Core Chat for Feb. 5-11, 2007

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  • Okay - thanks for helping me keep this in perspective - you are right - when I try to imagine things turned around the other way - I send him a shirt that doesn't fit - I would be very upset myself and would do EVERYTHING in my power to ensure he had a shirt that fit as he liked! I would want him to tell me and then I would figure out other options.

    Vickie - I love your 'suggested' wording and will use it if I may! I really really want to have my very own froufie cruise shirt - so I will ask how to best get this done! (and will send $$ for sure!).

    Niki - I actually think I still like and need that beige thing so may order it anyways for 'other' outfits - I guess it won't 'show' under clothing? (what if you are wearing a white shirt - with white bra and this beige thing - I presume the white straps might show?)

    Sandra - you go girl - give that new bow a 'championship' workout!

    Rhonda - hope your backache is feeling better (did you take anything? ) - I sitll have a slight crick in my neck from sleeping on the loveseat (besides the fact that I look like @#$# with puffy eyes, red cheeks and a tired face!)

    DD home sick today (same sore throat ds had last week) - so dropped her off at her dad's for the day as the cleaning lady is at our house today (YIPPEE).

    On the way home I am stopping at the mall/Sears to pick up my NEW LANCOME mascara and my bonus, ordered some white sandals from catalogue for possible cruise wear so have to get those too.


  • BP is down to 104 over 64...quite remarkable for me. The bronchial tubes still feel tight/weird but maybe not as bad.

    This low sodium thing stinks. I've decided not to go crazy for the moment. I'm just not going to use the shaker and I'm going to avoid high salt things like soup. Except...I had HC Split pea soup at lunch. I've eaten it a million times before. It has about 900 mgs of salt for the whole can which I always eat. I ate about 2/3 of the can and decided I was "satisfied". I'm guessing this will be good for my program as well. I probably have NO idea what things taste like.

    Frouf, I'm glad you sound better. I hope you use whatever wording works! I just don't want to think of you upset or in emotional pain.

    Sandra, your new bow sounds very cool. Go get em, chick!
  • Ooh, I love your wording Vickie, and you're right to turn it around Frouf. You wouldn't want HIM to feel upset by something you did, especially if it was intended to make you happy. I'm sure he'll do anything he can to make you comfortable.

    So I called my salon, and they had an appointment for today! at 4:15. I scheduled for a consultation and a cut, but if I decide I won't get it cut today it'll be OK. Knowing me though, it'll get cut. I was talking to my mom, and it's funny. She thinks of her hair as a valuable (and non-renewable) commidity , and to me, it's an irritating, over-abundant easily replaceable annoyance. I have no doubt I will like the cut for it's comfort and ease of styling. I just hope it'll look good too. I think I'm obsessing waaay too much over a haircut.

    I have weigh-in tonight, and I'm hoping to do pretty well. I still don't have my appetite back from the stomach flu a week ago, so my weight is down. Hey, I'll take what I can get!

  • ahh frouf, I hear you,,I have done what Vickie suggested and took a t-shirt out of the washer and wore it wet! It worked for me. Hope you dont stress anymore about it...((hugs))
    Vickie have you tried any low-sodium soups?? or making your own,,there are some good recipes on here,, I find the way Im eating now I HAVE to freeze stuff so Im not tempted to just grab whatever from the cupboard. I also have to be more organized and have things on hand to make a salad etc... I do find myself cooking alot more now but figure Im worth it. Dh wont eat what I eat so I make twice the meals..I try to sneak in good stuff in his though haha. Good going on the blood pressure reading!
    Angela good luck on the haircut today and wiegh in
    Suppers ready so im going to wave at everyone else.....
    just had to peek in and give my two cents..
  • Angela, I'm delighted for you and can't wait to see a picture. I bet it will make you look even younger than you already look. Have your 5 year old take another great shot for you!
  • Patti, Jim bought me low sodium ketchup. I'm sure I'll be trying ALL kinds of new stuff.
  • Okay everyone...big news. I did indeed get my haircut. In this picture, it's still a bit wet, and styled maybe a little differently than I will style it. Plus my glasses are crooked. But you get the idea.

