Weekly Weigh-In~Feb.19-Feb.25

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  • Good morning ladies. I'm kind of excited to get this started. So here goes:

    Down 4 1/2 lbs to 189. I am soooo excited, 2 lbs from the 100 lb mark!!!

    Here's looking forward to a great week everyone. Come on, we CAN do this!!!!
  • WWOOOOHOOOOO ROBIN!! That is fantastic!!! You'll be there in NO time. I really need a poster of you to hang up (You're one of my heros on here!!)
  • Wonderful!
    Wonderful RockinRobin! Congradulations for the awesome loss!

    I'm down 2 lbs. I could have lost another if I would stop eating late. Did that about 3 times.
  • Robin and Carol.. awesome!
    4 1/2 lbs.. that amazing. You are just fading away.

    I lost 2 lbs this week. yeah!!
  • Robin, You Go Girl!

    I'm down .2 of a pound. I've hit a bump in this road and trying to pick myself back up. But, I'm still here and not giving up this time!
  • Way to go ladies!!

    Rhonda - jump over that bump in the road and keep going!

    Oldwriter - you are just north of me! (I am in Delaware) Congrats on the loss!
  • WOW Robin! Grats!

    Way to go all you loosers!

    I am down 3.5 for the week. I also met my first mini goal of 27 pounds! WOOO HOOOO!

  • Congratulations everybody!

    I'm down 6 pounds!
  • Broke the stall and came out on the other side weighing in at a svelte 220. I haven't weighed this since I was in my early 20's.

    WTG Robin on the loss!! WTG to all the ladies who lost, we are improving our health, our fitness and our habits, one meal and snack at a time and the efforts are paying off. GOOD JOB to all of our ladies!
  • Great job everyone! I'm down another 2.4 this week!
  • WOW! Awesome results we are seeing! Robin, what ARE you doing to keep getting such great results!? You are doing awesome!

    I'm sad to report my first gain since I started in January (sniff, sniff). I gained 1 pound this week. I was really hoping for a loss every single week even if small, but I don't know what happened. I will just look on the bright side. I hope to join the losers again next week.
  • Really amazing, amazing losses everyone. My gosh we are something else!! I love us!!!!

    Ritzy I could understand you being disappointed, but 1 lb is absolutely nothing, nothing in the scope of things. Don't let it get to you. Let it motivate you. As for ever seeing another 4 1/2 lb week again I don't think it's going to happen. I tried to look at last week to see what I did differently then when I had a 1 1/2 lb week or a 2 lb week. And the truth of the matter is - I really don't know. I sure as heck wish I did. I have been extremely consistient with my food from week to week. Extremely. If anything I've exercised less lately because my knees are shot. To compensate for it I have been doing 2 -15 minutes spurts (mostly 3-4 mins) throughout the day of walking in place and dancing just to get me moving and burn some calories. I suppose that is definitely burning some calories, even though I am not getting in a long enough workout to get in some good cardio benefits. This is why it bothers me to no end when people say "You should never lose more then 2 lbs a week". I mean how am I to know if I'm doing the basically the same thing week to week when a 1 1/2 lb loss is going to pop up or a 4 lb week is going to pop up? There's just no way to know. You take the big losses with the small losses. That's why I always say you can't really aim for a certain amount of weight to lose per week. Eat right and move. It's up to our bodies to decide what increments the weight will come off in. It is clearly not a linear thing.
  • You are right, Robin. I have wondered how this could be cut and dried myself. I think our bodies do their own things on these diets. Thanks for the encouragement. I was just sitting here trying to make myself see that this is only a stepping stone - not a stumbling block. Your post helped me to cement that in. Thanks so much!!
  • Well, I am down 1 lb this week. I would have liked a little more, but I'll take the 1! I also agree with Robin. I am really consistant with what I eat and exercize, and I lose anywhere from .5 - 3.5 each week. Sometimes it frustrates me, but I am doing the best I can on a "plan" that I can use forever. That's all I can do. Jelly
  • Hi - I'm new to this group - but really want to get going with my exercise and weight loss again. My weight is 265 and I am the biggest I've ever been. It is really encouraging to read your posts and your weekly updates! You guys are doing what I am hoping to be able to do too.