Thin4Life - Week of Feb 5/07

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  • Hi everyone,

    I didn't weigh today. I usually weigh on Sundays, but I'll be weighing on Saturday this week because we're doing a 5K on Sunday. However, I promise to weigh tomorrow at the gym.

    I'm sure I'm either the same or down a bit.

    I hope.

    Lisa -Yeah on the insurance! Boo on those who think radical islamists are going to savage you in Paris. It ain't going to happen by the Eiffel tower.

    Melissa - wow, 17,000 steps that is alot. As for the snow on top of the frigid weather, ick.

    Good job on the loss Pam.

    Karynlee, where in Idaho do you live? Its been niceish here. No scraping of windows, but I could use a little sun.

    Hi to Susan.

    Off to get excited about work.


  • I've maintained my 1-lb loss from the weekend illness so I'm happy about that but not that happy overall I have no one to blame but myself. On a more positive note, am doing really well on the exercise front so not all is lost.

    Still really cold here too. I'm amazed that my hair hasn't broken off; it gets frozen walking from the gym to the car at night

    I am meeting my sister at the gym tonight; we were going to run outside but I just can't run outside in these temps. Asthma kicks right in and flattens me..

    Have another coffee "date" tomorrow and am not feeling very optimistic. Spoke with him on the phone last nite and it doesn't sound like he owns even the smallest sense of humour. Don't even know why I'm going...

    Do have plans for the weekend tho. Sis and I are going out on Friday nite and I'm going to a play (solo) on Saturday. it's called Tribute. Anyone know it?

    Bye for now

  • lala, My thoughts exactly about Paris--oh well. Another time. Well, let us know how your WI goes.

    Susan, I hear ya on the sense of humor. DH has one and I wouldn't be with someone who didn't. Good on keeping the one pound off. I would gladly trade places. Actually I have heard of Tribute, but can't remember where. I know that I have not seen it.

    It is absolutely gorgeous here today. It was cold overnight, but the sun is out and it's 70 degrees--beautiful.
  • DP has a very strange sense of humour. I miss it, I hope it comes back when she finishes her dissertation.


    Off to walk Tiny dog (ernest the puppy). He's now 11 months old. My baby (all 45 lbs of him) is growing up.
  • Good morning ladies!

    Sorry for the lapse--it's been a bit crazy here. We are at 23 consecutive days of snow here and more in the forecast. I'm really getting tired of cleaning my car off! The temps aren't much better--it's 12 degrees and we're supposed to get up into the teens...heat wave, lol.

    I'm in the midst of coordinating Daffodil Days here on campus, orientation letters, and grades so it's been pretty crazy. I'm finally caught up and am happy about that. On another note, my boss is coming in late this morning so I was able to tackle some things without interruptions.

    Lisa: The tearoom that we've gone to is Sweet Dreams.

    Susan: It's been bitter here and it doesn't seem like it's going to get much better any time soon. Good luck with the coffee date. I'm heading to the gym at noon to walk today--I'm not looking forward to going outside but I know once I'm there I'll be fine.

    Lala: Does Ernest like to go for walks? It's been strange not having our dogs around--sometimes I think I'd like to get another and then on the other hand it's kind of nice not having to worry about going out and having to get home to take care of a dog.

    I was down .8 yesterday which was a little surprising since TOM started. I'm not complaining at all and like Pam, I'll take it!

    No major plans for the weekend. DS #1 is on his way to Charlotte NC for a conference with his professor and he won't be home until Saturday evening. It's a little odd not having him home. DS #2 has bowling on Saturday morning so I'll be heading out with him and DH is going to a meeting in Pittsburgh for rugby so I'll have a bit of a "free day". I plan to continue to work on the small room and get rid of more stuff. I'm making progress just not as quick as I'd like. I just need to get a little more motivation.
  • Melissa I'm sorry your getting hit with so much snow. We've had only 2 inches so far this winter but the cold has been unbelievable. If your down almost a pound with TOM approaching you should have a nice little loss next week. Enjoy your free day this weekend...I like having those kind of days

    Lala my DH has a wonderful sense of humor and is extremely funny, this usually comes as a surprise to most of his clients (DH is a tax accountant ).

