Fabulous Forties #83

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  • The tomatoes are much better. Thanks, Terri.
  • Myra, we must have been posting at the same time. Here's my post from page 2.

    Hi Buddies,

    Terri, what cute tomatoes!!!! Let me know how you like the movie. Bruce will be in my prayers tonight. He'll have an right next to him.

    Myra, I've been saying I have to make the veggie soup for the past 3 months. It's so good & so easy to make. I 've just been too lazy to make it WTG!! Great way to start your week!

    Zoe, nice to rearrange furniture every now & then whether it's at home or at the office. I think I would have done the same thing, to get it over with today instead of tomorrow. You know how Mondays are, hectic to begin with. Good goin Sounds like you have some putter. What ever that means I don't know anything about golf.

    Jen, I missed the concert. I was watching a very good movie then I went to sleep right after that. I turned in around 10:00. Sorry I missed it

    I had a great day today. We went to church. The sermon was on how to conquer fear!! It was awesome. I felt so blessed when I walked out of there. Then my brother suggested we all go to the Chinese Buffet, kids & all. We had such a good time. His little chatter box 7 yr. old daughter sat next to me.

    Well my friends, till tomorrow.

    Hugs to all,
  • Essie,

    I must confess I was pushed into it by the fact that my CSA gave me this HUGE head of cabbage that I had no room for. I've been planning to make it for a while myself. Finally did it.
  • Myra, thanks for the reminder about the WW veggie soup. It's autumn, a great time to start the soups again, and it's definitely a good one.

    Terri, God will keep Bruce safe. I can't say I blame you for being worried. I worry whenever Joe travels; now things are intensified. He'll be fine.

    A quiet day today, no grandsons here to visit; they had their pumpkin/halloween family outing this weekend.

    Bears win! First place!

  • Happy Monday

    Brand new week. I have to drink lots of water today to flush out the sodium from the chinese food I had yesterday.

    Jen, I enjoy my quiet times. Halloween is next week so I have to start buying candy. I figured I would wait till the last minute so I wouldn't be tempted.

    Myra, that's another reason why I hardly ever make the soup, cause I have all this leftover cabbage. Someone suggested to buy the cabbage that comes in a bag. You pay a little more but it's just enough for the soup.

    Gotta go.

    Be back later.

    Have a great OP day
  • Bruce is in Houston right now. He has to wait an hour to get on the next plane. They searched everything. Took apart his luggage and everything. They do it randomly. Thanks for your prayers.

    YAY BEARS!!!

    Glad you had such a nice Sunday. I'll bet that little girl talked your ear off.
    I have to make the soup too. LOVE IT!!!!

    Steelers Win! First Place!
  • Diane & Essie,
    Forgive me for the confusion. I will never make that mistake again. Sorry!! But what I said was sincere. I do hope that Ellen and I can be close when she is grown. I have tried to be close to my mother and she just refuses to stop being my mommy. It is very frustrating at times, she is a very controlling person. I hope I don't repeat all of her mistakes.

    COngratulations on your loss. I know how you feel when it is that TOM. I have been plotting my weight loss (I am a scientist after all) and I have noticed that every 4to 5 weeks there is a week with either no change or a small gain. I am sure you can figure out what that is correlated with. Oh well we 40 somethings won't have to deal with that too much longer.

    DId all of you get to see the concert this weekend? I wish I had but we dont have cable. It sounds like it was great.

    I hope everyone is healthy. Ellen was sick with a slight fever on Friday and I was sick over the weekend. Not so sick that we had to stay in bed all day, but just not quite up to normal.

    I am so excited about the Yankees!!! Can you believe it. I know baseball doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, but I really think NY needs to win the World Series this year. They need something to celebrate!!

    Have a wonderful monday,
  • Hi everyone!

    Boy you guys are fast..I barely had time to read thread 82.

    My husband & I are still trying to catch up on things here at home. He usually works at home doing materials estimating. But it has been really slow so he's working part time at a resort in New Braunfels. So our whole schedule has been topsy turvy.

    From the posts I've read it sounds like everyone is doing great. I still need to re-read the posts about attachments. I want to learn how to do that.

    Since the weather has cooled off here it has really energized us to do a bunch of outside work. I've also been doing windows on the house.

    I'm starting back on program today. Lot's of water and journaling.
    Tomorrow is my weigh in. I guess I'll see how I did over the last 3 wks. of not being on program.

    I've got to run. Have a great day everyone!

