Steamer Recipes

  • My sister gave me one of the multi-procduct cook things for Christmas. (When she gave it to me she said that she thought I would love it because I try and eat so healthy). Anyways it’s a steamer, crockpot, deep fryer (bad!!!). I wont use the deep fryer but I’ve used it as a crockpot to make stew, soup and chili but I want to figure out how to use the steamer. Any recipes, instructions or tips would be helpful.
  • Have you gone onto the manufacturer's site?

    Many times they will have recipes.

    Didn't it come with a cookbook? You could certainly adapt some of those recipes if it did.

    What brand is it? How big is it? My crockpot is huge, so I think that something a bit smaller that also steams sounds ideal.
  • Yeah, go to the manufacturer's web site. You should be able to search their site by the part number. Once that comes up, they'll often have a downloadable/printable users' manual. (The part number should be on the box, or on the sticker on the back or bottom of the cooker).

    Good luck! I love both my CrockPot and my steamer.
  • It is the prestions options multi-cooker and steamer. It is 6 quarts.

    For the website they don’t have any recipes listed for this product or a similar product. They have recipes for other products and for the deep fryer (which I don’t want to use). They manual has recipes for several soups and stews which is helpful and I’ve used but I’m more concerned with the steamer. I didn’t know if there was anything you could do besides steam veggies. The veggies instruction was to put two cup of water in base, set heat at 250 degrees, and has a time chart. I’ve just never had or actually seen someone use a steamer (I’ve used crockpots before so I’m not so worried about that.)
  • There are recipes in this manual, as well as boiling, blanching, steaming (veggies, fish, and rice), and stewing recipes, etc.

    Here is a link to the manual: