady_abnerd-Sorry the scale went up,because of your weekends. I have two solutions for you.1) W-I during the middle of the week.,or 2) like a lady on another board does w-i every three weeks.Her reason was when she found that weighing in every week didn't work subconsciously. Wen the scale went down she eat for joy,and when the scale goes up she eat for her sorrow.So she says staying away from the scale helped her not binge Just a thought. Oh !!Thanks for starting us up this week..

    lily-We'll miss you,but we'll be happy that your enjoying your camper.

    Robin-Sending you some [[[good:vibes]]] for your to get back on track.

    Abbie- welcome to the board and Atkins. I'm low carbing with WWpoints. Just stay with us we'll hold you accountable. My doctor suggested Atkins when all the other diets failed. This WOE does work,if you don't whink from it.

    Barb-Hi We posted had the same time, Have great day.

    Have a great day

    Hugs BB
  • Hi Phoenix and BB. Good to see everyone back to posting today.

    Me and DD just got back from our 2 mile walk around the lake/park. It is 60 degrees but the wind had to be at least 40 miles an hr. My thighs are hurting from the effort it took to just walk that track. Then, being the kids we are, we slid the big tube slides. My 46 yr. old body isn't made for those big curves and twists. LOL, that must be why they are there for little kids. We packed our lunch to take and enjoyed the time out even with the darn wind.

    Phoenix, we love camping. Just not in a tent. We used to own a fabulous new camper and had to sell it when I got sick. This one isn't brand new, but I'll be happy to have it anyway and not to owe anything on it. We plan to save money through the summer and buy a good used boat too. We had to also sell our new boat when I was too sick to work. We only pay cash now for anything, but I prefer it this way.
  • Hey ladies!

    Lady abner- I have the same weekend issues, and weight loss binge problems. I don't have advice, but offer support and letting you know I share the same problem.

    BB- that is great advice to not weigh as often. I think eating is so emotional and weighing everyday most often triggers an emotional response.

    Robin- I hear ya. I did alot of cooking and eating this weekend. I have actually had a bad week, but I think I'm better now.

    Lily- congrats on the camper! You'll be able to hide out from the unwanted family in an enjoyable way!

    Abbie- WELCOME!!!! This is a great place to come for support. I had a similar experience to you where I had posted in many places and got little response, but I found this board very welcoming. These ladies are fantastic!

    Have a great day ladies!

  • yup, we're the best Welcome Abbie!!

    Treadmill is here, and up and running Im so thrilled!! Its right in front of the woodstove.......dh will be nice and warm. I'll just turn the stove off when I walk.
  • Hi Tracy, Yes the next time I have unwanted guests, I'm heading to the lake in my camper. Maybe they will get the hint. Seriously, I doubt it.

    SD called a few hrs. ago and invited me out to pizza for lunch. I said "no thanks, I've already eaten". She lives on total junk food and I won't let her persuade me to eat what she eats.

    Robin, congrat's on the treadmill. I love mine. Post how much you walk and I will try to keep up. Good incentive for both of us. I have a little space heater next time and I always turn it off. I work up enough sweat already. LOL.
  • OK ladies i have to make this really quick. First off Hi Abbie and welcome. YOu will love this group. OK so today I had a xray done of my uterus. They shot dye inside to show up on the pics. Good news that all is well and that is what i was hoping for. Bad news is that I am cramping pretty bad and i am bloated big time in the tummy area, so I am off to bed to rest. Just wanted to check in with you guys. Not going to talk about this weekend. Lets just say it went as well as everyone elses on here.
  • Quote: OK ladies i have to make this really quick. First off Hi Abbie and welcome. YOu will love this group. OK so today I had a xray done of my uterus. They shot dye inside to show up on the pics. Good news that all is well and that is what i was hoping for. Bad news is that I am cramping pretty bad and i am bloated big time in the tummy area, so I am off to bed to rest. Just wanted to check in with you guys. Not going to talk about this weekend. Lets just say it went as well as everyone elses on here.
    Sandra!!!!! Warning.....if you are looking to get pregnant.......do your fooling around within the next 3 days after having this test!! Even drag hubby to bed with you now, it will help with the cramping from that test.

    If you arent looking to get pregnant....keep your hubby away

    My gf(who is a dr.) had warned me about this, she told me it was quite common for women who have trouble conceiving to get pregnant after this test.

    I did , my husband(at the time) tried for 7 yrs....after this same test, along with my ex walking the picket line in sub zero temps helped me get pregnant.
  • Hello, hello to you wonderful ladies! I've been lurking (you know I always do) but just read something somewhere that just kinda clicked for me and I had to share it with you all in case it does the same for someone else. This thing I read was where someone was telling someone else in a 12 step program who had admitted to cutting herself that it was all about the endorphins and that if she could find something ELSE that would trigger the endorphins that it would help her quit the cutting. She recommended weightlifting or any type of exercise. So I started thinking about what it is I'm looking for when I reach for the cookie or candy or bread and realized it is the feeling, the little 'high' or rush, and maybe, just maybe, if I could get that little rush from some exercise (normal exercise, cuzm ya know, my superman isn't ALWAYS available) then maybe I wouldn't need the carbs so much! Does that make sense - I'll read this again tomorrow and see if it still makes sense to me then. But right now it just seemed to click for me!

    Ok - back to your regularly scheduled program-

  • Good Morning

    Kel glad to know Mr. Superman is still around

    You're on Lily....we can keep an eye on each other in our exercise threads, how does that sound?

    I did 2 miles yesterday on the treadmill. Im so happy with this machine. Its sitting quite prominent in the living room. I really didnt think dh would go for it being there. I was going to be quite happy putting it in the corner, kinda tucked out of the way. But he said "If Im going to use it I want to be able to watch tv." YES!! Im thrilled he said he would use it too! I find that walking for me works better than anything else. I can do the aerobic tapes, but they just dont seem to do for me what walking does.

    Well, I'll be on the pc most of the day again today, so I'll check in often. Have a great day ladies!