    Susan Please let us know how the "coffee date" went.

    Lisa That's a huge difference in the price of insurance. Glad you were able to get a better rate.

    Well ladies what's everyones plans for the weekend? On Saturday I'm helping a friend of mine who works in the marketing department here with an "event". Unfortuantely it's not very exciting it's a contest that is being held at a local hockey game . She really owes me for this one. On Sunday I'm going to Boston to visit my son. I think that's it for the weekend.
    Hope your all having a good Thursday, talk to you later.
  • Free day yeah Melissa! I'd take advantage of it, work for about two hours and then go do something for you -- massage, pedi or just read a book.

    Sounds divine.

    Ernest love walks. We estimate he walks about 3-5 miles a day depending. This morning we did greenlake which is about 2.8 miles around and he did pretty well. DP and I will take him at lunch for about 30 minutes and then he'll do another hour tonight, for sure.

    He needs about 5 miles a day to get tired, but it doesn't always work.

    Good job on the weigh in!

    Ack on the snow. I suppose Susan is in the same boat.

    I'm having a good day. I had a bad work day yesterday, I still don't feel like I'm fitting in and its bothering me. I am going to go talk to our deputy director and try and get back on track. I spent a lot of this early morning figuring out what is bothering me and one thing is that I feel like I am being taken advantage of by one scientist (who is my peer, and strangely, I am paid more than him and more senior) who is using me exclusively), sucking my time and not allowing me to do my real job.

    Interesting how that works.

    So, some bucking up here to save my own hide.

    Going to see the Painted Veil at 4:30 today and then out for indian food - I see mulligatawny soup, a salad and a small piece of naan in my future. Yum.

    How is everyone else? Fun plans for Valentine's day?

  • Melissa, I believe Sweet Dreams is okay. Congrats on the loss (woo-hoo). As Pam said, you should show a good loss next week. So much snow--yuck! Icy roads are no fun, too. I always wondered about folks who lived on hills--I guess they park their vehicles at the bottom and walk home!

    Pam, I'm with you--not fond of hockey. That is surprising that a tax accountant would have a good sense of humor. : )

    lala, I'm glad you've been getting out on walks. I'm sure Ernesto loves it. For Valentine's Day, DH and I are going to dinner at a very nice Italian restaurant on 13 February (we usually do that because V Day is too hard to get reservations and they usually jack up the prices.

    Weekend? On Saturday, I'm going to a PartyLite party (candles)--actually it's the get-acquainted gathering for a friend who just became a consultant. I really love their candles--they burn clean, no metal wicks, great fragrances. Maybe some golf with DH. On Sunday I have a rehearsal for an upcoming oratorio. Other than that, nothing special.
  • Cancelled the coffee date. I think I mentioned that I wasn't optimistic, but that turned to pure dread when I called him yesterday to firm up plans. He bordered on rude. I agreed to meet him but called him back about five minutes later and cancelled. I just can't believe how he acted. Asked where I would like to meet then roundly criticized the choice - agressive, etc. Don't need that in my life.

    lala: We have nothing but a light dusting of snow that looks like icing sugar. Everything is frozen rock solid though. Please report back on The Painted Veil; it's on my list.

    Melissa: Congrats on the loss and enjoy your day.

    Pam: Enjoy the visit with your son. I'd like to get back to Boston this year. I feel comfortable there because it's a lot like Halifax.

    Lisa: I do a double take every time you mention golf. Just can't wrap my head around the fact that your weather changes so little. Well, except for those hurricanes....

    There is a giant pub crawl in town tonite - 3200 paid participants. My sister and I are actually going out but I don't expect to run into too many of the revellers at the bar we've chosen. Hope not anyway...

    Attending a course tomorrow after entitled Love What Is. Saturday nite is the play. Sunday morning 10 km run (likely indoors on treadmill as the cold is predicted to continue). Lunch with my friend and her family at their church on Sunday too. Somewhere in there I need to clean my house. Dust is an inch thick

    Have a good one.