  • Joyce, good luck. I'm sure you did fine.
  • I hope we don't have to wait to long to be able to not worry about TOMs but a new set of stuff will happen I am sure. My mom started going through menopause in her early 40's. Wonder if I will?
    Thanks for the congrats! I am excited about the Yankees and I am so happy the Braves are out. Can't stand them.
    Sorry if there are any Braves fans reading.
    I hope you and your baby girl are better. I hate when the kids are sick. I just want to cuddle them all day. Even Britts. Even though she is taller than me. LOL

    Good luck with weigh-in. You will be fine.

  • Hello my buddies

    Janie - No problem on the confusion with David. I'm sure I'd be proud to be his mom, but I think Es would prefer to keep that job I do, however, have a great relationship with my beautiful daughter, Alana! I know what you mean about relationships with moms and daughters, though. I don't have a relationship at all with my mom, I was raised by my nana. So, I guess that makes me appreciate my relationship with Alana even more. Janie, I'm excited about the yanks too, and you're right - NY does need some celebrating right now. But truth be told, whether they win or not, we have quite a lot to be proud of the way the city has come together.

    Terri - congrats on the loss - way to go. Glad that Bruce arrived safe and sound.

    Es -You're right to wait until last minute to buy that halloween candy-the longer it sits in my house, the more I hear it calling to me.
    D I A N N E.........come and eat me!

    Jen - congrats on the win for the Bears!

    Myra - I have never tried the ww vegetable soup - is it good?

    Hi Joyce - good luck with the "starting over".

    Well, went to visit Alana this weekend, but didn't get to do any of the "family activities" they scheduled, since Alana had us "shop til we drop". We bought her a frige, microwave and rug, not to mention all the "personal hygiene stuff" an 18 year old young woman needs Then yesterday morning we took her and her roomate to brunch. That was cool. It was good to see her. Now, I won't get another fix until Thanksgiving

    Wow, did I just write a novel or what That's cause I was missing in action for a couple of days, now I have diarrhea of the mouth

    Talk to you soon,

  • Yes it is real good, and very filling.
  • Hello my friends ~ another Monday gone.....whew! I really dislike Monday but when it's done, the rest of the week is all downhill.

    Es ~ I am so glad that I went into work on Sunday to finish up that move. It was so nice to be able to just walk in there this morning and 'get to work'. Well, I really didn't 'get to work' since my surroundings were different and I didn't know where I was. Ha! Anyway, I put my new trophey for "Best Putter" in my office with the one from last year. I suppose I should wonder how I do it cuz I'm not a golfer either.

    Dianne ~ I remember when we were talking about how upset I was that my son was moving out and you were thinking about your wonderful Alana going off to college.....now I'm almost used to Chris being gone from the house and you're out buying Alana a fridge. I know how you feel......just think of the wonderful visit you'll have in Novemeber.

    Terri ~ I'm glad the Braves are out too!! As for you worrying about Bruce, I know how you feel. Greg has to be out of town every weekend in October and this last one he left Saturday around noon and just got home about an hour ago. This was one of the worst times. I felt so lost and for some reason, I worried more this time. I know that Bruce will be fine and you'll be happy to see him when he gets back.

    Joyce ~ if you need any help on the attachment thing, just ask. As you can see, we have become attachment fools and I love it!!

    Hi Jen, Janie and Myra. Hope you're all well too.

    Have a great evening Y'all. Talk to you's tomorrow.

    Patti ~ Soaking up the "SON" in Texas
  • Hi everyone,
    Just checked the score, the Yankees are winning 9 to 0! Congrats to all you Yanks fans.

    I don't care for cooked cabbage, so I use the "old" WW veggie soup recipe; it's from the points system, but was the one before the cabbage addition. I love that soup! The first time I made it (about 4 years ago) I brought it to work and my co-workers were going nuts raving about it.

    Too many posts to try to catch up after only one day! Just know that you're all in my thoughts, and I love to read all the messages from everyone.

    Tomorrow is my son Joey's "golden" birthday, he'll be 23 on the 23rd. How those years have flown by! My baby..........
    We'll take him out for dinner tomorrow; his choice is a fondue restaurant nearby that we haven't tried yet. Good thing we don't like food fried in oil, we'll be having the chicken broth fondue....at least it won't be that bad.

  • Dianne,
    Thanks so much . Glad your weekend with Alana was fun. I can't imagine when Brittany leaves.

    Thanks so much Patti. Your words comforted me tonight. I feel really weird this time. I guess it won't ever be as easy as it once was. Everything is so unpredictable now. Greg and Bruce will be fine. Bruce got to Los Angeles and had to go staright to a meeting. He called me from the plane as soon as it landed. He didn't want me to worry a second longer than I had to. That was the best phone call. Thanks so much.
    I love the "best Putter" story. Show that baby off. That is so

    Goodnight everyone!