    And, I lost 3.6 at weigh-in tonight, which puts me firmly within my WW goal weight, so I don't have to pay anymore!! I'm sure a lot of that loss is due to the stomach flu and the haircut, but hey, I'll take it.

    Just thought I'd share.

    Time to put kids to bed,
  • Oh Angela, you looks SO pretty and perky....I just love it! Congratulations on doing something new. I'm also VERY proud of your loss. Good going.
  • Wow, Angela, the haircut is great. It's very flattering. And, congratulations on the weight loss.

    Sandra...a bow that changes colors is really cool. No doubt, you'll be the envy of all the archers in North America! They'll be so busy looking at your bow, they'll miss their shots and you'll be the

    Frouf, it looks like you have a solution. Boy, did we ever give good advice on that one.

    Vickie, I'm willing to bet that as time goes on you will get used to less salt. It really can be a killer. It's great that your BP is down some now.

    My back got better as the day went on. I have just stressed it too much and have had to sit too much recently. Sitting is really not good for me, and I have to do so much of it. At least my co-workers are used to me getting up and walking around whatever room we are using in order to work out the kinks.

    We went to Home Depot tonight and looked at cabinets. I'm considering some built-ins for the dining room. I have NO storage space and no buffet ror china cabinets. It will take me forever to decide what I want, but at least we put some effort into looking.

    I'm shutting down the computer. Have a good night everyone.

  • Wow - Angela - you look cute as a button - love the hair - and it will be so easy to maintain - and I don't think they cut 3 lbs of hair off of you! congrats on the amazing loss!

    Vickie - congrats on getting that bp under control - great numbers! I guess I should be more serious in finding those low sodium products - you are setting a very good example for me!

    Ya - so I did email Ray and let him know about how he so 'sweetly underestimated' my size - of course he felt super bad - I asked if I could somehow have the shirt redone on my own - turns out he had it custom made on the web ( - amazing site for customized gifts of all kinds)....but before I could check it out and see what other styles and sizes they carried - he sent me an email saying he had already ordered a 2X for me! Well I was thankful (but still kinda upset cuz I don't think the 'style' is good for someone of my proportions?)...the other thing I found out is that they have a 30 day return/refund policy (but not sure if this is for custom orders?? doubtful I guess?). So he is bringing the shirt to me in Florida - and I am SUPPOSED to put it on before we board - ya so wish me luck that the damn thing actually fits me (without too many fat rolls being exposed) - definitely on the market for a industrial strength camisole to suck it all in! Wish me luck!

    Now I am supposed to be 'reading' some material for this workshop I am on tomorrow - but have a headache and the dreaded 'eye twitch' as I am so tired from my lack of sleep and emotional exhaustion - need to get to bed by 10 pm at the latest!

    And I guess tomorrow is the 'official' end of week 2 Lose to Cruise weigh- in- I may have to get a one day extension myself (altho I am supposedly going out to dinner w/a gf tomorrow night so that might not work in my favor?)- I will bravely get on the scale and assess the damage (and lack of exercise this week couldn't have helped?). I think once I am rested and feeling better I will be in a better position to work this challenge!

  • Rhonda, take care. Chronic pain stinks!

    Frouf, good girl! All the stress is over now. You're probably feeling some letdown. I'm on my way up to have a bubble bath.

    My numbers are good because I'm on 3 types of BP medicine! It's ok though. He wanted my numbers way down for the stress test on Friday. Have a good evening chicks!
  • Angela, I love it!! I can picture you just putting your hands in it and fluffing it up -- what an easy and hopefully maintenance free look! It is very flattering for your face shape. WAY TO GO on that awesome loss!!

    Good news, Frouf. I'm glad you got it all settled; otherwise, you would have fretted about it for the next three weeks. Ray sounds like a genuinely nice and caring friend.

