Negotiating the Rapids: grocery-shopping on an empty stomach with cash in my pocket

  • I'm so proud of myself. And who else am I going to brag to about this stuff?

    Went grocery shopping today. Mind you, on weekends, even when I get up at a reasonable hour, I often don't have breakfast until afternoon, because I keep telling myself I'm going to go to Jamba Juice for a smoothie for breakfast, or whatnot, and I end up being lazy and sitting around until 1 pm when I'm starved and HAVE to get food.

    Well, today, that combined with the fact that I had grocery shopping to do. So intelligent being that I am, I headed out of my house at 2 pm, having not eaten since 11:30 the previous night (on weekends I don't have dinner until then cause I don't go to bed until 1 or 2), to go grocery shopping. To make it even better, I had enough cash in my pocket that I could have stopped in for breakfast/lunch at Taco Bell if I'd felt like it!

    Guess what I did not do? 1: Go to Taco Bell, 2: Buy donuts at the grocery store, 3: Buy Hoho's in the checkout line.

    All of the above! I stuck to my grocery list almost exactly, got home, had an english muffin and a bowl of cereal (double breakfast in place of breakfast and lunch! ), and had three squares of dark chocolate. AND THAT'S IT. Didn't pig out, didn't eat the whole bar of chocolate, didn't have fast food or donuts or Starbucks while I was out! All things I am very sorely tempted to do on a regular basis.

    I'm SO proud of myself. Cause believe me, there were times when I was literally chanting "I don't need it, I don't need that, I don't need that, either" out loud in the grocery store, and weird looks be damned.
  • Hi Nikaia!

    That was BRILLIANT!

    Doesn't it feel good when YOU control the food and it DOES NOT control YOU?!!!!! Love when that happens!

    Now, look how many empty calories are NOT turning to fat as we type!

    Proud of ya, sister!


  • Whew, I'm pooped out now..long story short, WAY TO GO!
  • :

    I'm gonna need all that congratulatory strength to face whatever restaurant my dad takes me to tonight...I tend to eat a lot when we go places, cause for once I'm not paying for it.
  • That's great! I'm with Cheryl about you controlling the food.

    I have learned this is easier when I grab some quick breakfast in these situations -- a kashi bar or something like that.

    But BRAVO! for being strong!