sushi with brown rice?

  • hi guys!!

    i am new with core but have been on weight watchers flex for 8 months.. go to wkly meetings..

    what im wondering is..

    since u can have brown rice and you can have seafood does that mean you can have sushi made with brown rice? obviously youd have to add any spicy mayo or what not but just the simple tuna rolls with brown rice and seaweed is fine right??

    found a grocery that carrys them and am so excited!! i love sushi to death and was afraid of missing it while being on core.

    if its not, should i count it just as i would on flex??? thanks in advance!

    i already lost 3 pounds in my first wk! happy vday!
  • congrats on losing the three pounds! I never thought of making sushi with brown rice. I just started making it two weeks ago but used the sticky you have me wondering what it will taste like. I may have to try this soon. Im not on core but eat core*ish* and I believe it would be core made with brown rice. Not sure if wasabi is core or not, would have to look that one up but Im sure its low in dont use that much of it anyways. Good luck!
  • I'm not an authority on Core, but I can't think of a reason why you couldn't have it for one meal. I've had Spicy Tuna Avocado w/ brown rice from Whole Foods, and it is DELICIOUS! Not quite the same taste as regular sushi, but the chewiness and nutty taste of the brown rice really adds something.
  • Hi there!

    The only word of caution I would throw you is to ask the sushi restaurant how their brown rice is made. MANY sushi joints mix their brown and white rice to get the sticky rice consistency. I'm lucky enough to have a place in town that mixes it with black wild rice so I know it's all core.

    I ususally order sashimi and miso if the place I go to doesn't have all core rice.
  • Just throwing this out there but where i live there's a small take-out place which makes "tofushi", using tofu as a substitute for the rice. The tofu is put through a process where they compress most of the water out of it and the final consistency is much like rice. You get protein instead of carbs and the taste, especially when combined with the spicy tuna or whatever filling is put in, is just great. I love the stuff.
  • I'd say it's pretty close to core. I've made it at home and I know that sugar and vinegar are both added to the rice, as in this recipe

  • You can also buy sushi looks like vinegar. It does contain fructose in it but I only use one capful to my rice before making the sushi.
  • Hello everyone. I'm on the core plan and I eat sushi made with brown rice all the time and it doesn't seem to affect me in anyway that I'm aware of. I have asked a friend of mine who is a WW leader about it and she has told me that if you want to feel "on the safe side" count 8 peices as 2 points but can't see that not counting it would do you any harm. There is very little mayo and sugar added to sushi and by walking for a mear 10-15 minutes would counteract the affect anyway. (and who doesn't walk for 10-15 minutes throught the day anyway?)