    I'm hoping for a good weigh-in tomorrow. This morning was 138.8 and (look away, Patti) I weighed tonight and it was right at 140. I'm usually two down in the morning, so I should still be within the 138s. I will change the tracker if so. I have been so stupendously good this week that I amazed even myself. My only non-Core food has been my nightly Dove dark chocolate, but it's only 43 calories. Tomorrow I have planned a Flex meal though, because I've been wanting a Nutrigrain bar. I have some blueberry bars at work so that with skim milk will be breakfast. Since that's so carby, I had to find a mainly protein lunch to balance it. In fact, I think I'll go ahead and start the menu thread for tomorrow.

    Rhonda, take care of your back! Poor thing!

    So Sandra, we got our letters today for the Arlington Sportsmens Club. Our orientation is Feb. 18 and after that, we'll be going out. If I know Judd, it'll be every weekend for a while. (Maybe I should go ahead and buy stock in Remington now since we'll be buying so many shells.) I suppose we'll also take the bow out there; I'll let you know how that goes. I'm sure I'll have 45,000 questions after the first time.

    Good night, everybody.
  • Morning all. I missed WI yesterday - just too darn busy at work to make the meeting. I was actually in meetings from 9 straight through until 3:00. Sarah is once again sick - fever started yesterday morning and not much better all day. She was at my moms yesterday and today I'm home with her. I brought all my work home with me and will be calling into meetings all day. Sarah is much better this morning. Motrin cuts fevers so much better than tylenol -- I did figure this out last time but I forgot! Well, she had motrin at 4am and woke up at 8 with just a low grade. Last night she spiked up to about 102 or so.

    Angela, I love the hair! It will be so much easier. The last 2 times I had mine cut its getting shorter and shorter. And congrats on the loss! Fabulous, lousy way to get it but good thing out of being sick,right?

    Frouf, I'm gald you addressed the shirt issue with Ray. You don't need to be worrying about that in the next few weeks.

    Vickie, my new kick has been making soups/stews. When I make them there is no salt added - I even buy low sodium stock. Very tasty, especially with fresh herbs.

    Kathy, good luck on the scale this morning!
    Rhonda, congrats on the job!

    Well, got to check on my baby girl and get ready for conf call #1 at 9:30.

  • Good Morning chicks.

    Kathy, good luck this morning.

    Paula, I just can't imagine salt free but I'm trying. Yesterday, I cooked with no salt...just what was in the tomatoes and tomato paste. It was so flat. I admit that I shook just a few grains on top of my food. I'm doing the best I can.

    No caffeine or chocolate for me today. It's a test rule. I can't even have decaf coffee or tea because there is still caffeine in those. I do miss my decaf in the morning. I guess I'll get lots of water in today!

    Light and love and a great program day my friends!
  • Good morning,I weighed myself this morning and I will post my results on the cruise to lose thread. My neighbor has her house for sell, so this looks like a pretty much done deal that they are moving. I just hope they sell to a nice family with children. I hate to see them go.

    Froufy you seem in better spirits, I am sure the 2x will be very roomy. I am getting my haircut at 1pm this afternoon, I did check with a couple of people that i found out she cut their hair and they love her. My hair is not very difficult, I have a lot of long layers, I am going to get it cut like America Ferrera the girl who plays Ugly Betty(not ugly Betty's style She was on Ellen yesterday and I called up The stylist and told her to put on the channel, so she knows what I want.Wish me luck and keep your fingers & toes crossed and that I finally find a stylist I like. I think the beige support thingy is sheer enough to wear under t-shirts, you may not even need a bra it does have some bust support.

    Angela I love your hair, it looks great!

    Paula I hope Sarah feels better, I to prefer Motrin over Tylenol

    Vickie so happy to hear your bp is down, good luck in Friday!

    Kathy hope the scale is kind this A.M!

    Rhonda conratulations on the New Position & glad to hear your back is feeling better.

    Sandra your new bow sounds so pretty, you definitely will be the envy of all!