Ok, here we go! New mom on a mission...

  • I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 8 months ago, after having an "all you can eat" pregnancy. I lost 30 pounds right away, but still have 40 left to go. Since my husband and I both feel like blobs, you would think we could somehow motivate each other. But we don't!
    I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with my daughter, but that seems to be more of a hinderance to my weight loss than a help. I find myself driving around to local bakeries and buying all kinds of sweets I don't need. EVen worse, my husband has no idea what my eating habits are really like. He would die if he knew I buy food and hide it from him.
    WHy do I do that?
    I'm glad I found this website, I have a feeling it will be a lifesaver for me!
    Thanks for listening
  • Good luck!

    I use to get a candy bar when I ran to the store and I'd feel I had to eat it before I got home so nobody knew I had it. I would feel awful after eating it because if I had to hide it I obviously didn't feel I should have it. So weird what we think is going to make us happy.
  • Hey there!

    I think when we find ourselves hiding things from others, it's because we know it's "not right" in some way--and that really has to do with us, not with the other people. Maybe you are feeling like you need something to cheer you up during the day, I don't know. But I do know that eating pastries long term is not a good idea!

    Your husband would not "die" if he knew about it. Interesting choice of words, though...

    Good luck with your weight loss journey! I hope you and your husband both can improve your eating and get fit--that's the main thing.

  • hello mustgethealthy!
    im with ya! my baby is 7 months old and i have stubborn weight that im realizing will not just fall off, im going to have to work at it. i just started posting today and im very motivated- i just hope it stays that way. i stay at home too and sometimes the pantry is just too close for comfort. its too easy to cheat!!
    i just went downstairs and threw out a whole box of girl scout cookies - my first major step!
    hope to see ya around!
  • I'm new here too. We're all in good company it looks like

    I'm still carrying baby fat ........ unfortunately my baby is almost 11 years old and when I had him I was still carry baby fat from my daugther who is now almost 19

    You're smart to get nipping it in the bud now.

    This board is awesome and filled with lots of information. Good luck on your journey!
  • I am new here also and my little guy is 2 1/2 months. I lost every pound I gained during my pregnancy...but I was heavy before getting pregnant! I am ready to het healthy...he deserves it!