Almost to the middle of the week

  • Hi y'all,

    I am just working on a paper. I might go for a quick jog in a few minutes, I don't have class until 11 am so I should be fine. Anyhoo, I have actually been trying and fairly succeeding in getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, it may not sound like much, but I was getting a lot less and getting really stressed out. The next few weeks are going to be busy so I am trying to get as muchwork out of the way as possible.

    BTW the Diet Coke and rice story is true, but I wouldn't try it if I were you, I don't think it a particular advancement in the world of culinary arts..... My friend's fiance does stuff like that (but he's a nice guy, just a little off-beat).

    Anyhoo, my mom came to visit me yesterday with my brother and a friend of his from France. It's funny, I found out yesterday that my brother has been hiding his age from his friends. His friend knew I was his younger sister and then she found out I was 24, she asked Nick "how old are you then?". I guess he didn't want to feel out of place with the 21-22 year old Master's students he was hanging out with.

    Anyhoo, have a fabbo day!

    Take Care!

  • Hey, guess what? About a month ago I submitted a question to ASK COURTNEY at and she responded online! The "family reunion" question is mine!! For those who want to check it out. I was suprised. Sadly, I didn't see it til after Thanksgiving with teh weight oriented force feeders. I noticed tehy deleted the part when I say they are force feeders but she refers to it in her response. It was very cool.

    Getting v. excited about Harry Potter movie - am on book #3 now. Woo hoo!!

    Well, yesterday I was v. good, no exercise though, I didn't even walk to work!! BUT I only ate 26 points and drank all my water. I was tempted to snack at Pottery Painting b/c everyone had treats, but I said nope. Not worth it, since I didnt' even get any booster points....

    And, yes, its snowing in Calgary. We are talking Heavy Snowfall warnings out!! Its not cold, just wet and snowy - quite beautiful actually, but I opted to take the bus in rather than get to work completely soaked. Its that wet, heavy snow that stays on your hair!

    Tonite is Volleyball, I decided to go adn if I feel realy ill, I'll just leave early.

    Ali - ha ha, your brother is masking his true age - I didn't know men did that! All the school talk makes me miss school so much. Those were the days sigh!!! Enjoy while you can....

    The rest of you, I have not read the rest of yesterday's posts, but hello to everyone. Kim, I hope you had a great b-day and that this marks the beginning of good change for you!!

    Come out and post!

  • I Need Sleep!!
    Hey ladies, I am so tired. "the kinda b/f" (sorry, not sure what to call him yet ) and I talked last night until 3:30am and I woke up at 6:30am. Yah we are in that talk all night stage. I love this stage but it definitely reaks havoc on my workday. Anyways I think he is wonderful We are still working out the specifics of our relationship but it is quite enjoyable. We didn't communicate well in our "flirty friendship" (best way to describe it) so we are making up for lost time and I love it. Being a future therapist and a woman in general, I love to communicate honestly and openly. Ok I could go on for days

    Anyways WW is going well and that is a relief. I have been so unmotivated in the past.

    Ali I am jealous of your 7 hrs of sleep. I have got to do that tonight!!!! Are you and addicted jogger? I just cannot get into it but all joggers and runners say that is gets addicted.

    Belle- I love the courtney articles in shape. I think it's so cool that your question got answered I hope you feel well enough for v-ball tonight.

    JKarr- Don't you love when you grocery shop and are fully equipped to be a good little weight watcher!!

    Trish- I am so glad to hear that you don't have that form of diabetes. Thank God!!!

    Kieri- I am so impressed you are having guy problems and resisting chocolate! You are wonderwoman!! I used to love that show anyone else???? I had the underoos. UHhh does anyone remember those? Ok anyways I hope that things shape up. Feel free to vent.

    Well girls I guess I had better get to work.
  • Becky, those were awesome days - the talking all night thing. we used to do that and get up and go to work in the morning, but not anymore, we are in bed at 10 and read, cuddle, go to sleep! Hee hee. Its a nice stage in the begining, to be learning about eachother, etc. Enjoy it!!

    I was so excited about Shape, its really quite ridiculous, but true!

    Where is everyone?? It was busier in teh summer than it its now, which is odd?
  • Cool article, Belle!!
    My grandmother-in-law is that way, too! How true, how true.
    I think her advice was really good, though.
    I don't want to work today.
    We're having another dreaded snack day so I went in, ate what I wanted and now I'm staying away for the remainder of the afternoon.
    I must get some work done, so I'll see ya'll later!
  • Belle Yah, it has been slow. I am not sure where everyone is at but I'll be around today. The 10 o'clock thing sounds nice too, I am thinking that tonight I will have to have him leave early and get some serious sleep. Well have a good day and I hope that more people come out and post
  • Hi ladies!! We just had an evacuation drill at my building, which meant I had to walk down 37 flights of stairs - how fun! But, I guess it was good practice in case we ever had to really evacuate. And since I am only 2 blocks from the Sears Tower, unfortunately it is something we have to consider, as that is such a prime target for terroist attacks...

    Becky - Sorry to hear you are so tired, but it is all for a good reason! What a great time in a relationship... I am kinda jealous!

    Belle - I would be excited about the Shape thing too - Congrats!!

    Ali - Hope you do well on your paper!

    Trish - Congrats on the diabetes test turning out okay! You are really in the home stretch now!

    Kier - Good to hear from you!

    I hope more people come out to post today - it's been kinda lonely around here!

  • Hey all... same old me. Not much new. The weather is getting colder and cold. Raining today and supposed to get snow tonight and tomorrow. Blaahhhh. Hubby bought a snowblower because he is getting lazy and is itching to try it out!

    Isn't Kirsty back from her cruise yet??

    Oh those late nights. I used to talk on the phone till 2-3am. Then get up for work, chug the coffee and sneak home for a noon nap. I don't miss those days at all!!!! I like my sleep, especially now with a baby ( who has been frequenting my bed lately).

    Well, back to work and hopefully to the gym at noon if the rain would stop!
  • Hello all. Well, it is raining here and they say will get cold. I had wanted hubby to mowe the lawn one more time, but it keep raining. But he must get out and get up all the leaves. I can rake, but all that bending to put in the bag is a pain. He got one of those leaf maybe I will rake into a pile and he can suck them up. The sucker gets to heavy for me to work right now.

    Wow, I don't know how you all function on so little sleep. I am in bed by 10pm every night...even when I was not pg. I get so tired. I need my sleep.

    Belle: good question. I also thought her answer was good and one to keep in mind.

    Becky: that talking part of a relationship is fun. My hubby and I dated long-distance, so most of our courtship was on the phone for long phone conversations. They were great fun. But I still went to bed at 10!

    JenL: I am not sure when Kirsty is to get back...but her new job should start soon as well. maybe no internet time.

    JenK: think of all the exercise points you get for going down the stairs. You are right, I am in the last bit. I was thinking just this morning that if something happened and I had to deliver now, it would be ok. I must say that science is great sometimes.

    Stacey: good job on teh snack day plan. That can be so hard.

    Ali: that is so funny about your brother. I also did not know that boys did that.

    Well, I am off to lunch. Talk with you soon.

  • Jen3
    Jen3 is fine with me. whatever makes it easier for you guys! thanks for the welcome Trish I appreciate. May i also say that I have always thought the name Trish was a very pretty name!

    well I am still breaking in to the group, i will give some other info about me so i don't feel like such a stranger! 23 y/o from pittsburgh pa. started WW online (2nd time on WW) on Aug 6, 2001. so far have lost 10 pounds. Have a lot of trouble staying motivated to lose the additional 12 I would like to lose. I joined a gym in August (before that was just running/walking outside) now I am running (my goal is to be able to run 5 miles straight on a regular basis) right now i am up to 3 miles a time. i also walk, and do the ellipitcal, once in a while catch an aerobics class if the timing is right (considering my work schedule). i also started weight training.

    well yesterday i did great with the exercise but once again messed up with the food. i can eat great all day long, and then go home and devour just about everything i can see. i am sure if i could break this bad habit i probably would be at goal by now!
    any advice there?