  • Good morning!

    It's sunny here this morning and 15 degrees--we're supposed to hit 20 today. We're up to 71" of snow and most of it occurred during the month of January. I think we hit one of the snowiest January's on record. We're supposed to have another dusting of snow later today. I'm hoping that with the little bit of the warm up that the streets thaw out enough that the ruts disappear.

    I'm looking forward to some down time tomorrow. I wouldn't mind heading up to the mall and see if there are any great deals. We'll see though.

    Lala: I like your idea of working 2 hours and then spending the rest of the time on "me" No major plans here for V-Day. We don't usually celebrate it but rather go out when it's not so crazy.

    Pam: We've had a lot of snow and cold. I'm getting tired of having to clear off my car every time I want to go out.

    Lisa: I'm glad the tearoom is okay--if you ever get a chance to go there you should give it a try. It's a nice place to go to and enjoy tea.

    Susan: Sounds like it was a good thing you cancelled your coffee date. As you said, you don't need someone like that! Sounds like you have a pretty busy weekend ahead of you.

    Hi to Karynlee! I hope you're house guests are able to get moved into their own place soon. It's hard when you have extra bodies around and you're not used to it.
  • TGIF, ladies! It's another pretty day here (no complaints). Tonight is a street festival (held every month) in the city near here. DH and I will probably wander around there. Hope to shoot some good golf tomorrow and then yes, clean my house, too! Still OP and doing well, but the weekend is coming and lately that's when I've had problems.

    Melissa, Ohmigosh, I had no idea you had that much snow and then the cold, too. Well, stay warm. I don't know if you have this problem, but when I lived up north, I acted like a bear. When it was cold, I stayed indoors and ate food like it was going out of style! I may just visit Sweet Dreams some day.

    Susan, I'm so glad you canceled the coffee date with Mr. Nasty. Good thing he showed his true colors beforehand. I've never been to a pub crawl, but it sounds like fun. If they did one here, I would need to find a GF to go with as DH doesn't drink a drop. Good that you're keeping up the running. Try to stay warm.

    Pam, Yes, have fun with your son. Stay warm, too.

    lala, Sorry about the work situation. That's bad when the place you spend 1/3 of your day (or more) is unpleasant. Let us know how things work out.

    Toodles for now.
  • Hi everyone,

    Grey and rainy here, but its not snowing,so I'll take it.

    Have a work meeting at 11, will report back.

    Susan - movie was great, glad you cancelled coffee date. He sounds awful.

    Melissa -the malls will be packed with summerwear and people scrounging for presents, but you will probably find a good deal.

    Hi to everyone else. Must run and try and calm down before meeting.

    I'm planning on taking Ernest for a long walk this afternoon.


  • Hi ladies,

    Susan I'm glad you cancelled your date with that obnoxious arse. You don't need to waste your time with that. Enjoy the pub crawl...went to one myself many years ago and had a great time. I really enjoy Boston too and I'm glad my son likes living there, he grew up and went to college in small towns so I wasn't sure how he would like "city" life, but he really does. Dust is also approaching the inch mark in my house...yikes!

    Lisa Enjoy golfing this weekend. Since we had virtually no snow this winter (keeping fingers crossed) and if the temps warm up, maybe I'll be able to golf by early April this year.

    Lala I hope your work situation improves I can see where you would feel your being taken advantage of. How was Painted Veil, that's on my list to see also. Valentines plans will be pretty much the same as the past few years, we go to a charming little restaurant in Amherst that we accidently discovered. Rumor has it that Uma Thurman was once a waitress there.

    Melissa Yikes I guess your lucky compared to upstate NY, I think I heard on the news they got 7 feet in Oswego. Hope you find some good deals in the mall this weekend.

    Ok ladies time to get some work done. Have a nice weekend
  • Meeting went okay. I need more focus in my job.

    Ditto for my life.

    Food for thought.

    Oh and this:

    I got this from the flylady board:

    If hunger is not the problem, then food isn't the solution.

    Really? Jeez. Wow. Not a bad way to approach life.

    Now, I am hungry.