    the weather here is so-so. it's to be in the 70's today but it's not like i get to enjoy it because i am stuck in this dumb office. by the way, i hate my job right now, in case anyone wondered. i am wayyyyyy overloaded with work right now. I guess i should not be spending time posting on internet bulletin boards then but I only did this one time today, and i just need a break from my piles of papers.

    well speaking of work i better get back to it. talk to you later,
  • I'm ready to head home!!
    Regarding excercise, Sun and Mon nights we took Bailey out for a walk and then to run in the field behind our house. She loves it!
    DH will run in the opposite direction of her and then get her to run to him, meanwhile, I run in that opposite direction and get her to run even farther to me. She usually crashes on the tile floor when we get home. I just wish I was getting home a little earlier to keep up the excercise tonight.
    Jen3...I'm with you. I don't want to be working. Anywhere else but this office. Well, maybe anywhere but the dentist. Yeah, I'd rather work than go to the dentist.
    Hmmm, it's about time for a Diet Coke. Yum!
    I meant to look for DC with lemon but forgot. Oh well!
    Hi to everyone!! JenL, when are you leaving for vacation?
    Must get back to work!
  • Stacey, I leave next Friday. I am getting very sad because we are leaving Emma behind. I am even sadder because of the state the world is in now, if something happened and I couldn't be with her, I would be devastated. I will miss my angel! Did I tell you her 1 year b-day party is Sunday, and her b-day is Monday. Our dumb city and outlying regions voted to have trick-or-treating on Sunday and not Halloween this year. I am irked! So we will have her party, then dress her up and trick/treat the neighbors just for fun. Only a couple houses tho. I even bought her a plastic pumpkin candy thingy. I will take pictures!!
  • Hey Girls
    well I didnt resist Chocolate today but its not from BF stress
    b/c i got an email from him today and the reason hes not been in contact as much this week is b/c hes already away! and not due back till sunday hes not totally off the hook but it makes more sense I need to whack him around a bit with a hurling stick
    food wise except for the choc i did good hot cereal for breakkie
    a half a chickenbreast sliced lengthwise on a sandwich for lunch
    with some very thin sliced cheddar and lettuce a truckload of carrots
    and i still have my grapes and orange for dinner (yes it is 9 oclock but I cant go home yet to face the roomies) I switched into school mode today and also work mode (which drove me to the choc) I kinda think the girl im working with not the girl who hired me but the girl i'm sharing the job with is trying to take it from me
    so i kicked her arse a bit today after she told me i had the "easy Job" while she did all the "hard Work" then mind u she keeps all documents to herself GRRRRR anyway I'm not going to let some teenybopper try to steamroll me So twice i told her off today
    once for her hard job comments and once on the phone when i reminded her that we were both doing the Job
    that BWitch is going down! muhahahahahah
    sorry its my week for aggression lol
    Jen I can't believe Emmas a year
    Trish I dream ofa 10 oclock bedtime I just can never get enuf done by then
    Jen3 Welcome!
    Becky Sounds awesome! enjoy it!!!!
    JenK talk about functional Aerobics
    well i gotta wrap this up some guy just came in and their closin in 10 minutes
    I'm cruising the web looking for low cal recipes
    if the curry one works out i'll post it
  • Hi all.

    Well, I went to WI today and lost 1.8! Yippee! I'm still up from my lowest since I joined WW a YEAR ago, but it's something. Maybe I'll finally get off this yo-yo thing and start losing for real. My 1-yr date since I joined WW this time was Oct. 11 ... I'm almost ashamed to say I've only lost 19.8. My hat is SO OFF to you, Ali, and others who have lost steadily and gotten to goal. I'm not very disciplined when it comes to food, surprise, surprise.

    Hi to everyone ... I'd like to respond to everyone, but I need to write my story on Halloween safety for tomorrow. I usually don't do stories like that, but because of the terrorist attacks everyone is more freaked out and police are pushing controlled parties instead of trick-or-treating. I really think people need to live their lives normally. If you live somewhere like New York or Washington, I can see being more scared, because anthrax has been found, but I agree with President Bush (for once) that we shouldn't let any of this disrupt our lives.

    Still, don't give out Pixie Stix on Halloween!

    Gotta run!